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4.Twin Sisters

James is a very traditional man, which is why Emily had to pretend to be a virgin and make things official with him. Her previous pregnancy and abortion were certainly things she couldn't let him find out about.

"Isabella, stop threatening me. James loves me so much; he won't believe what you say," Emily glared at her.

"I don't know how much he loves you, but I'm not interested in men who are easily swayed. However, I hadn't planned to give up this room to you. If you don't leave, I'll call James and see if he'll believe me..." Isabella began reaching for her phone as she spoke.

Before she could finish her sentence, Emily left angrily to find Charlotte.

"Sweetie, what's wrong with you again? I just managed to pacify your dad. Be good and give me a break," Charlotte warned.

"Mom, it's because you're too soft-hearted. You should have kicked them both out from the start. Let's see how they'd dare to argue with me over a room," Emily said bitterly.

"Darling, keep your voice down, you might be heard by your dad," Charlotte quickly covered Emily's mouth with her hand in a panic.

"It's just a bedroom; why compete with her? Don't sweat the small stuff. You'll be marrying James in a year; you should focus on him now. You're already engaged; you should urge him to get the marriage certificate sooner rather than later. It's better to avoid any unforeseen problems."

"You need not worry. He's already at my mercy, like a little puppy," Emily said proudly.

Charlotte reminded her, "Oh, you're feeling quite confident now, but remember who cried and worried that James wouldn't be responsible for her back then. If it weren't for Victoria's advice to fake a pregnancy and a miscarriage and then blame it on Isabella, do you think you could have made James submit?"

Emily and Victoria were a pair of identical twins, with Victoria being the more beautiful one and Emily the smarter one. The two daughters had always been Charlotte's pride. Currently, Victoria was abroad, busy with her rising career as an actress for the past couple of years.

"Yes, everything about my sister is better in your eyes," Emily grumbled, then picked up a jewelry box from the vanity and handed it to Charlotte.

"James gave this to me just today, and I heard it's a family heirloom of the Brown family, only given to daughters-in-law."

Inside the box were a pair of jade bangles, with a pure green color, completely flawless. You could tell from the water content that it was top-quality jade. Gold has a price, but jade is priceless. These bangles were incredibly valuable and undoubtedly a family treasure.

Charlotte held the bangles, and a thought suddenly crossed her mind. "Emily, you can get some satisfaction quite easily..."

Isabella's first night back in the Harris family's house was peaceful enough.

She had a habit of sleeping in, and the next morning, Ava had to wake her up.

"Ava, what time is it?" She sat up in bed, rubbing her still-sleepy eyes.

"It's eight o'clock. Now, get up and head downstairs. You mentioned you wanted to talk to your dad," Ava reminded her and handed her a coat.

After changing clothes and a quick freshening up, she went downstairs.

In the dining room, David and Charlotte were having breakfast, and the atmosphere was lively, filled with laughter and conversation.

Isabella couldn't help but admire Charlotte's skills. Last night's events didn't seem to have any effect on her. As a politician, David wasn't that easy to handle, but Charlotte had him under control just perfectly.

If her mother, Eleanor Allen, had half of Charlotte's abilities, her divorce wouldn't have ended so miserably. Her mother was too proud, unwilling to cater to a man. While a woman needs her self-esteem, excessive pride isn't necessarily a good thing.

Isabella took her seat, obediently greeted everyone, "Dad, Aunt, Sister, good morning."

Emily didn't even look up, and under the table, Charlotte discreetly tugged at her daughter's collar, annoyed that she couldn't control her temper.

"Isabella's here. How did you sleep last night?" She asked Isabella, looking lovingly at her. If you didn't know any better, you'd think she was Isabella's biological mother.

"Grace, bring a bowl of salad, Isabella doesn't like high calorie foods," Charlotte instructed one of the maids.

"Thank you, Aunt. It's rare that you still remember what I like." Isabella smiled warmly, then took a sip of the porridge.

David had finished his meal, set down his utensils, and immediately, Charlotte handed him a napkin, serving him perfectly. She was gentle and considerate both at home and outside; who wouldn't call her tender and virtuous.

"Dad, there's something I'd like to discuss with you," Isabella spoke up at the right moment before David stood up.

"What is it?" David asked, with an indifferent attitude.

"My courses for this semester have ended, and I'm eligible for a graduation internship. I want to help out at the company," she said.

Moonlit Art Inc. used to be an asset of the Allen family and was left by Isabella's grandfather. Before her grandfather passed away, he transferred most of the company's shares into the name of her, his only granddaughter. Due to her young age, the company had been managed by David and Charlotte throughout this time.

Charlotte's cousin, Robert, is the current CEO of Moonlit Art Inc.

"Managing a company can be tough, Isabella. You're a girl, and you'll eventually get married. It's better to wait and become a proper mistress of the house. You're so blessed not to know how to enjoy it. With your uncle managing the company for you, there's no need to worry," Charlotte said earnestly. She certainly didn't want Isabella to regain control of the company. She had already regarded Moonlit Art Inc. as her own.

David maintained a composed expression and added, "Your aunt is right, young ladies should stay out of the limelight. I'll arrange a position for you at the Cultural Bureau. You can intern there."

Taking control of Moonlit Art Inc., something they had already obtained, wouldn't be easily given up.

She raised the corners of her lips slightly, her gaze slightly cold, and bit into a slice of bread without saying anything.

As expected, she hadn't thought they would easily agree, but she had her own methods.


Luminosity Club was a chaotic place, a playground for wealthy men and a place of decline for beautiful women.

Isabella walked through it, feeling a bit uneasy.

"Olivia, are you sure Connor is here?" Isabella asked the girl following her.

Olivia was Ava's daughter and had been Isabella's loyal companion since childhood.

"The private detective said so. Mr. Connor spent the night here and hasn't left yet."

Connor was the Vice President of Moonlit Art Inc., the second-largest shareholder. He held a significant position in the company, and with his support, Isabella's entry into the company wouldn't be difficult.

However, gaining his support wouldn't be that easy; at the very least, she needed some leverage.

Connor was shrewd, and his only drawback was his weakness for women. Unfortunately, he had a fierce wife at home.

As they spoke, a drunk, obese man suddenly appeared, grabbing Isabella's wrist with one hand and leaning over her like an octopus.

"You're a new girl, right? This face, this figure, you're quite a looker. An enchanting little devil. Come, let me show you some affection."

The stench of alcohol hit Isabella, and she almost retched. She used both hands and feet to push him away. "Get lost! I'm not one of the girls!"

The obese man staggered back, nearly falling. "Oh, this little lady's got some spirit. I like it. All the girls who come here say they're not 'girls,' but it's only because the price isn't right. What about your offer?"

The Stranger’s bulky body came lunging toward her again, provoking Isabella's anger. She grabbed the hand he extended, biting it without any hesitation.

"Ah!" He hadn't expected her to bite him and cried out in pain before raising his hand to slap her.

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