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Standing in my hotel room, lying in bed, I couldn't shake off thoughts about my recent actions. Questions lingered in my mind—was it a mistake? Was it morally right or wrong? What consequences awaited me? Regret filled my thoughts as I pondered the potential benefits and repercussions.

Contemplating my recklessness, I realized I had unwittingly entered into a pact with the Devil himself, leaving no room for victory. Rising from bed, I draped myself in a silky robe and reached for a bottle of wine. Pouring a glass wasn't sufficient for the day; I opted to fill the entire glass.

My mind fixated on his face, a captivating sight that intrigued me, bordering on obsession. Despite the allure, I dismissed it as a fleeting infatuation, rationalizing that finding someone skilled in negotiation like myself was a rare feat.

Interrupting my reflections, the hotel room phone rang, and I answered with a casual "Hello." The haunting voice from my dreams the previous night spoke, expressing reluctance at my departure.

Displeased with his tone, I retorted, emphasizing my significance as more than just a beautiful woman. The conversation took a sarcastic turn as he acknowledged my intelligence, leading to a proposal for a meeting at a downtown café in two hours.

Leaving the hotel, I arrived downtown promptly to find him already seated, exuding confidence in his Armani jacket adorned with rings and tattoos. Our eyes met, and he acknowledged my punctuality, inviting me to sit down.

Engaging in banter, I complimented his gentlemanly demeanor, to which he replied with a smirking assertion that a gentleman was akin to a patient wolf. Transitioning to business, he disclosed a troublesome man craving power, tasking me with discreetly eliminating the threat at a meeting later that night.

Agreeing to the job, I prepared for the task ahead, donning a dark grey dress and applying lipstick. As I entered the upscale restaurant, I spotted the man, exactly as described by Alessio. Seating myself, he scorned Madrigal for delegating his work to a woman. Unfazed, I engaged in small talk, feigning a smile while surreptitiously tampering with his drink, confident in my ability to handle the impending task.

"He doesn't value anyone, and this won't succeed," he remarks, brushing away my hands. As if I cared; I had already achieved what I set out to do.

"We don't make deals," I declare, rising from my seat, observing him take a sip from his drink.

"You'll regret this," he threatens.

"No, you will," I assert and walk away...

Entering Alessio's study, I inform him that the deal has been successfully completed.

"Good job, Miss Raven. My man informed me that you've finished the task. They're handling the aftermath," he says. The dim light filtering through the windows provides only a vague view of him, leaving much to the imagination.

In his large hand, he holds a glass of Macallan whiskey, adding an extra touch of elegance to his already striking figure, causing my heart to race.

"Well, you shouldn't have underestimated me," I retort.

He approaches me, and my breath catches in my throat. Why does he have this effect on my self-control?

"I never did; that's why I hired you in the first place," he whispers.

Why does this moment feel so significant? I relish the darkness, I admire him...

"My payment," I interject, disrupting the moment I desperately wish wouldn't end.

He steps back, handing me a box filled with stacks of money. "I assume you're satisfied," he remarks.

"Of course," I reply, smiling. "It was a pleasure doing business with you. I look forward to hearing about my next assignment soon."

And with that, I exit his room...

Returning to my hotel after a shopping spree with my newly earned money, I unlock the door to my room, only to find Alessio Madrigal waiting inside.

"I see you've put that money to good use," he remarks as I enter.

"What I do with my money is my business, not yours," I retort, maintaining a cold tone.

"Of course, of course," he replies casually. "Thanks to you, Miss Raven, we've eliminated a significant threat. I thought it would be fitting to throw a little celebration. There will be important guests, and naturally, you're invited."

A party? This week seems to be full of unexpected experiences.

"Parties aren't really my scene unless there's business to attend to, so don't expect me to show up," I inform him.

"Not your thing? A woman like you brings them to life. Consider it, love. It's good for your reputation to be seen," he suggests, tipping his fedora.

"I'll consider it," I say, closing the door.

"The party kicks off at nine..."

Seven hours later.

The clock has already struck nine. Should I attend the party, or should I stay put? He was correct about it being beneficial for my reputation, a reputation he seemed to be tarnishing. Why did he personally invite me? He's an extraordinary person. Normally, I can decipher and understand others, but when it comes to him, my abilities seem to vanish.

Choosing to satisfy my curiosity, akin to Pandora, I decide to go. I apply metallic eyeshadow and eyeliner, opting for a matte red lipstick, and let my hair cascade down. My almond-shaped black eyes stand out in the light.

I settle on my red fishtail dress paired with gold Versace pointed toe heels, exuding a sense of boldness. Although the clock reads ten, I'm not bothered; good things take time, and that's what I am. As I step through the mansion gates, I observe the lights and elegantly dressed people having a good time.

Exiting the cab, I walk inside to the sound of classical music, feeling eyes on me. "Hello, Raven. You're here, and fashionably late," Alessio's voice reaches me.

Positioned in my side profile, I turn to look at him. His eyes widen as he takes in my appearance. "Maybe it was worth it," he comments, approaching me.

In a white button-up shirt paired with red pants and a jacket, matching my outfit, he looks incredibly attractive. I couldn't help but be captivated by him. "You look ravishing," he compliments, and a smile graces my lips. "Thank you," I reply, accepting a glass of Moët Chandon.

"Enjoy your evening," he says, departing, and an unexpected chill envelops me.

Taking a sip of champagne, I survey the crowd—gangsters, corrupt individuals, important figures, and carefree women. This could be a valuable opportunity for me, thankfully standing out from the rest.

Lost in these thoughts, a man approaches. Disappointed that it isn't Alessio, I try to dismiss him, but he persists. "You don't look like these other women," he remarks.

"That's because I'm not. Don't linger if you're expecting an average woman," I assert.

"I'm not," he says with a charming smile. "I can see you're a businesswoman."

"I'm not available at the moment," I reply, unintentionally catching Alessio's gaze. He watches without intervening.

"You won't regret it," the persistent man insists.

Suddenly, a pair of strong arms envelop my waist. "Everything alright, love?" Alessio inquires.

"The lady made it clear she wasn't available for business," the man explains.

"In that case, it's wise to reconsider and leave," Alessio advises, twirling me around.

"May I have a dance with you?" he asks without waiting for my response. Placing his hand on my waist, he pulls me closer to his chest.

"We're matching," he observes, lowering his head to my level.

"If I knew better, I would have chosen a different dress," I remark, rolling my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes; it's disrespectful," he admonishes with a serious expression.

"I don't care how you take it," I reply.

"Why don't you try to see me as not the enemy for once? I'm genuinely making an effort for you to form a positive opinion of me," he suggests.

"Why should you care about what I think of you?" I inquire, but he opts to ignore my question, not exactly a great start to winning me over.

He sweeps me off my feet, carrying me closer to the floor, one hand on my waist and the other on my thigh.

"How much do you hate me, Miss Raven?" he asks before lifting me back to my feet.

"I would destroy myself just to take you down with me," I confess, though it's partially a lie, as I desire him as strongly as I despise him.

He chuckles. "Well, that's a bit extreme, even for a woman like you."

"I'm glad you understand," I say, stepping back from him.

Deep down, I truly despise him—for making me his pawn, for binding me to him, and for stirring emotions in me that I've never felt before now.

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