Read with BonusRead with Bonus


We get inside the building. Alessio was right these people were really powerful. I could tell from the place, the people and their expensive cars too.

My thoughts are interrupted when I see Alessio's hand extended to me:"Ready for the act love?"-he says smiling at me.

"Of course."-I say and take his hand.

There were beautiful, crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The shiny Italian floor reflected the people's figures. In every table there were bouquets of rare flowers. Classy and luxurious. I was playing in my field.

In a moment I feel Alessio bringing me closer to his body. His hand was in my waist and the other one in my arm. His expensive cologne was filling my lungs.

Maybe he was right. I wasn't sure if I could do the job. These odd feelings were getting on my way. His presence next to me was distracting, it gave me strength, but made me weak at the same time. I didn't understand it. And I don't like what I don't understand.

He brings my hand on his chest making me even more distracted.

"It's part of the act, and you are doing great. Now I know it is difficult for you to do this, but you have to smile love. We wouldn't want to make people think I am not a good man now."-he said as he smiled.

"Or that the woman by your side is thinking scenarios on how to get rid of you."-I say to him faking a smile.

"Mr. Madrigal."-I hear someone say. There stood a middle aged man.

"Mr. Paul."-Alessio says and shakes his hand.

"I am very glad to see you here. And I see you brought your girlfriend too. It's good to see you miss, your beauty is immense."-the educated man says making me smile, but I saw Alessio frown.

"Thank you sir, it is a pleasure to meet you too."-I say.

"I will have to leave for a while, but we will talk again. Enjoy the evening."-the man said as he left.

"You know you were right about the escorts. They can't be compared to this. And did I tell you how exquisite you look tonight?"-he says somehow making me smile.

"Wow, you are playing your role very well. I must say I'm impressed."-I told him, trying to hide the fact that I actually enjoyed his compliment.

"What if this wasn't part of the act?"-he asks.

The evening passes as me and Alessio try to act like a happy couple. It is quite difficult when you want to kill him...

"Mister Madrigal. Now we can talk business."-mr. Paul says.

"Of course."-Alessio says as he goes close to him, but when I follow him, he does something I didn't like:

"You can stay here, love. It won't be long."-he says, leaving me there alone. I could see the surprised look on Mr. Paul's face too.

Oh no he did not!!!

Of course! How could it be otherwise! He is a dead man now! He doesn't trust me. That's why he entered the torture room when the man was breaking down, that's why he did this. Then why the FUCK did he hire me? Another thing is that he doesn't trust me and a complete other is leaving me there, alone, embarrassed. Isn't he ruining me enough! I HATE HIM!

I feel so bad, I can't believe I could feel like this. I almost feel my eyes watering as I get out of that place, but they don't. I never cry, not since ten years ago. NEVER!

My almost sadness feeling started to turn into rage and anger. He was going to see me, he was going to listen to me. No one does that to me... Not even him...

I stay in the garden, outside waiting for him. There was a beautiful moon and the stars were shining. In other times I would have found that relaxing, but not now, now...

"What are you doing her...."

Alessio's sentence is cut off from me slapping him in the cheek.

"You arrogant animal! How could you do that? How dare you?.."-I was releasing my inner anger to him and this is just the beginning.

"Me? How dare you? You are the one signing your death contract by slapping me! You are messing with the wrong man love and if you don't take back your words..."

"I don't take nothing back, and I don't regret anything. Do whatever you want. FUCK YOU!"-I say as I walked away from him.

He didn't say anything back, just let me go. I don't usually go from lady to savage and I control my language, but with him I just loose my control. I hate him and want him at the same time. What is happening to me?

The next day...

(Alessio's POV)

Who the hell does she think she is? What is it with that woman? No one talks to me like that, no one treats with disrespect, yet she doesn't seem to care. And I just let her do everything she wants... I'm more mad with myself than I am with her. Why on earth do I keep quiet when she does something I would never tolerate. I would kill other people if they would say even a quarter of the words she tells me, but when she says them I don't. It's like she has me under a spell and I can't be free.

Every time she talks to me sarcastically I enjoy them and laugh at her petty attempts to hurt my pride, or at least pretend to.. I think about her angelic face, her beautiful body... I can't even hide my awkward attraction to her.

But last night everything changed. She passed the limit. No one hits me, no one even touches me. Her slap didn't hurt my cheek, only my pride, so I guess she got what she wanted, but she won't enjoy it. She won't live to tell the story. And I am pretty sure it won't be difficult to make her shut up.

I grab a gun from my study and get out of my house..

Raven POV

That sick and twisted bastard! He hurt my pride and ruined my reputation. He just left me there. I want to kill him right now.

I can't believe I felt attracted to him. I never have feelings for anyone except for anger and disgust. Somehow he makes me feel different around him and I need to stop this.

I hear the outside door crack and grab my pistol. I immediately knew who was.

"How did you came in?"-I ask him.

"I had a copy of the keys."-I hear him say in the corridor.

"Get out!"-I tell him raising my voice.

"Why? Because you want me to?"-he asks and there was something different in his voice. It was harsher than usual..

"Yes, now get out of my house before I.."

In that moment he opens the door of my room.

"This house? My house? The house I got you?"

He was now on my nerves. How dare he say that when he was the cause I was in this situation?

"YOU HIRED ME! THIS IS WHY.. And this IS MY house!"-I yell at him.-"You left me there without even warning me. NOW GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

"You annoying woman! You think you have everyone wrapped around your finger, but not me! I am not the man that goes crazy for a bitc-"

I don't let him finish his sentence and I hit him in his jaw. He moves his jaw like he was trying to shake off the feeling and then he looks at me. In a second he slaps me and I felt my cheek burn. That's when I got even more mad. I hit him in his weak spot, he gets on his knees and I hit him again.

"Who is the boss now?"-I say and smile, but I didn't manage to finish because he grabs my hair and hits me on my hip.

I groan and he gets up saying:

"Still me love."

Well, not for long. I slap him hard and my ring scratches him making his face bleed. I guess that made him angrier.

He comes close to me fast trying to hit me, but fails because I manage to avoid him and then hit him in the stomach.

He gets up and hits me, again. It was hard for me to catch my breath, but I don't know why when he saw me like that he stepped back.

I get up, grab his arm and twitch it. I hear him groan in pain, but I didn't care. When I reminded myself about what he had done I wanted to cry. But I didn't. I go grab my gun quickly and when I turned around so had he.

We look into each other's eyes, our guns pointing one another.

Silence. I was waiting for something to happen. I couldn't do anything, but neither did he.

"Pull the trigger!"-I say.

I felt my muscles getting tired, my pain fade, my judgement clear. I just couldn't do it. I realized I couldn't pull the trigger. I couldn't kill him.

"I hate you!!! You manage to make me forget the hate I feel for you, you make me weak and I despise it. Just shoot me alread-"-I say, but I didn't finished my sentence.

It took me quite a while to realize what was happening. He didn't shoot me. He was kissing me. It was an angry kiss, he was trying to win me by kissing me. I tried to pull back but my feelings betray me.

I kiss him back. We were both fighting for dominance, but he won, and I felt him smile. We continue to kiss and bite each others lips for a few moments before we pull back trying to catch our breaths.

"What does a man have to do to make you shut up?"-he says, his lips were sullen and they looked hot.

"You don't."-I say still breathing heavily.

He grabs me by my waist and bring me closer to him, my heart threatening to get out of my chest.

"From what just happened I'm pretty sure you would like to think your answer."-he whispers.

"Why don't you do it again and we'll see what happens..."-I say and so he does..

"Even in a room full of art, she was the only masterpiece I was looking at."

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