3- Solaris

I like school sometimes because no one stops me from sleeping but I don't always like it because I always get hungry when I wake from a nap. I sleep for the first two periods and on the third one, I'm awake against my will.

My eyes are staring around the class as I keep my chin resting on the table, swinging my leg back and forth. A teacher's talking but I'm not listening. It's very easy for me to compartmentalize but harder for me to ignore how hungry I get.

Frowning, I raise my book to my lips and chomp on it. I don't plan on eating it of course but it's enough to distract my tummy for a while. I know now I shouldn't have just eaten one bowl of that soup. It was surprisingly good and the more I think of it, the less the distraction works.

Wait, now that I think about it. Wasn't there a lot that was leftover? Can I go back and tell him not to finish all of it? I want to go home and check on it but I know they let me sleep but they won't let me go home. I have tried too many times to escape, once even cutting myself but it turns out they train vampire teachers on how to not feed on their students.

I ended up passing out from a lot of blood loss and resuming class right after I felt better with a burger. Still, plan didn't work but I got to take a nap and a snack as well. I do certain things so smartly I surprise myself sometimes.

I raise my hand up and sense the entire class turn to me. I don't look at them, I cannot seem to care as I focus on my teacher. Lady Nocturne looks at me like she has never noticed me before, or perhaps she has but never seen me awake in her class. It's not my fault. Her voice is very soothing.

"Do vampires eat human food?" I ask. Immediately I do so, I get the feeling that my question does not in anyway relate to what she was teaching but it'll be silly for them to think I was actually listening, won't it? I was asleep just five minutes ago.

"Freak." I turn to the person that calls my name, and unsurprisingly, it is Elias. He's pretty, you know. I used to have a crush on him because his lunch box was the prettiest thing with a lot of bananas and he used to let me eat as much as I want, but in retrospect, I think I stole them and wasn't given so he hated me for it. "We're learning on the history of France."

Lady Nocturne's hand immediately reaches out to stop him, her eyes on me. Her eyes are an icy blue and they make me feel cold when I stare at them, but I know she's nice. Nicer than a lot of her kind and most definitely nicer than the hot one in my house, because she lets me sleep. "No. Any curiosity on my kind is accepted."

She sounds genuinely happy to answer me, excited even as she looks at me with a smile. I've come to understand that recently, people tend to smile at me like I'm the key to a cure. I don't like it but I don't mind as she answers my question, "No, we do not."

I stare then blink for a few seconds before asking again, "Even if the soup is really good? Like... Soul leave your body, come back in and leave again good?"

She lets out a chuckle as she shakes her head. Did I mention that she's pretty? Her hair is blond and always in ringlets so as she moves it, it jingles softly, like a bell. I think it's pretty. It looks like macaroni. "No, dear. We only feed on blood."

I think on it. I know they feed on it, but I just thought it was a preference. I mean, I sort of understand because blood tastes nice, sort of, but making it a favourite? And the only thing? "So no ice creams?"

She shakes her head. The smile on her face widens slightly as she answers, "No, I'm afraid not, dear."

My face falls on instinct before I can stop myself. "Ah, that's sad." I sort of see why he's the way he is now. No ice cream, or chocolate or food would make anyone feel horrible and become horrible. Maybe, perhaps, I can make him something similar. My eyes turn to my arm, frowning slightly. Maybe not my blood. Turning back to her, I ask, "Would you mind having it again? If you could, that is."

I see the question surprises her. It is unexpected, I know, because her eyes widen, and at that moment, I see a different world in a different time flash in her eyes but just as it came, it disappears like it was never there as she says, but this time with a smile so wide I almost wish to tell her to stop because she is clearly hurting herself. "I suppose I would." Then turning back to the majority of class, she asks clasping her hands together. "Now, do any of you wish to know what sort of person Camilla Parker was?"

I shut her out again, putting my face back down to the table. Being quiet again reminds me that I'm hungry but thankfully, the bell rings and I know this time, it's for break. Immediately, everyone is getting up so they can go eat or talk to their other friends, I don't know. I don't move because I don't enjoy being surrounded by all those people. They're exhausting.

When I'm the last person left, I rise from my seat. What can I get from the cafeteria? Nothing here matches with what he makes, I know. I should try that out as a job. A food tester. Is that a thing? It should be a thing. I could make it a thing.

"Miss Mont?"

I blink, my head rising from my table as I stare at her. Lady Nocturne looks nervous but I'm the one who feels uncomfortable because I think I've made her sad because she remembered ice creams. "Hmm?"

"Do you..." She's wrapping her hand around her body, her head tilted slightly. "Do you hate me, by any chance?"

"Um, should I?" I don't get the question. Is it a trick question? My grades aren't good and I don't think I'll need them as a food taster but I don't want to appear completely dumb. Though I feel dumb now. Extremely. "I'm sorry. I don't understand."

"Well, because—" She looks scared, like she's not supposed to say anything. Which I'll prefer. I don't want her saying anything. I'm hungry. I want to go eat. I look to the door, feeling sadder. I shouldn't have spoken in class. I don't even like talking at all. It's his fault. I blame him. This is why I don't like him. "I'm a vampire." Then she adds quickly, shaking her hand in the air. "Please, don't think I'm going to report you. I truly don't want to. I— Well, I've come to understand that none of your classmates like me but I've never known how you feel because you're always so... Quiet."

I stare. "I'm sorry. I still don't... Understand?"

"We feed from some of you. And control you." She says. "That's enough reason for you to hate me."

I tilt my head. "Is it though? I don't think... Well, I don't think you've done anything to me. Except help me sleep. Your voice is nice." Then I pause to think. "But Vampires are bad so I guess you're bad too." Then I look back at her, shrugging. "But I don't know you so I can't hate you though. Just you know, Vampires. Bad. But sad, because no more ice creams."

She lets out a sad chuckle there. "Yeah. No more ice creams."

I nod, glad that she agrees then slowly, I notice the tears in her eyes. I panic. Is she missing ice creams that bad? Why did I say anything in the first place? "Are you... Are you okay?"

She shakes her head, quickly brushing the tears away. "No, I'm perfectly fine. You can go have your break."

I don't wait for her to change her mind and I'm out of there, deciding that I definitely need three burgers. It's the only way I'll feel better with the rollercoasters of emotions I've felt today.

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