Chapter 1
I woke up to see only me in the room. I opened my eyes, this time, doing it more so I could see everything.
I stood up and walked out of my room. My eyes hit the wall clock. " Oh My God!" I exclaimed
I rushed back to my room, ran into the bathroom, took my bath in a flash, was out of the bathroom, and hurriedly put on my clothes.
I heard my name, it must be Grandma.
" Grandma" I called out
" Why are you still at home, shouldn't you have gone to work already?" She asked
" On my way," I said back as I sped out of my room. I hit the road, I did not even bother checking on my Grandma, no time for that as I was running late.
I boarded a cab and got to work. I alighted and got inside the big library.
" Glad you are here, jeez, was thinking you would not come to work today," June said
That was June, the only friend I have had since I moved to this City. I grew up in a nearby City before I came here to stay with my Grandma.
" Why would I not come to work? This salary is important to me," I said to her even though I wanted to remain in my cozy bed, cuddling my pillow, and morning sleep is usually the sweetest.
I began work. My day was always alike except for when June decided to pull me out to the coffee shop for some chill-out, and bills on her because I barely had spare cash for that.
Since I started living with Grandma, we have just been managing. Grandma does not have enough but trust me, we are doing okay even though we are not all that rich.
I look at June, she is just one lucky girl but I hate to think about it because it makes me miserable.
I just have this job but I hope I get the bigger dreams to actualize, you know, me owning one big library in this City.
I do think of my parents, with little memories of them in my head. It has been such a long time and I feel like life has not been fair to me. At least with my parents, things would not be this hard.
I felt an urge to cry but I would not, as I sniffed back. I felt June's eyes all over me, I know she is all about the fact that I always do this. I turned to look at her.
" Do not tell me you want to start again today" she said laughing to lighten the atmosphere
I knew she was going to say that. Yeah, she was right, I always remember my life and I get really sad all through the day.
" No, not today," I said to her with a smile that I managed to bring out but the smile gave out so much confidence that it looked like I was really happy.
" That is the spirit," June said as she returned the smile and hit my shoulders lightly.
I laughed, this time, for real. I always enjoy working with June, she just knows how to go about my sadness, bringing smiles to my face.
So I had to take my mind off my worries and everything that concerns me for a moment. I was not going to dwell and bury myself in that misery.
" How are you handling your appointment?" I asked June who looked at me like I had gone crazy, I knew she knew what I was talking about.
She frowned at my question, she raised her brows at me. " What appointment, you mean that pest of a human?" She asked
" Yes, your sweetheart," I said wanting to annoy her a bit.
" You are getting it wrong, I do not have anything with such a person, he is just unbelievable, who asks for personal book reading in his house," she said, keeping an irritated look.
Her face was amusing. I turned to look at the entrance. The legs, the way she walks, her head up, and the car she came down from.
She walked straight to me, she was not alone as she had people with her, her guards.
She removed her glasses and that was when we knew who it was.
" Good day ma'am" I greeted
" Yeah, but keep that greeting, I remember you and I know who you are," she said directly to me, pointing her fingers at me.
I became confused, how did she know me?
" Sorry ma'am, it must have been a mistake, maybe it is not who you are looking for," I said to her with so much confidence.
" You, I do know you, and I have kept my records straight this past year. Your parents owe me something and I will still take it, your grandmother that you stay with now should be aware"
At that time, maybe I can agree she knows me but what is she even talking about?
" I do not know what you are talking about, is there a mix-up somewhere?" I asked innocently hoping she would tell me that she mistook me for someone else with an apology attached to it.
She looked at me almost upset, " I know what I am saying, child, maybe when I come visiting, you will know I was not telling tales" she said to me, my shoulders dropped, is she being serious right now?
And with that, she left. Just like that, I looked at June and asked her if she was there and witnessed what happened.
She was shocked as I was as well. She is no small woman, what in the world does anything have to do with me and her family?
" What was that, do you have anything with her?" June asked me
" I have no idea about all the things she said here," I said, looking shocked as well.
Well, I guess the person who would answer me is my grandma. There's something about her and my parents that I do not know about.