Chapter 6

I hated the fact that McLain's mother could walk into our house and walk out like it was her house. I know it was her son's house, her son built the house but her dear son is married now. I was hoping she would get that to her head. The way she acts whenever she is around the house. I think before I came, she did come here to dish out instructions to whoever or the people working here, so they still do obey her silly instructions here and there. It annoyed me that whenever she came, she seemed to have an upper hand in the affairs of the house and it made me less.

If I let McLain know that this was the way I felt, I do not know what he would think of me. I am a calm person if you do not annoy me. But I do not know how long I can put up with his mother. She was becoming a pain in my ass and it bothers me that I might become insignificant in my house, well, except when she was not in the house, then I become the one who rules in the affairs of McLain's house.

I was pissed at the way she goes in and out of the house. She always wants to see McLain, like she married him instead of me. Like, her son is married. Too bad for her brain to process it. But she would get used to it if I could put her in her place.

There were times I did not have to cross boundaries in my own house or rather, in her son's house. Following her instructions was not it at all. It was hectic living with her.

I went to take my lunch, I was hungry again.

I ate and was full. I went to the bedroom where I met McLain on his laptop. I know that I had to bring up the issue of his mother, I also know how McLain can be when he gets upset. I was going to be very careful with my words and how I say them. I did not want to get him angry especially when it had to do with his mother. He was very dumb when his mother was involved in anything, down to decision making. He would just agree to whatever his mother says. I had to be careful with my words if I wanted a positive response from him.

" Can we talk about something? Are you free?" I asked him calmly, I had to ask calmly, or else he would lose his temper on me. And I did not want that to happen.

" What do you want to talk about, I am not free right now as you can see, your eyes are in good condition but I am all ears,you can ask me what you want to ask" That was McLain when he would get sweet and easy to go by and also get very annoying. Of course my eyes were in good condition and I can clearly see that he was on his laptop. But I still wanted to talk to him. I guess I was the one being annoying.

I was careful in choosing my words. He said he was a kind person but I should not get him upset and I would not like the outcome. I tried sticking to that rule though.

" Do you not think your mother is overstepping?" I asked him. He stopped typing what he was typing on his laptop and looked at me.

" What do you mean my mother is overstepping, I do not get you, I should stop her from coming here? In my house" he raised his voice a little at me. That was what I was avoiding and it came to my face.

" Never, that is not the issue, each time she comes here, she acts like it is her house and not my house, it makes me feel less, I just want her to know that I am now here and my rules run here" I finally said to him. The look on his face was not encouraging. He looked at me like I had lost my mind and I was a bit sad about what I just said but I had to. McLain continued to look at me like that and it scared me.

He dropped his laptop on the table that was placed beside the bed. He let out a loud laugh. I was surprised at the way he suddenly began to laugh. It felt weird.

" Look around, no, look around, Emily, did you pay for anything in this house? Is there anything here that belongs to you?"

He sounded so cold asking me those heartbreaking questions.

I was not in denial or ever said I had or bought anything in the house. All I wanted to say was that I wanted to have some rights in his house.

" I did not mean it that way" I quickly apologized to him.

I left the room and went to the large sitting room to watch the television. I could boast of having rights over the television, well, that is because his mother was not the one who was interested in anything happening on the television.

I sat there till I felt tired, and decided to go outside the house for some cool air. I was glad I went outside because it was refreshing to be in the coolness of how the breeze caresses my face.

I went back inside. Went into the room and saw that McLain had fallen asleep. I put away his laptop and made him lay better on the bed, covering him up with a duvet.

I was tired as well. I also slept.

I woke up hearing a scream. It was McLain who was screaming. I looked puzzled, why the shout?

" What is wrong?" I asked him

" Are you stupid? I fell asleep and all you could do was to put me to bed like I was some two year old"

I was confused, should he not be thanking me for being such a nice person, putting him to bed?

" I should not have done what I did?" I looked confused as I asked him.

" Are you this dumb? Did you not see that I was working on my laptop? You should have woken me up to continue working and not put me to bed"

That was his issue, I should have asked him to go back to work even when he was looking like a dead man asleep.

I apologized to him. I did not know how the rules work here. I went to where I had kept his laptop. Took it and gave it to him. He looked at me like I had gone crazy.

A knock came on the door, I went to open it, but a maid stood there with her head bowed.

" Dinner is served ma'am," she said to me with her head bowed. I was not used to such treatment.

" You can keep your head up, do you not think your neck can get pained?" I asked her in low tones. She raised her head and gave me a smile which I returned. I told her that we would be downstairs.

" Who was that?" McLain asked me

" The maid, we should go eat dinner," I said to him, trying to help him stand up from where he sat. He did not even make a move to help himself up. He still sat there and all of my efforts to help him up went down the drain.

" I have work to do, I am not jobless as you can see" I let him as I left the room.

I was at the dining eating when he came to join me. I guess someone was way too hungry to work. Being stubborn for nothing.

He did not say anything to me. I did not want to annoy him so I let him eat without any interruptions.

After that, I went to the room. I thought about Grandma, I did not know what to feel. Upset that she let me come here? It was not her fault. I hoped she was fine with only her at home.

I sat there, thinking about lots of things. I couldn't even say goodbye to June, she was a lovely person to me. Maybe I should go pay her a visit to the library.

" What are you thinking about?" McLain's voice came to me

" Do you care?" I asked him

" If you want me to," he said to me with a wink, why was he a pain in the ass when he could be a lovely person sometimes.

" Whatever you are thinking about, or maybe be wondering, get used to it" I became annoyed at how he couldn't keep a simple profile.

I was sad that this was my life now.

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