Chapter 9

I was not expecting my supposed mother-in-law to come so early in the morning. Was she not supposed to be in her house by this time in the morning? I heard some noises in the house. That voice was ditching out instructions to the maids. There she goes again, coming into my house and giving out instructions and rules as she lives here. It was tiring to have her come around and it worries me that I might be seeing her often.

McLain tapped me to wake up. I knew she was the one. I had pretended to still be asleep. I was not going to leave the comfort of my bed to welcome anyone. She is supposed to be in her house at such a time in the morning.

" My mother is here" I knew that she was here. When I refused to leave the bed.

McLain left me and was putting on other clothes.

" Where are they, should they not be awake by now?" I heard her ask the maid

I stood up so fast, knowing well that her next location might be our room. I left the bed and went to paste. I rushed to change my night dress to a lovely dress.

" Do you think I look okay?" I asked McLain, not leaving a chance to do anything. I did not want his mother to start accessing me the way she did the last time. Her routine was accessing me like her life depended on it. She could not do without it.

" Do not break yourself doing nothing, my mother is sometimes not able to be satisfied with anything" I did not know how to feel about it. But I had to go meet her.

I went out of the house and got to where she was. I left McLain in the room. He was checking something on his laptop. I went downstairs.

" Good morning ma'am," I said to her, she looked at me from my head to my toes. From the way she looked at me, I joined her in looking at myself from my head to my toes, just as she had done. Of the truth, she was someone who needed enough pleasing. She was someone to please with some hard work.

"Where is my son?" She asked me as she brushed me aside, going inside to look for McLain.

I followed behind her. She went straight to our bedroom, just the way I thought about it.

She went to her son, her dear son.

" Mum, let me join you downstairs, you do not have to come into our room like that," McLain said to her, it gave me a little joy that he was on my side this time. I smiled a little. I did not want her to see that I enjoyed seeing her being turned down by McLain.

" Are you sending me out of your house? I would leave if you want me to" she said like she was about to cry, such a pretender.

" No mum, I will meet with you downstairs," McLain said, going to the door, he opened the door, putting his hands outside the room, leading her out of the room.

She looked at me like I was the one sending her out of our room. I looked away till I heard McLain close the door.

I heaved a sign of relief.

" I do not like all of these," I told him.

" I know" he put his laptop in a safe place.

He held my hands, that was the first time he was holding my hands so passionately. He opened the door and took me downstairs with him.

Ma'am Lucy, his mother was sitting in one of the couches. We both sat down opposite here.

" How have you been McLain, look at you, you look lean, are you not eating?" She said so soberly to McLain. Looking at him from side to side.

" I am okay, mum, and I have been doing great ever since Emily came here," McLain said to his mum, making me feel good. I did not want the war between McLain and his mother over me but if it meant defending me, they could fight.

His mum kept quiet.

" What would you like to have, like what would you like to eat? Let the maid get you something to eat" McLain asked her.

" I will fix something for myself, I will be here for two days, I have a business to attend to, I gave clients to meet up with," she said which left my spirit going down.

" Mum, would you stay here for two days? I do not want to make this place uncomfortable for you because Emily and I play a lot around the place" I looked at McLain, maybe it was another Emily he was talking about.

"I did not know that Emily would be your taste, and Emily, your new pal now, interesting," she said feeling disgusted. Me neither. I was not aware either.

McLain held my hands.

" Let us go to our room," he said to me. I stood up and we both went to our room.

We got to our room and I was happy about what he did back there.

" What was that, you defended me, I thought I was not supposed to talk disrespectfully about his mother.

" Yes I did, my mother can be a handful and I just thought we were married, so you are my wife now, and I have to protect you," he said to me.

I was happy as I went to him. It made him cuter, whenever he was being all nice to me, it made him cuter.

I wrapped my hands around his arms, gazing into his eyes. His hands ran through my face.

He leaned in on me and his lips touched mine, I let him gain access to me and we kissed. We had the pleasure of having each other.

His hands on my body. Touching me passionately, he lifted me and placed me on the bed. Coming on me, planting soft kisses on my face and down to my tummy.

It sent shivers through my body. I pulled him into me, kissing and struggling for dominance. He let me as I drew him close to myself. He smiled at me, he pulled off my dress, my Tommy faced him bare, and he placed kisses on my tummy.

I was lost in the pleasure of his manliness and how he held me in his hands.

Suddenly, the door fled open. I became upset as I saw who it was.

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