Chapter Four

Dinners with Anthony at his house was always something to look forward to, especially when Gerald was around, Maxwell realised. The two men loved to share stories from their travels and many times, Maxwell wondered whether there was a silent contest between the two men for the best story narrator. Gerald and Isabel had come back from their one-month honeymoon some weeks ago and still looked like newlyweds who had tied the knot that day. He was familiar with the look as Anthony and his grandmother, Beatrice often shared that look. Having Gerald around was like having a brother and with Isabel it meant the family closeness got wider, Maxwell thought as he looked at his friend. Gerald had an arm slung around Isabel as she finished up the last of her cheesecake.

“That was wonderful, Beatrice,” she said, pushing her plate away.

“Glad you enjoyed it, dear.” Beatrice, his grandmother, was a great cook and sometimes joked that if not for her busy job that required a lot of time, she would have been a chef or baker. His mother hadn't shared in that enthusiasm and he really couldn't remember the last time he had her in the kitchen, standing over a simmering pot on the stove. There has been an endless list of cooks and chefs when he was growing up that he soon looked forward to visits to his grandparents.

“So when are you guys going for your next vacation?” Gerald asked.

It was something of a tradition that his grandparents went on trips or vacations at least once a year, Maxwell remembered. When he and Gerald were much younger they looked forward to their return which was often laced with gifts, souvenirs and keepsakes from the places they visited. Back then Beatrice had really enjoyed it despite her hectic job as a teacher before arthritis had crept in. These days they often settled for short-distance travel which was still fun and exciting.

“Well, we thought this year we might take a break. Just for a while.” Anthony’s voice was a little low and Maxwell got the sense that there was something ominous about the reply and tone of his grandfather’s voice.

“Is there any specific reason for that?” Beatrice's eyes glanced nervously at her husband before she busied herself getting the plates off to the kitchen for the maid to tend to.

Anthony hesitated a bit. “Nothing actually. It's just that…” a sigh. “Beatrice and I have run out of some ideas of nice destinations to go to. And then we want to be close to family, especially now that you guys are married,” he waved towards Gerald and Isabel.

Beatrice emerged from the kitchen with her usual night cup of tea in hand, and some glimmer in her eye.

Gerald sat up in his chair, his hand on Isabel's as he looked across the table.

“Talking about us, well, ehm, Isabel and I have an announcement to make.” He glanced at his wife who smiled encouragingly. “We are.. we are expecting.”

Silence filled the room for a heart beat and then Beatrice cried out in joy, coming around the table to hug Isabel. Anthony’s voice was loud as he too added to the excitement in the air.

“When did you find out?” he asked.

“A week ago.” Isabel answered.

“Well that makes for interesting news for a long, long time.” Beatrice said, finally settling down.

Maxwell reached across and playfully slapped Gerald on the back. “Congratulations, man.” he smiled at Gerald and Isabel. Her face was bright and colourful. No wonder she looked glowing, Maxwell thought, attributing it to the famous pregnancy glow he had heard about. But he couldn't be so sure. The couple had spent their spring honeymoon on the warm beaches of Hawaii with endless days of sunshine evident in the slight tan to their skins.

“So, that leaves only one person left to give us something to celebrate,” Beatrice said, looking pointedly at Maxwell. All eyes turned to him.

“I don’t see how that applies to me,” he defended, glancing around.

“Honey, we are talking about you finding a nice lady to settle down with. Soon enough, that is.”

Maxwell scoffed. “Granny, that isn't happening soon.”

He willed his mind not to stray too far to the countless relationships he had had before, which had all failed and collapsed like a pack of cards. Although he never liked to think that way, he knew that most of the time he wasn't the kind of guy most ladies wanted. The ladies he had been close to had only wanted his money and nothing more.

Everyone raised eyebrows at him.

“Because I haven't found the perfect lady yet,” he tried to explain.

“And that’s because you are too occupied with your business that you didn't take the time to do other things except talk about numbers and figures,” Anthony put in. ““When I…”

“If I wasn’t at my job, the business could crumble. Especially, if I had more of what almost happened today with mm… Anna.”

Maxwell cut in. He didn't want to hear the story of how his grandparents met many years ago. So he related the saga of the day's incident which everyone found rather amusing.

“Talking about business, how did things go between you and Ms. Williams?” Gerald asked.

There was a pause in the room as everyone else stopped whatever they had been doing with their hands, including Beatrice whose sat hands froze in the air with her cup.

“Who is Ms. Williams?” she asked.

“A client of mine that I am helping out with her charity project.” He explained looking at his grandfather for support but none came. Instead, there was a mischievous glint in his eye that Maxwell couldn’t decipher. “Our meeting went well though we haven't drawn up.” He related everything about Fiona and the Oakland community project since it was apparent that his grandfather wasn’t going to chip with the details.

“She does seem like a nice lady with a great heart, I'm starting to like her already.” Beatrice observed.

“Yeah.” And for the umpteenth time that day, Maxwell smiled as he looked forward to their next meeting.

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