Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5: Tailed To Tell

We’re a few steps away from our class, When we entered I felt relieved because we always sit away from each other otherwise, we’d start gossiping and discussing anything and everything.

My phone starts to vibrate in the middle of class, Allen is probably telling V about my steamy night and she has questions now.

Ugh, I hate this situation, they’re going to drive me nuts.

I checked my phone, and V sent thousands of texts so not her. She wanted details I texted her ”I’ll call you after class." She sent me a smiley emoji and that’s how the texting stopped.

So Allen called V after class, during our lunch break, and got me stuck in a corner and the only way out was spilling the tea. So I gave them what they wanted.

Now Dobby is free.

After lunch I head to the internship, it’s related to my major, Filmmaking, from writing scripts, direction, and producing.

I’m interning in an animation studio, They’re new in the business but they’re making animated films that can attract every age category and that’s what makes them special, Plus they pay well compared to other companies and they accepted me. So I surely took the job.

I’m taking the bus there, it’s a few bus stops from campus so it’s another perk.

I’m standing in front of the building, a nearby skyscraper, for a while I admired the logo on the rooftop, and then I entered the building, I heard that a few years ago it was a multiple business building, but now it’s all raw animation Production, the company got bigger in no time.

I took the elevator to reach the seventh floor where the creative phase happened. The office was cool, with a modern design, great lighting, wide windows, laid back pastel-colored walls. The furniture seemed comfy but had an edge to it.

I love it already.

I went to the reception, and the lady there was nice and hostile. She gave me my badge which had a picture I sent them when I applied.

My Name on it and my occupation, on the back it has a QR code that functions as a key to places I’m allowed in the building. She gave me instructions to find Mike the creative department manager who seemed to be waiting for me

Mike was a tall white-skinned black-haired guy, in his early thirties. He has a toned slim body wide caramel eyes and a sharp jawline.

He presented me to everyone on his team. There were 15 creators each one had a specific task, but all had the same purpose. Regardless of the workload they had, they treated me with kindness and respect.

The atmosphere here is very friendly, they work hard but keep it fun at the same time. And since I wasn’t slacking off they didn’t have to be strict for me to do my best.

Mike told me that today wasn’t a stressful day and since he had some free time he showed me some computer tricks when creating slow-motion scenes.

The day ended without giving me time to realize it, I had a great time here, it’s true I’m tired and hungry but I am really satisfied with my little achievements.

I can’t wait for tomorrow even if I’ll have to wake up earlier than I’m used to. Mike told me to come early because of the weekly meeting with the chairman Mr. Rogers.

It felt nice to feel included, I feel like I belong somewhere, in a nice way, Mike had me change the Staff list to add my name to it. Ms. R. Smith at the bottom and Mr. S. Rogers at the top.

I should make a good first impression on him tomorrow.

It’s been some time since I’ve been somewhere I belong, where I can learn and show my abilities and learn about myself, and my competencies.

Mike was telling me about how his experience with the internship has made him know his strengths regarding filmmaking. He told me that he was more interested in directing rather than writing, but when he interned and actually had the chance to direct a play he wrote, he wasn’t good ‘his words’, but when a friend of his took the directing job the play came out great.

His friend in this story is the chairman, and they both wanted to do things their way and help new young hardworking filmmakers, animators, and writers to have a place where they can discover who they are and their abilities.

Seeing Mike and how inspiring he is, I can’t imagine meeting the CEO and how much I might learn in the process, I’m a workaholic so when I finally get a job I really can relieve my extra energy and bury myself in as much work as I can to be able I wipe away Sam’s memory, and how the idea of him makes me excited.

I’m glad I’m interning this early, it would widen my career options and lessen the options of me dating someone specifically not Sam, That man has way too much effect on me, and that’s the last thing I need in my life. Look at me still thinking about him.

My phone vibrates and shakes me away from my thoughts, it’s Allen texting “Picking you in 30” I rolled my eyes in awe at how he wouldn't let it go; because if he remained hung up on this situation, I would as well.

Seeing how Allen is all over the place and trying to get me to spill the details while V is in silent mode, but I guess Allen does the job for both of them.

I texted him back “Okay” I knew he wouldn’t give me any slack and let me be so I gave up.

Once the 30 min had nearly passed, I went down the stairs and waited for Allen at the entrance of my building. Allen might have told his girlfriend so she'd probably come along. When his car showed up in the driveway I could see a girl sitting in the passenger seat. She’s here.

I walked towards the car while he pulled over, They both were looking at me with a smile, Allen had an arm on his window and his other hand on the wheel, while Rachel had her phone in her hands, wearing what appeared to be a tiny cute green floral summer dress and a white cardigan on top.

I opened the back seat, adjusted myself, and put my bag on the other side of the seat. They both welcomed me, and Allen started driving.

" Where are we going? ” I ask well technically I kinda shouted, to pierce the EDM music Rachel has on. “Do you have somewhere in mind ?” Allen asked; I shook my head and Rachel kept filling our silence with various songs.

Rachel has a very unusual taste in music, she likes a bit of everything and that’s something I admire, yet sometimes she surprises me. Rachel is a very nice girl, She's been with Allen way before I knew him, they’re high school sweethearts.

He once told me, that he met her when he was a senior and she was a sophomore, and he fell in love with her when he was tutoring her in Math. Later in their relationship, she told him that she had a crush on him when they both were in drama club and asked him to tutor her when she didn’t need it.

I find their story very sweet and cute, and I admire how strong their couple is but if I’m being honest I find the whole idea of a relationship very time and energy-consuming.

They have to tell, explain, and share everything with each other, I can barely share with my own self. I don’t think it’s worth it, with all the heavy baggage, but what do I know?

The only thing they can’t discuss anymore is me.

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