She looked so stunned, I do not know why but I was so eager to do so since the day she came here.

"What? I don't understand. You want to sleep with me in my bed?" She asked, puzzled as I released her from my grip

"Yes? Thank you" I chuckled and went straight to her bed.

"I did not say yes, please leave, we can talk tomorrow" She walked up to me and tried to pull me up.

"You were going to say yes, I could see it in your eyes. I know you have always wanted this but you were too shy to ask" I teased her, her efforts to pull me up were futile, unfortunately for her I was too heavy.

I just loved teasing her and disturbing her, I do not know why but I would rather spend my hours with her than attend boring meetings and other pack activities.

Ever since she came here, the whole environment has been lively, livelier than it was before.

"You are crazy, you know that right? I never said yes, I did not even willingly let you in, you just walked in like you own the place" She folded her hands and furrowed her brows at me.

"Technically, I own the place, now lie down" I commanded, changing my playful tone into a stern one.

She groaned with a scowl on her face and laid on the bed.

"See, it's much easier when you obey" I teased again and she kept mute.

"Oh c'mon, do not tell me you are still angry. Ok fine, I will leave when I am ready to" I said, turning to face her.

"And when will that be?"

"When you are mine" I confidently uttered, asides teasing, I loved flirting with her. My words always had an impact on her and that feeling alone was second to none.

I just loved seeing her confused and a little amused.

"Yours? What do you....?" She began to stutter.

I could not help but stare at those petite lips of hers as they moved, they were very alluring, I needed to have a taste of them!

"This is what I mean" I held her waist and pulled her closer to me.

Her eyes widened in amusement "What are you doing?"

"Claiming you as mine" I replied, making our bodies come in contact with each other. I could feel her throbbing heartbeat behind her rib cage.

Somehow I could see desire in her eyes for me but she was holding back.

"I belong to someone else" her words hit me like a knife in the chest.

"He no longer wants you, I heard that very soon he will be mated to another"

I knew this information was going to disabilize her but I needed her to forget about her Alpha king and focus on me. He does not love her, after spending few weeks with her, I have grown to love her unconditionally and I will not let her out of my sight like her alpha king did.

"Stop!"She pushed me away and stood up from the bed, her voice shaky as she spoke.

"I am Alpha Damien's mate and Luna, I will not forsake that and neither will he, he is not going to be mated to another while I still exist"

"I will not let you manipulate me into something I don't want." She retorted with a determined glint in her eyes

I could sense her strength, and it both intrigued and frustrated me. She was playing hard to get, as much as I loved tackling challenges, this seems to be one of the most difficult ones.

"But he is not here, is he?" I whispered, closing the distance between us.

"I am, and I am offering you something real, something passionate. Can't you feel the connection between us?"

She took a step back, creating some distance between us. "I won't betray my mate, no matter what you say, I made a commitment"

"Screw that commitment, what happens when the one you are committed to is no longer committed? Will you sit there and keep the commitment?"

She shook her head in frustration "You don't understand, and you can't replace......"

"Ayra" I uttered the name, halting her in her speech.

"He is getting mated to Ayra, he has abandoned you. Let him be" I finally uttered, glaring at the disbelief on her face.

Her expression softened, without uttering another word she sat on her bed like a hopeless woman.

Few days ago, I was told that her alpha king, Alpha Damien will the mated to Ayra, one of the rich princesses in the south, by the looks of it, she looks torn and angry.

I clenched my fists "Think about it. I'll be here, waiting for you to realize what you truly deserve"

With those words, I left her room, grappling with the conflict between my feelings and her commitment to Alpha Damien.

I know that my chanes of getting her for myself we're much stronger than before, if her so called commited mate leaves her for Ayra, maybe she might consider me.

With Jayda as my Luna, I will be the most loved Alpha and the whole pack will be healed of that deadly disease.

I need her to myself and I will stop at nothing to have her!


"What the actual fuck? Ayra? That cruel wicked witch? She is not fit to be Damien's mate. Why would he betray me like that?

Three knocks landed on my door, pulling me out of my reverie.

I ignored it and closed my eyes, hoping that whoever was at the door would go away.

"It is me! Beta Axel, it is urgent, please open the door" I heard the voice behind the door.

Was someone dying?

I quickly rushed to the door and met the distorted gaze of Daemon's Beta.

"What's going on?" I inquired.

"You need to heal a man please, he visited from a neighboring village, please come with me" He urgently requested, taking me to a deserted house.

My wolf instincts began to kick in, the house looked like an abandoned house, one whose stench was very strong.

"I am to go in here?" I asked again.

"Yes, she is completely harmless I promise you, this man crawled into the house and has been coughing ever since. It is probably the same disease that is spreading here"

Is this an ambush? I know Alpha Daemon would never send his Beta to have me killed so I summoned enough courage to go in.

I could see clearly that it was not an ambush, it was just a young diseased woman, she was pale and weak but she was also very familiar, brown long hair, brown eyes and a pointed nose.

I closed the door behind me and walked over to the woman.

"Are you alright?"

She took one strange look at me before pulling me by surprise, choking me and making it difficult for me to breathe or scream.

As I struggled to run away, she pulled a knife to my throat.

My whole body froze in fear, I could feel the metallic blade against my bare skin.

"Scream and I will cut your throat" She threatened as her breathe rolled across my neck.

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