

It all starts with one mistake.

One decision…

To change your life forever.

I'm kissing another man while being married to somebody else.

Little did I know the amount of danger and bloodshed that one kiss could bring…

But let's rewind.

Back to where it all began.



I was standing in the middle of the changing rooms inside of Victoria’s Secret, changing in and out of different lingerie sets and twirling around in the mirror to see how they looked. I was a pale woman, with bright blue eyes, plump lips and bright red hair, which meant that I felt only certain colours and shades would suit me.

The first set was plain black, with no design or pattern.

“Nope, not sexy enough,” I muttered to myself exhaustedly.

I dusted myself off, trying on a different set, which was white covered in blue flower prints.

“This set makes me look like a fucking grandma,” I sighed, rolling my eyes.

I tried on another set, but I was sure that this was going to be the last one I tried, since I was getting quite tired and agitated of climbing in and out of different sets and not being pleased with how they looked.

The last one was lacy and red, and a padded and push-up style to give me amazing cleavage. The underwear to match was just as sexy, and a thong-style, so that my full, round ass was on complete display. I clapped my hands to my face excitedly, unable to believe how good it looked as I stared back at myself in my mirror reflection.

“This one is perfect!” I exclaimed. “Now to pay.”

I took it off and bagged it, before changing back into my usual clothes, and then made my way to the check-out.

“I've bagged all of your items for you,” the cashier smiled. “That’ll be sixty pounds.”

I handed her the cash, and she pushed it into the till.

“Have a nice day, ma'am!” she grinned.

“You too!” I waved, and then turned on my heel, making my way out of the store.

I began walking down the street, carrying my shopping bags in my hands. I felt pathetic that I asked to leave work an hour early, just so that I could go to the mall to do a bit of shopping. But I hadn't been out in what felt like forever… And I needed to keep myself somewhat sane. I felt even more stupid for buying sexy lingerie, when the last time I got laid was around six months ago.

And now… I had to go home and cook for my lame ass husband.

I walked home exhaustedly. Then I got home, and turned my key into the lock, making my way inside. I threw my bags to the side, yawning.

“Honey, are you home?” I called out.

I rubbed my chin, as I waited patiently for a response.

But there wasn’t one.

“Of course he fucking isn't,” I seethed.

I made my way to the kitchen, to quickly make him some food for when he would come home. I boiled him some rice, and re-heated some of the curry from last night. I really couldn't be arsed today, because I was too pissed off and tired.

After I did this, I made my way to my bedroom, and slumped backwards onto my bed, kicking my legs up and tucking myself into my blanket. I was tired, so this made me feel a lot better.

As I rubbed my eyes, a sudden ringing of my phone caused me to jolt upwards. I grabbed hold of my phone, holding it out in front of my face to see who it was, hoping that it was Bruce.

“It's my dad,” I sighed to myself, and clicked ‘Reject’ on the call. I would message him back later, because I wasn’t in the mood to speak to him right now.

It was time to flick through Instagram memes for two hours before Bruce came home. I had nothing better to do, and I wasn’t tired enough to go to sleep yet.

Allow me to introduce myself.

I'm Sofia Martinez.

I'm 28 years old…

And you could say that I'm bored of my life.

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