“I think we both married each other for the sake of pleasing our fucking parents,” Bruce snarled, seething. “I'm tied to you for life. Isn't that fucking enough for you?”

I rolled my eyes bitterly, not wanting to waste my breath on this bastard. Knowing that no matter how much we bickered, it would never come to an end, and it would never solve anything. I always went round in circles with Bruce.

“Whatever,” I sneered. “Let's just go, I’m tired of arguing with you.”

“Not till you do something about that fucking dress!” Bruce roared. “I have a reputation to maintain. I married a modest woman, not a fucking Victoria Secret Model!”

“It’s too late to wear anything else!” I bickered, irritated that he was making such a big deal out of some cleavage. He was behaving like I was naked. “All of the gowns at the shop had a design with cleavage in them. This isn't my fault!” I broke off my sentence, rattling my fists angrily. “Maybe if you stopped going to work all the time, and actually went with me to the store, you would be satisfied by picking out something that you liked. I work and make a shit ton of money too. You don't see me ditching my husband for the sake of work, though!”

“I can't be arsed with your bullshit today, Sofia!” Bruce yelled. “I've got a banging fucking headache. Maybe if you lost some weight, you wouldn't have tits that looked like fucking inflatables.”

I could feel my heart twist into knots. Bruce knew exactly how to get to me, playing with my damn insecurities.

“Other women wear the same clothes as you do, but somehow, only your body makes them look fucking inappropriate!” Bruce snarled. “Just go and put a jacket on to cover yourself, and get in the fucking car.”

I turned on my heel, making my way back to my wardrobe to grab a jacket, not wanting to argue anymore. I didn’t have the energy. I was mentally tired and exhausted of this shit.

“That's better,” Bruce said triumphantly, as I made my way back into the living room with a black jacket on top of my dress. “Now let's go. We're already running late.”

I let out a deep sigh, doing my best not to cry. I didn’t want to ruin my make-up, and then make myself look like a laughing stock at the ball.

We made our way to the car, and Bruce began to drive down the motorway at full-speed.



“I need a fucking smoke,” Riccardo sighed exhaustedly.

We were at the ball, standing on the side-lines as we watched everybody dance to music and eat food. I was wearing a black suit and a black masquerade mask, and Riccardo was wearing a navy one. I yawned, because parties weren’t my scene. I was so fucking bored. I was tired of putting a smile on and pretending to be nice to rich snobs, just so that they would buy a stake in Indigo Limited.

“Remind me why you brought me here again,” I muttered to Riccardo angrily. “I've had to make fake conversation with the fifth possible investor now.”

“Chill g,” Riccardo sneered, roaring with laughter. “The biggest investor will be here soon. In the meantime, I need to look for some sexy chicks.”

I rolled my eyes, agitated because all Riccardo cared about was women and sex.

“It's hard to do that when the theme is fucking masquerade,” I snarled, and he continued to crack up with laughter.

“The hint is in the body,” he smirked. “I'm an ass man, so as long as they have a big one, I couldn't really give a fuck about anything else.”

“You're impossible!” I sighed, exasperated.

He sniggered relentlessly.

I took this moment to allow my eyes to wander around the room, trying to make out who was coming in and out of the ball. Seeing if the biggest investor had arrived yet.

But I could feel my heart leap to my throat, because I saw somebody that I didn’t expect to fucking see.

Her wild red hair impossible to miss.

I could make her out from a mile away…

And I found myself asking…

What the hell was she doing here?!

“Is that Sofia?” I breathed in disbelief.

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