I married Bruce at twenty-five, a year after I graduated from university, and had a secure job as a Stock Broker.

He was a family friend…

The son of my father's best friend.

It was a marriage of convenience, to be honest…

He was a nice guy at first.

I got to know him, and we got along.

And with time, I learnt to love him.

And I think he loved me too.

But really, the void in me hasn't been filled.

I rushed to get married after I graduated, wanting to finally move out from my parents' home and live life for myself.

But Bruce was always just so busy with work…

And I hardly see him anymore.

Which is why, even after getting married…

My university routine hasn't changed.

I get up,

Go to work,

Come home,

Cook for my husband,

Go to bed,

Go on my phone or watch some TV…

And write books to fill up my evenings.

I have nothing else to do…

Lonely nights without my husband or friends to speak to.

I like to write stories.

It's like medicine for my heart…

I leave a piece of my soul in every story I write.

And the feedback from my online fans isn't too bad either…

At least some people acknowledge me, even if they are a bunch of strangers.

I just want things between me and my husband to go back to the way they were.

Back to the way they were when we first met.

Even though we met through strange circumstances, we eventually fell in love.

We enjoyed each other's company before he got too busy…

And I knew what I needed to do.

I needed to do something to ignite that spark again.


Maybe some sex is what we both need.

We haven't slept together in six months.

I never wear anything sexy, because of the expectations on me of being the "modest wife", but I guess, what's the harm at home?

I'm allowed to seduce my own damn husband.

Maybe the lingerie I bought today will come to good use, after all…



I stood in the middle of my bedroom, and changed into the lingerie set that I’d bought from Victoria’s Secret earlier. I could feel my cheeks flushing red. I'd never done anything like this before. My body was swimming with nerves, because I was anxious about how Bruce would react.

But this was a really sexy set. I was sure that it would be fine. I was finding it really hard to reach out to Bruce nowadays, and connect with him, but maybe when he realized what he was missing, he would go back to normal.

“Writing about a romance is easy for me, so why is a real life romance so damn hard?” I shook my head to myself. “I guess I should wait in bed for Bruce to arrive.”

I lay down in bed in the lingerie, waiting patiently for the doorbell sound that would signify Bruce was back.

A few hours later.

“He isn't even at fucking home yet!” I seethed angrily, growing snappy and agitated. I was tired of waiting. “I've been lying down here for hours, only to make a fucking fool of myself.”

I balled my hands into fists, rattling them angrily as I felt my blood boil to the surface.

“I don't even know why I fucking bother with him anymore,” I snarled. “He makes no effort with me, and shows no interest. He's never even at home.”

I could feel my chest constrict as tears began welling in my eyes. My heart was hurting so much that it physically felt like it was about to explode. Me and Bruce didn’t have a conventional relationship. Communication and effort was what made a marriage strong, yet Bruce lacked in both departments, and always left me to feel like shit on my own. I felt so empty and hollow, that it felt like I was struggling for air.

“Guess I'm eating for one tonight,” I mumbled, and made my way to the kitchen, taking out some cheesecake from the fridge.

I cut it into slices, and scoffed them down, not bothering to stop for a breath. Feeling like complete and utter shit about myself, and needing something to distract me.

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