Chapter 1
The men's coats on top of their clothes showed that it was cold outside that day. Today was the busiest day ever at the club. It looks like these guys want warm fun or someone to warm their beds for them. I've been playing this game for almost 10 years. I came here for the first time when I was 10 years old. All I remember was playing with other kids on the street, and then I was gone. I sometimes think about my family and how they might look right now. That's because I haven't seen or talked to any of my family members in so long that I don't remember anything about them. Anywhere they are, they've been looking for me since that day. I just don't know if they've given up or not.
A knock on the door wakes me up while I'm getting ready for tonight. I have no idea how many guys will want my body today. I think maybe three at most if I'm guessing right. If not, maybe two. The door opens and Henry comes in that moment smoking his usual pot that he smokes every single day. He is part of the men who grabbed me and brought me here and since that day no police have found him. The police setup in this country isn't great.
“You should be ready by now Kate”, he says and takes a puff from his pot.
“I am almost done”, I say “Well hurry up and wear this”, he throws a white lacy Lingerie onto my single bed and I get up from the dressing table chair and go to it.
“Be done in 5 minutes we have an important client”, he says and he hits the door on his way out. I was even surprised that he knocked on the door. I turn to look at the door as he locks it then I take off my silk gown take the piece of cloth and swing it in the air before I get dressed in it. Within a matter of a few minutes I am done and he comes back and the guards escort us to where I am supposed to be going with him. Some guards are looking over this building at each entrance. We don't engage with the other girls as much. We just do what we are meant to do and these Men get money from us. Hanry is not from here. Is from another country here in Africa and came to Nigeria for better work and money opportunities. We are his money possibilities. We don't get paid for this, no. All we get is unclean food and beatings from time to time when we refuse. I have gotten a beating a few times when the guards pushed themselves on me. They are allowed to do so but only with security. It must be used and I thank God for that because I know I would've been sick a long time ago.
We got to the other side of the building where the club was and I had to go in and join the other girls who were there. Instantly as I walk in, I am smacked by the guard and I turn only to find him smiling at me and I feel shivers go down my spine. I get on the stage and join the other girls who are now seductively dancing on the poles and for these men who are throwing money towards them that they won't even get to see again or even keep. There is a barman serving drinks for these guys to quench their thirst from looking at us and there is an area also where there is dimmed light and a bit of better service for someone who sits there. Usually, people call it the VIP area but we call it the Dark Alley as the lighting is a bit dark.
A girl comes to me. I forget her name at times as I don't talk to her as often and she starts stripping for me and we dance together as of that moment. The men here are not shying away from throwing money at us and all those $100 notes are more than the other notes given. Henry is making money tonight and he will sleep happy. When he is happy we get better care.
I see a man from a distance from where I am. Henry is the one who is talking to him and the man has bodyguards with him. I can't see his face fully as he is sitting in the Dark Alley. He must have some sort of value for Henry to talk to him. I keep stealing and looking at them and Henry moves from him and goes to his guards. Who's standing by all the entrances and exits?
“Yeah mama go!”, one man yells as we dance.
I mind my own business and keep on with what I am paid for and after some time I am being pulled by the guards off stage. They carry me and we go through the passageway of where we came from. It kicks in that I am about to sleep with someone and someone has ordered for one of the girls and I was the first pick. I can't get used to the feeling of sleeping with someone. Yes, it has been years since I started but I can't get used to it. The first person who slept with me was Henry when I was about 12 years old. He always sleeps with the young ones and when you turn 13 that is where you join the others and be a stripper and prostitute at once. It was hard for me. I don't know how many times I have cried or how many times I have screamed for someone to save me or my family to find me yet they haven't. Over the years I had given up on all hope that maybe I would be saved one day and have accepted my fate and that is being here.
The guards open the door to a room and they walk in and dump me on the bed and walk out after that and close the door. I sit and look around. It is one of the Presidential suite rooms that only exclusive clients use. It has the most great inner design to the place and the bed is what I consider the nicest and biggest than mine.
The door opens and some guards I am not familiar with open the door they walk in check around while holding big guns and then nod.
“All clear”, one says and a man walks into the room.
He is dressed in a fine-fitted suit but has a very heavy air around him. I swallow as I look at this man who has no facial emotion on his face so I can read him off and know which buttons I should press to please him.
“Leave us”, he says and the guards walk out.
He looks at me and I swallow and look away tucking the hair from my wig behind my ear. I cross my legs and hold them close to my body as I feel his eyes cutting into my skin. He starts moving towards me as his footsteps are heard and then he pulls my legs and my heart thuds against my ribs.
“Get up”, I do so quickly as he orders.
He looks at me once and he goes to the door and opens it.
“Take her to the car”, he says.
The car? What car? Where am I going?
The guards come in and try to take me but I start fighting them.
“Where are you taking me? Let me go!”, I say trying to fight them off but they prove to be stronger than me.
“Let me go!", One picks me up and I try to wiggle out of his hold but it doesn't happen. He is too strong for me and I feel weak.
I haven't eaten today. We only eat at night and during the day we are not allowed to. They walk with me through the back door as I have tried to get them to let me go. Where are they taking me? I don't want to go with strange guys.
A car is stopped and already the door is opened. They shove me inside and close the door and it is locked. It is raining as it is and cold as well. The heater system is turned on by the driver as soon as I am inside.
“Where are you taking me?”, I ask him but he keeps quiet.