After my father left, I saw my mom coughing vigorously. I hastily used the sleeves of my shirt to wipe my face and promptly stood up.
"Mom!" I bellowed, filled with horror, as I watched the flow of blood escaping from her mouth. "Don't be afraid, mom. Everything will be fine. I will fetch Uncle Zaden immediately. Just hang on a little longer, please," I begged, tears streaming down my face as I gently touched her forehead.
My mother tightly grasped my wrist, preventing me from leaving her side. With great difficulty, she managed to string together a sentence, "It's too late, Ella," she vomited blood once more, "I know your dad has left and," as she continued to bleed, she persisted, "and I know what he wanted, but it's too late, Ella. You need to go on your own. I want to spend my final moments here, waiting for your father. I can't leave," she somehow managed to conclude.
Those were her last words before she slowly succumbed to death. I sat there for a long time, holding her unconscious body in my arms. I witnessed every moment of her departure from this world.
I saw how her breath faded away as she slipped into unconsciousness. Her once vibrant chest barely rose and fell. Her complexion grew paler than a blank sheet of paper. Her body rapidly lost all its warmth. Her blood-stained lips dried up.
When her ribs ceased to move, I shook her gently, hoping for a response. But she remained unresponsive. With trembling fingers, I attempted to feel her pulse. But it was no longer there.
I was sitting there silently. I had reached a point where I couldn't shed any more tears. My mind had gone blank, and I couldn't even sense anything until Zaden persistently knocked on the door.
The entire day went by, and everyone found out about my mother's passing. I could sense that most of them were pleased. Towards the evening, updates of the Sapphire's attack reached us. Our pack managed to stop the Sapphires from entering the main town. The Sapphires had retreated.
However, there was another devastating piece of news that awaited me. My father passed away in that war. In just one day, I went from being a member of the nobility of the pack to becoming a complete orphan.
Despite the tragedy, I did not leave the pack with Uncle Zaden. My parents had made the ultimate sacrifice, and I no longer had any desire to pursue a life of happiness. They were the only thing that truly mattered to me.
The war was not over; in fact, it had only just started. Our pack barely survived, and if it weren't for the Alpha's son arriving at the perfect moment to provide reinforcement, our pack would have been completely destroyed by now.
My father did an incredible job, saving us from a much greater danger. He even managed to kill the General of the Sapphires. Due to this, the Sapphires also suffered a significant loss, so they decided to take a break before launching another attack.
However, it was no longer secure for the wolves to reside in their houses since the wall was gone. This meant that the pack was now vulnerable to anyone.
It was not only the Sapphires who could take advantage of this situation. Even the rogues had the chance to infiltrate the pack and cause chaos whenever they pleased. As a result, a royal decision was made that night and the verdict was announced.
"All wolves are instructed to evacuate their residences promptly and seek refuge in the packhouse. Bring only essential belongings, and no individual is permitted to go back or venture beyond the packhouse boundaries without the alpha's approval."
Despite being referred to as a house, the packhouse was actually an enormous mansion where the alpha and his family lived. However, it was constructed as a refuge, specifically designed to accommodate all the wolves during packwars. This three-story mansion boasted numerous chambers and a vast dungeon.
During the pack wars, the upper floors were primarily occupied by the royals and the betas. The third floor was exclusively reserved for the Alpha, while the second floor housed the betas and esteemed omega scholars. The common omegas resided in the dungeon. On the first floor, there was a kitchen, a dining area, and a hallway designated for pack meetings.
Wolf packs were typically of modest size, consisting of small communities that remained close-knit within specific regions. Consequently, relocating the pack members to that mansion was not overly challenging.
After the passing of my parents, I was in a state of mourning. Even after hearing the verdict, I continued to sit alone on the staircase of my house. I was unsure of where to go. Up until that day, I had been residing there solely because of my father. With his absence, I found myself at a loss as to where to go next. Zaden came to me in the afternoon again.
"Ella," Zaden called out to me. I looked up, meeting his eyes filled with sympathy. "The senior oracle would like to meet with you. I will accompany you to her. Ella, your father was like an older brother to me. Therefore, it is my duty to take care of you. Your parents would never have wanted you to remain in this pack. However, you refused to leave earlier. But if you still desire to leave this pack, I will assist you. I also believe it is best for you to no longer stay here," he stated.
"Take me to the oracle," I said calmly." I failed to save my mother, and my dad sacrificed his life for this pack. Do I have any right to abandon the pack and pursue happiness? If only I had never been born, my mother would still be alive. But, was I truly a burden to my parents? Uncle Zaden, do you believe so?" I gazed at him with empty eyes.
"Ella!" Zaden was surprised at my words. He reached out for my shoulders instinctively.
"I apologize," I murmured, averting my eyes. "I should not drag you into this. You only offered assistance due to my father's last wishes. You have no obligation to get involved in this."
Zaden looked at me in disbelief for a moment, then let out a sigh. "How can I ever win against you? You're just like your father, after all. Alright, I won't push you. But remember this, you can leave whenever you choose, and I'll always be there to assist you," he gently squeezed my shoulders and gave me a light pat.