5. He's definitely a beast.
"Hurry! Run! Don't let him get away!"
That's what I heard someone say when I opened my eyes. Was it morning or night? I wondered. Who were they chasing down in fact? I slowly sat up and noticed my hand was stained with blood. Huh?
I dragged the angle of my eyes further and saw Gertrude, lying on the ground, blood pouring out from her stomach. In all the horrors I'd experienced, I'd never actually beheld or touched anyone's blood. Not even my mum's after she had that accident.
"Gertrude?" I called out her name lightly. I was horrified. I heard her moaning in pain so I was thankful she was still breathing. But then, why was no one coming to help? I quickly scurried to her and tried to suppress the bleeding.
"I'm... I'm not a doctor...I feel...I feel like I'm under a panic attack but I can remember one or two things from class. I'm.."
She lifted her hand to touch mine.
"Don't ... don't...bother...."
"You're not supposed to talk...HELP!! SOMEONE HELP, PLEASE!"
"you, what are you doing outside? Didn't The Boss tell you not to ever step outside of your quarters?"
One of the henchmen hurried over to me, with nothing but scoldings and insults. "Please, help her. She's dying."
I said, hoping that he would at least consider the poor soul before us.
"Get your sorry self inside. Else I'll grab that tiny ass of yours." I realized that this was the same man who fumbled my breasts when I was brought to the house.
I wish he were the one that got shot. How could he be thinking of my ass at a time like this?
"Respectfully sir, please don't embarrass me. She's dying. We need to take her to a hospital." I said, lowering my eyes.
He roared so loudly with his mockery laughter.
"What??" He pulled me up and close to himself. He kissed me violently and put his hands on my vagina. His hands slid gradually into my clitoris and he started fumbling it. I cried out in embarrassment and pain.
"Sir, please... I'm sorry for speaking the way I did. Please let me go... please.."
Another gunshot sounded and the man abruptly stopped what he was doing. I thought he'd listened to my pleas. But when I looked up at his face, I saw that he was bleeding through his forehead. He collapsed on my body. As we both fell, his blood splattered on the gown I was wearing. Gertrude's bloodstains were still on me, and now this man's blood as well. I was really hoping that this was all a nightmare. But when Gray marched right to me and pulled me up, I realized it was real. Realer than stormy weather.
"What are you doing out here? What did I tell you about leaving your quarters?" There was so much anger in his voice. I really wanted to explain myself and tell him that I was also trying to obey his orders but Gertrude's meanness wouldn't let me. It felt like he was reading my mind.
" Did she drag you out?"
I didn't speak. But before I knew what was happening, he shot her in the head. My eyes were wide open as tears stained my face.
"Lucas!" He raged.
Lucas ran toward him.
"You've got a lot of explaining to do. How did an opposition group sneak past security? How the hell did that happen?? Clean this mess up and find me the bastard. Or you'll be next."
Lucas nodded and fled the environment. I recognized his face and remembered he was the third man who tried to stop that other guy from having his way with me. I wonder what that guy's name was. He was nameless in my memories before his life was stolen cold.
"And you. Come with me. "
In all of my ponderings I lost, so I didn't realize he was talking to me. When he saw that I was frozen, he pulled me by the hand. But it felt like dominos that he triggered. The minute he pulled me, I fell...on him.
"Ugh.." I heard him say, as I was losing consciousness. His body felt so good to lie on. Much better than Leo's.
"Is it done?"
"I dunno. I know someone took a bullet from me. But I gotta get away fast. There's people on my tail."
Trisha's heart skipped when the man she sent to kill me spoke.
"What?? I hope it's not the cops!"
She was so nervous.
"Neh, it's worse, I tell ya. How come you didn't tell me you were sending me to Gray Lane's den?? My life is in danger." The man was already imagining the horrors of what would happen if he were to get caught.
"Whatever. When you're safe, call me and we'll talk."
Trisha was about to hang the call when he rebelled.
"What about my money?! I swear if you don't pay me my money, I'm gonna expose you to Gray Lane!"
He said and hung up. He was hiding behind a rectangular trash bin in an alley.
As he attempted to walk out of the alley, he heard a gun cock.
"Stop, and turn around." The voice said. It was Lucas.
"Huh? I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean any harm."
"Shut up. Come quietly."
The man turned his back and saw a gun pointed at him.
"We're not killing you yet. The Boss would like to have a word with you. I'm sure you know who I work for."
You could swear that the man was nearly peeing his pants.
"What is your name, and who do you work for?"
Lucas calmly asked. "I-I'm Paul... Paul. I work for nobody man." He was sweating all over.
"Really? So you just decided to attack Mr Lane's den. Wasn't a smart move, I yell ya."
The man was already walking toward Lucas. Lucas could sense the man's intentions. But he wasn't the only one.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
There he was. Gray Lane. The man knew his time was up so he decided to go down fighting. He reached in for his gun tucked in his waist but he was too slow. Gray shot him.
"I didn't need you to be alive to trace your identity and who sent you. You and your accomplices, are dead meat."