Mind reader
Davis's mind immediately became a rollercoaster of contrasting thoughts. He began to weigh the pros and cons of involving himself in whatever case this blonde woman was trying to wittingly coerce him into. For now, he forgot about the whole mind-reading thing and settled for reality.
Since there was a possibility that she was just playing a prank on him by calling him a hired fiance, he decided to correct her. It would only justify his honesty, not after what he had just heard when he touched her.
"I'm sorry," he said, dipping a hand into his pocket. "You've got the wrong man. I'm not a hired fiance, and I don't have any idea what you're talking about." He said.
A subtle smile played across her lips. It was so gentle yet complacent, but it settled well on her face. "But you could be if you want to," she supplied, her face gleaming as though she was pleased by his honesty.
Seemed he just played it right; Davis thought.
Perhaps, whatever happened back there was a good one. Davis knew he had nothing to lose. There was no reason for such a beautiful lady to mess around with him. Hence, he deduced that she could be candid. He decided to take the risk, and should things go awry, he’d run and return to his motel room. As he said, he had nothing more in this world to lose.
And thus, he nodded. "You're right, I don't," he enunciated.
"Is that a yes?" Her eyes widened with delight, and she giggled.
"It's a yes."
She extended one of her hands, and Davis shook it. But then, she placed the second one on it, wiggling his hand hard, and Davis had to place his other palm on both of their hands to steady it.
His left PALM!
And then...
"I'm so happy! He's good-looking, that’s a plus! Now, I have just four more things left to do on my bucket list!"
He heard it.
She had not spoken. Her mouth was shut, but he heard her voice. Now, he wondered if she was some kind of telepath. Only those were possible in supernatural worlds in movies and books. He had read a lot about telepaths in the books he'd read in the past.
He could have staggered about the sudden sound coming from her tight-lipped self, but he was a strong man. He had been through worse than to be too shaken about such a thing. He decided he would be more careful next time to study the details.
After she was done with her overly excited display, she stood up, her eyes still bubbling with so much life. Too much for a cancer patient, Davis decided.
How a person close to death could have so much life in them than a healthy him was proof of how unbalanced life could be.
"Now, you have to follow me home," she beamed.
Following her—a stranger home wasn't such a good idea, but Davis was willing to take the risk. She seemed too nice a person.
With a shrug, "Where's home?" Davis asked.
"You will come to find out soon. Let's go to the car outside. You can drop your luggage because you won't be needing them. Unless you have important stuff in there, of course," she barely gave him any chance to respond and just mumbled endlessly.
He definitely was taking his things along.
"I’ll skip," he replied to her and picked up his suitcase.
Together, they went out of the room and descended the staircase. Davis saw the receptionist still chewing her gum without reservations. Once, their eyes collided, and she gave him a quick wink.
That caught Davis off guard and also told him something. He was convinced the receptionist knew about the plan and had given him the keys to room number 026 intentionally. What a nice role model of a worker!
The moment they got out, a sparkling white limousine was awaiting them. Davis's throat suddenly went parched, unable to believe he was going to be commuted in a limousine.
Obviously glimpsing their approach, a guard dressed in black suits and shoes ran to get the door, and the lady went in.
"Come in!" She happily waved at the skeptical Davis, and he complied.
Hell knows he had no idea what he was doing, and this felt too surreal for him, but his life was already messed up. What more could happen anyway?
He went in and got slapped by the coolness of the air conditioner, which soothed his overstressed skin that looked like it needed more than two spa appointments.
There was a kind of chocolate smell in the car, and all it did was make Davis's stomach growl in anger. He only just recalled he hadn't eaten a thing since early that morning.
"I'm Seraphina Nightshade," her voice broke him free from the short hypnotic ambiance of the car, and Davis staggered back to reality.
What a mysterious yet alluring name to have.
He nodded.
"Seraphina," he repeated, processing her name and imputing it in his brain. "Hi, Seraphina, I’m Davis," he finally finished, forcing a smile.
It was easy to smile in the presence of this woman because she was way too energetic to be dying, but a hungry man is an angry man.
"Nice to meet you, Davis. You are going to marry me tomorrow!" She gingerly announced, and Davis choked on his own spit immediately. He did remember she mentioned a contract marriage earlier, and he also mysteriously heard it as he’d been experiencing since he met her, but tomorrow?
Hell, by this time the day before, he never expected that he’d be engaged in a marriage with another woman tomorrow. Things do change quickly. No one is at all in charge of whatever happens in their life—that much was certain.
"Tomorrow," was all Davis could say in return.
He really thought this was happening all too fast. But if it would make him rich and help him get his revenge on Madeline and her family, then so be it.
There were two men in the car, both dressed in bodyguard outfits. One was driving, and the other just sitting in the front seat beside the driving one.
When Davis strained his neck back, he saw two more sitting on the last seats at the extreme end of the car. He knew there and then that she was the real deal and wasn't a bluffer.
"Yes, you become my husband tomorrow, Davis. Together, we will accomplish all the things I have written in my bucket list," she replied before dozing off beside him.
Immediately she was asleep, Davis allowed himself to study her facial features. There was no bargaining it—she was way prettier than Madeline. Even Evelina was prettier than the bloody whore he had as a wife.
Seraphina’s nose was as pointy as the spindle that laid beauty to sleep. Her jaw was round and sharp at the same time—a distinct feature. Perhaps, it was her ailment that made her skin this pale, but it did justice to her blonde hair.
Davis continued to suck in every detail of her as a distraction to send back the images of Madeline’s lover atop her in their matrimonial bed. It was too heart-shattering, although he was being manly and concealing his pain well.
His fingers reflexively played around the ring on his thumb, and Davis took one more look at it. It was just there, looked simple yet had this eeriness that was only present when you stared at it intensely.
‘That drunkard dropped a burden with him,’ Davis pondered as there was this invisible gripness that magnetized his entire soul to its simplicity – the ring.
The gentle honk of the car as they drove into an ornate estate gate separated Davis from his thoughts. Seraphina was asleep yet.
As they approached their destination, the surroundings underwent a transformation. The once bustling city streets gave way to a serene and well-maintained estate.
As dark as the night was, the estate was bathed with accentuations. The well-tended street was illustrated with decorative lights, creating a picturesque atmosphere that felt almost metaphysical. It was lined with towering trees, with branches creating a canopy of leaves that filtered the moonlight.
The street was brightened as the car drove past, and Davis took in the view as they came. It wasn't until they got in front of a white duplex that the car swerved into the automatic gate that opened itself as soon as it felt the car’s motion.
Soon enough, they were inside the overly spacious compound, and then, the guards began to alight from the car. Seraphina was still fast asleep, leaving Davis confused and unsure of what to do. One of the guards soon came to get the door, and then...
The doors were opened by the guards. One carried sleeping Seraphina away in his arms and the other tended to Davis.
“I’ll lead you to your room now, sir.” He said with a voice laced professionalism.
Davis was for one stunned that someone was regarding him as a ‘sir’. That much should be expected if he was to wed their mistress the next day.
He slowly glided down, about to lift his suitcase when the guard stopped him.
“I’ll do that for you, sir. Allow me to safely escort you to your room first.” He said but ended up placing his hands on Davis’s left palm.
Which triggered something that slightly burnt Davis’s thumb and then…
“Look at him, a lucky bastard. He's going to inherit most of Ms. Nightshade’s inheritance when he's just nobody. I'll wait until he does that and then kill him off so that he’d continue the shitty marriage with the bitch when she dies.” He heard.
Just like earlier, this guard had not spoken a word.
Why then was he hearing things? Davis wondered. It was certain that this person wouldn't have said those out loud. He definitely didn't just say those words out unless…
…. He could read minds now!
H — how on earth was that possible?
Something — maybe impulse pushed Davis to stare at his fingers, recalling how he had the burning sensation right when the guard touched him there. He felt the same way with Seraphina earlier.
Was there something extraordinary about the ring that the mysterious man gave him?
“Sir? Are you alright?” The guard continuously repeated, finally breaking Davis off his short trace.
This was about to get interesting, Davis thought. He could read minds with this ring. Hell, Madeline didn't ruin his life with what she did. She tossed him closer to his true calling.