"What the hell on earth",A handsome man with a devilish smirk on his face said as a bunch of men sitting around a big office table briefed him on the state of hell address.Yes,he was the famous Asmodeus,the youngest Arch demon,most cocky prince of hell and the soon to be Devil.He was amused to hear what he had just been told.Hell wanted an election,the demons wanted democracy."Ha,I can't believe this,I wish I could see the look on Satan and Lucifer's face."So, Asmodeus what do you say about our proposal",the men around the table asked.Asmodeus looked at them one by one then spoke,"Why the hell would I do that".They all gaped at him,this was the greatest opportunity of a lifetime for any demon and Asmodeus was....well,he was.....not giving a fuck!!!.
Asmodeus said that for one reason and one reason only.He gave up on the mission of hell long ago.He gave up fighting a lost war against their Father,the Almighty God.Why after leaving hell for over a century,would he want to comeback to be the fall guy for the kingdom of darkness."What did Lucifer have to say about your demands",he curiously asked."He's been quiet this whole time,you know Lucifer and his pride",they replied."Asmodeus,please consider the offer, we are tired of their rule and it seems Satan wants the throne again,you know what happens when he takes control",they said,almost like they were begging him."Oh Satan, classic lover of war and genocide,I wanna see you right now",he told himself while getting up and turning his back on the men.
"Okay,l want to hear my endorsement from the lips of Lucifer himself",He turned to tell them.They turned pale,they knew Lucifer would never do that.It would bruise his ego but Asmodeus knew that.He just wanted to stand before his brother who told him,he had chosen the weakest sin to draw power from.Now look at him,the whole hell was trying to make him king and he just wanted to see his dearest brother's reaction.
He wanted to stare Lucifer in the eyes and see his ego crumble before the one he referred to as a mistaken rebel.Yeah,at first Asmodeus didn't agree with their ideologies and sometimes said their cause was stupid and vain but when he ended up on earth,the freedom and power he experienced showed him what he would have missed if he was still an innocent little angel.He couldn't say he didn't miss it but he realized that he joined to rebel for this reason.He was tired of being told what to do,what to think and most of all how to live his eternal life.
He thought being with his seven brothers would change that but Lucifer and Satan showed him that he had just entered an alternate reality because they still tried to control him.It took him years to break free from the mentality that he needed them but now he was truly free,he would never be anyone's puppet again.It was going to be a hard pass for him.They could take their bloody throne but he wanted his dignity and respect back.He wanted Lucifer to acknowledge him as the superior now and then he would throw them all under the bus and go back to living happily ever after in his demon free world.
Leviathan,who lead the messengers walked up to Asmodeus and tapped his shoulder.Once he had his attention he spoke,"You really don't need to do this Asmodeus,we both know you don't want the throne.Here,let's make a deal,you endorse me for the role and I will ensure the others never bother you ever again".
He turned to face his brother and with a deadbeat expression on his face he replied,"What do you know about what I want,this the first time in a century that we have talked and you're here with all your guts spitting nonsense about making deals.I will tell you what!!!.When I become king,you can come and make a deal with the Devil".
Leviathan wasn't surprised at Asmodeus and his angry talk and mocking.They were never on the best talking terms.
Well now he witnessed firsthand that the Asmodeus he knew had grown up and become a serious combination of Lucifer's pride and Satan's refined rage,he had to worry no more about Asmodeus looking weak infront of the others.
"Since it seems you got everything under control,may we go and finally meet your fanatics,they can't wait to see their new king", Leviathan said in the most cynical way possible.