Who wants the throne
Asmodeus was on the move with the other demons,they were going to Hell Industries Inc.Yes!,hell had headquarters all over the globe and these places always had an underground chamber.It led to the actual realm of hell.
Asmodeus wasn't really interested in the throne but he thought,"It's time for a great family reunion".He smiled to himself with a sense of satisfaction and relaxed in his seat.
They finally arrived at Hell Inc and were met with a royal welcome.It was so grand that some of the chauffeurs recommended that Asmodeus should be lifted into the building.Ofcourse,he declined.Asmodeus was a simple guy.Well, except for the fact that he was a billionaire.He just wanted to get this over with it.He was going to disappoint all these fanatics and go back to his earthly abode to pass time,right before their inevitable war in the end times.Yeah, Asmodeus knew they would lose the war against their Dad after they failed to corrupt his divine son.He no longer saw the use of fighting for a lost cause.Lucifer was too proud to admit it.
They entered the company premises and headed straight to the hell realm portal.It was time to face his demonic brethren.Once he informed them that he didn't want the crown,he wondered,"Then who would want the throne".
He then remembered Levia's proposal. Yes, he called Leviathan,Levia. He gave everyone short names.Lucifer was Lucif,Satan was Sat,Belphegor was Belp,Baal was Ba, Beelzebub was Beel,Mammon was Momo.
Yeah😂, Asmodeus laughed at that name all the time but in actual fact,Mammon was not a joke.Unlike his psychopathic brothers who were chasing an eternal suicide mission,Mammon had achieved alot.He went to school like a normal human,Blew every paper he wrote and went to job interviews like anyone else.He was now the boss of the World bank🏦. Asmodeus decided that even though Mammon wasn't going to be at that lame event he would endorse him as king.He saw no one as fit and disciplined as Mammon to take Hell Inc to the next level.It was supposed to be a business but all the others were doing shitty and outmoded practices.
Literally who sets up occult centers when Social media groups existed and who bought big buildings and large flyers to host events when Zoom, Skype and others were urging rich dudes who didn't know what to use their bundles for to make conference calls.Asmodeus knew they were hopeless but at least they had to go down with style.
Well on the other hand,he couldn't care less,humans were literally begging him to sell their souls for a few years of fame,power and money forgetting that an eternity of pain awaited them below.Sometimes Satan would personally come to the torture chambers In hell to give a treat to his VIPS,who were lucky enough to have the fallen angel of wrath rip them limp from limp just so they could heal again for round 2.
Asmodeus loved humans even though their lives were vain and most were corrupted.He at first asked how on earth their Father thought the angels would bow to them but on another occasion,he experienced an emotional breakdown a human had.It showed him what the angels lacked.Those were true feelings of happiness,remorse and more.
They became his little children who had to be thought how to live freely.He showed them pleasures beyond their wildest dreams.He wasn't the one with the most dominant sin for nothing.Lust was the secret forbidden desire of a human's heart begging to be shown.All he ever needed to do was find how to trigger it. With the internet in existence his job became very easy.
All he did was buy half of the porn industries and then with adverts everywhere,peer sex talks,lots and lots of sex movies,most humans lost their virginity before they realized it .Masterbation was the world's greatest child killer addiction but no one actually talked about it.Billions maybe trillions of children were lost just for the enjoyment of their would be parents.
It was sad and funny at the same time but at the end of it all,it meant nothing.Oneday their Dad and his divine son would be back to end it all like it happened during the flood.Asmodeus just hoped that the time wasn't soon and he knew with Mammon as the boss,he wouldn't be interested in breaking any of the seals that would lead to an inevitable apocalypse.
Asmodeus was all in his mind,just thinking of everything that happened when he lived in hell.It all had to do with that whore called Lilith.She caused the rift between all seven of them and he was sure he would strangle her if she ever got close to him ever again.