I had arrived Italy to an apartment I could afford with my savings. I was staying in Porta Nova, a busy city with modern architecture buildings. It has a mix of office blocks, well to do residential buildings, cafes, and restaurants. The area is nice and looks highly gentrified. This was the only place I knew because it was my dream town right from childhood.
Coming to Italy, I knew I had to keep a low profile. I had cut my hair short, dyed it dark brown from the blonde color it was before. I couldn't afford to be caught. I have been living in fear for three years now but no one has come to look for me. Well, maybe they must have forgotten about my Mom's murder case by now because she was a drug addict.
Diana was my only friend; I had begged her to help me get my Visa and international passport through the assistance of her Dad who is an immigration officer parents.
I lied to her; I told her that I had applied for a scholarship in an acting academy in Italy and getting my international passport and Visa was one of the requirements needed before the interview. Acting has always been my dream career right from when I was five. I would create my own semi- theatre and I would act with my dolls, speaking and demonstrating with inanimate objects.
"I have to look for a job; I barely have any cash left with me."
I had spent my entire life savings through the years, and now I have to do something, I couldn't just hide forever. Walking into the streets, I go in search of a job.
Having tried out four vacant spots in different bars with no good news, I decide to retire for the day. I knew I didn't have enough qualifications to get a better job because I didn't graduate from High school. I had zero years of experience in any kind of job, plus no one will want a novice in a long standing business. I just wanted anything good and legal that could give me a little money, but the remarks from the managers were not any help;
On my way to my little apartment, I decide to grab a drink in the nearby pub.
I'm too tired to notice anything or anyone around me, I head straight to where the bar tender is standing.
You're looking worn out, are you okay?"
"I'm fine Gabriel. Just had a terrible day."
Gabriel is the only person I have ever held a real conversation with in Porta Nuova. We have been friends for quite some time now. He is a very good listener and that's why I feel unconstrained when I discuss with him. He once told me that he would love to take things to another level with me but I had been blunt with him; I told him that I had a lot of things to worry about and entering into a relationship with a "guy" was the least of my worries.
After the way He treated my Mom despite the fact that she was loving and caring, I doubt I can trust any other guy easily to treat me right.
"Do you mind telling me what is going on?"
I rant about my whole day and tell him the atrocious remarks from different managers. He doesn't cut me off, he is just listening and paying attention to my misery. After taking three shots of whiskey, I decided to call it a day.
"I should be leaving. Maybe I'll try some other thing tomorrow."
Standing up from my seat, I notice a group of men, like they belong to the FBI or they belonged in a 70's Mafia flick, and walking out of the pub.
The suited men were undeniably gorgeous so I wasn't surprised when the ladies in the pub gawked shamelessly at them.
Two men dressed neatly in black suit were walking out of the pub, as they walk out, one walks to my direction, maybe with the intention of ordering a drink, as he reaches the counter, where I stand, he places a card and shifts it closer to my face.
"I heard you might be looking for a job." He says
"Yes?" ignoring the attention I am attracting, I respond grittily.
"I've got a job for you. Call the number on this card to get all the information you need."
Without waiting for my response, he leaves the pub with his partner in front of him. I control myself from screaming because I didn't see it coming.
"Gabriel, I can't believe this!"
Grabbing the card with enthusiasm, I quickly put the business card inside my purse.
"If you really want a job Anna, you wouldn't hesitate to call the number on that card."
I don't remove my clothes when I get home. I remove the card from my purse, exhaling, I dial the number.
"My name is Anna, a man gave me a business card and told me to call the number on it."
"You have been selected among those to be interviewed to work for the Jack's family. I will send you the time for the interview and the location, good luck Miss." She ended the call without waiting for my response.
Early in the morning, I wake up feeling anxious and queasy about the interview. I shower, before getting dressed in my black jeans, tucking it in with my turquoise blue shirt and wearing a black sneakers to go with it.
Picking the card, confirming the location, I walked into the streets. I ordered a taxi that cost 5 euros to reach the location.
This is the only house here. No it can't be a house. It's a castle, and only someone who makes more than 500 euros in a minute could afford this.
The man at the entrance turns to my direction, noticing my bewilderment, "any problem Miss?"
"My name is Anna, but I'm here for a job interview."
"Okay Miss. Follow me." He replied in a formal tone.
The building was really a castle. Bold on the blue beyond. It stood there like it was conjured from a child's storybook. It was perfect. I imagined unicorns in the courtyard, because if those towers could exist, why not Unicorns?
Every stone was even and square, like those who built it had their minds set on perfection. It seems they really loved what they made. There were walls made to protect those that were living inside.
It was entirely different inside. Outside was made traditionally exquisite, but the inside was voguish and sophisticated.
I couldn't even get a job in a bar, why would I be qualified to work in a castle like this. Leading me through the foyer, I see another guard at the hallway, to my right is a door to a room.
I hear them mutter words, before the guard at the entrance of the room, goes into the room and comes out with a note pad and pen.
"Ms Anna?"
"Yes that's me."
"You may go inside and wait alongside with the others till it's your turn." He opens the door for me, when I enter inside the room; I stop dead in my tracks at what I see.
The ladies inside the room are dressed extravagantly, Beautiful hairdo and lovely make-up. The ladies look stunning compared to what I was wearing and how I appeared.
Taking a seat quietly at the far end corner of the room, I'm too diffident to approach anyone. I can hear silent whispers and smirks at my direction. I ignore them, sitting quietly and awaiting my trial.
"Ms Anna, it's your turn."
"I can do this." I whisper to myself with an edgy voice.