Walking anxiously through the door into the room that the interview would take place, I can't help with my unassertiveness.
Yes, I know this is a big and wealthy family, but there is no way a woman in her mid-fifties could look this bonnie and resplendent.
Her hair is richly curled and it falls on her shoulder, fitting her round face perfectly.
She is sitting behind a grand desk. I swig as she turns hers head and looks at my outfit with, what I sense is, distaste in her eyes. I return a delighted smile to prove that I remain unfazed despite the manner she glares at me.
I stand at the centre of the room and behind me are two gorgeous men dressed in black suit; one of them sits and without gathering much information I can easily tell that he is the son of the woman before me due to the uncanny resemblance.
"Is she the one?" the suited man sitting asks the suited man standing.
"she is an English applicant."
"Ms Anna Dennis?" she reads my name from the note pad that the other guard read my name from earlier.
"Sorry Ma'am, I am not really fluent in Italian."
"Oh well, that's nice to hear. We were also looking for English applicants too, which is a better advantage on our side." She has a concentrated Italian accent and I barely make out the words she says, but on hearing that, my pulse reduces from its fastened throbs. I can still have some hope in getting the job.
"Anna Dennis, can you tell us a little about yourself?"
"I am an orphan that was raised in a foster home. My foster parents didn't have enough money; I had to drop out from High school to ease their stress. So I started getting menial jobs to save money so I can go back to school."
"You're even a drop out! Romero where did you pick this trash from?" Hearing the words emanate from his mouth, my nervousness ceases and my chest burns with rage.
Who does he think he is?
"Leo stai zitto!" His Mom blurts out. I refuse to turn around because I would lose my temper and say what I'm not supposed to say. My chance of getting the job is already slim.
"Go on Ms Anna."
"Unfortunately, my foster Mom had a kidney failure and needed a lot of money for treatment. I had to give all my savings up for her treatment and after that we couldn't afford the rent anymore so I had to leave the house. My friend invited me to Italy and said I could find a well-paying job here. She also said I could complete my education here and apply for an admission into the NCA."
"You can't even dress well and you want to apply for the NCA." He says mockingly in a low tone. It is the same voice that spoke earlier and without turning around I know it is Leo making jest of me. Hearing the deep, natural, dominating, and sexy voice, rather than get angry, I sense a burning sensation in between my laps as I stand. I completely ignore the comment and sensation.
Of course they hate me but he doesn't have the right to talk to me that way.
"Ms Anna, you're quite a lady." I did not expect what I see, I expected a stern look. She smiles at me as though she is truly impressed with my story. I think it a trap so I don't smile back at her.
Anna, You are being interviewed to be a nanny in this house and take care of my two younger children Cynthia and Bella. With your little experience on domestic jobs, do you think you can handle this?"
"I am very sure I will do my best Ma'am if I am given the opportunity. I am interested in the job and I very much like children as well. They teach you things too as you get to teach them. With my little experiences, I have found myself in a situation where I babysat a five year old child while his parents were away on a vacation. They insisted that I take care of the child till they return and I wasn't scared whether the child would like me or not, I just wanted to do my job. In the few days I stayed with the child, I noticed the child open up to me and tell me things he never even told his own parents before. My point is, if I am given the opportunity, I can provide them with the happy memories and great experiences of a proper childhood"
She lifts up her face with a broad grin, she is ablaze at my answer and she drops her pen down on her desk causing me to smile. "I think I am beginning to like you." She yelled before getting a glimpse of her son's eyes.
His Mom doesn't pay attention to whatever he is saying, her full attention remains on me.
"Anna there is something important I would like to ask you."
"Okay Ma'am."
"Would you love to go to bed with my son?"
My mouth drops open as I move backwards. I subtly clean my eyes to be sure that I am the only one in the room being questioned.
"They must be playing games with me", I think.
"Excuse me Ma'am, is this part of the interview questions?" I blurt out in anger. She is still smiling at me but I am not interested in that anymore. Leo is shocked at my brashness and that is when our eyes meet. I gulp as I applaud his appearance inside my head.
Oh my goodness!
His perfect body features are hidden under his black suit. He is gorgeous, I had to accept, but he is not my type. He reminded me of him; Controlling, abusive, rude and arrogant. I am angry because Leo could be this handsome with his bad-mannered attribute.
"Yes. It is part of the interview Ms Anna. Can you please answer the question?"
"I am here strictly for business purposes. I have a dream and I have heights I want to attain in life and I need finances to survive or make that dream a reality. I don't see how sleeping with your son will help me achieve anything I want to do. Your son is very good looking and I can't deny that fact but he isn't what I want in my life right now."
A man would need to work very hard to get me and besides that, after what happened to my Mom, I doubt I could trust any man again.
"To answer your question properly Ma'am. I am not interested in your son, neither do I want to go to bed with him for any reason even if it was a criterion for getting this job; I will humbly decline the offer."
Rolling his eyes from mine to his mothers', he snorts. He thinks I say what I say to please his Mom or act like a good girl. His Mom is fascinated by the awkward atmosphere between us.
"Why would I ever be interested in such a person like you? If no one has ever told you Miss, you're too ugly and you can never be a match for me."
His Mom doesn't say anything which is unfair; how can she let her son say that in her presence?
"Ms Anna Dennis. Thank you for your quality time. I must confess, I enjoyed this interview session. My children will be eager to associate with someone like you. We will let you know our final judgement as soon as possible." Dora says.
I release my grip on the handle and march towards where Leo is seating angrily. I don't know where the courage emanates from; I scowl at him defiantly.
"I want to enlighten you Leo, Don't feel your wealth is everything. I'm sorry if I'm mistaken here but I think it's you who need a nanny and not your siblings." I storm out of the room, satisfied at my victory.