Story 3: Behind The Mask

In Behind The Mask, you are a middle-aged woman without any kids who allows your friend, Kim, to take you out after you recovered from your divorce. What happens when you bump into a stranger and you uncover what is behind his mask?

The truth shall set you free! Now on with our story.…

Behind The Mask

Why I allow my friend Kim to talk me into things is beyond me. But yet again I am doing something that was her idea. I admit that I am a bit curious but I would never have done this if not for her.

“Hurry up and finish your hair,” Kim says for the umpteenth time.

Easy for her to say. She can wake-up looking like a model, but me I take some effort to look as flawless as she does. I still think it is odd that we are dressing as pets to go to a club, but she assures me that we will blend in just fine. I still worry because since my divorce I have lost myself. Granted I am closer to who I was before him, but I still feel inadequate. Something is missing or maybe I'm just that broken? I finish my hair and put on my mask.

“You look like a demonic bunny!” she exclaims.

“Well, how is a bunny supposed to look?” I ask.

“Here, let me,” she adds a shimmering clear gloss over my red lipstick. Then she dusted me with a shimmering body powder. Lastly, she added a weird necklace. It resembles some sort of collar and leash. I will go along with it for now.

We get to the club. There's a huge line. “Maybe we should just go,” I suggest.

“No! I got you dressed and we are going to put it to use,” she says as she shoves me towards the bouncer.

“Password,” he says grumbly.

This guy is huge and extremely intimidating.

“Ummm, bunny?” I timidly say.

He chuckles, “Babygirl you're going to need a better safeword than that.”

“Safeword?” I ask as I look at Kim, “Just what type of club requires a safeword? What have you gotten me into?”

She just giggles as the bouncer laughs, “I guess she has no clue how far her rabbit hole goes,” he says.

Kim winks at him, “She doesn't but will after tonight!”

He opened the door for us as Kim dragged me inside. I see a huge space that has a bar in the center. All around people are dancing and engaging in various sex acts.

“Um, Kim?” I ask as I chew on my lip.

“Lynn, it's a BDSM club and you promised me that you'd live again,” she says.

She's right, I did promise that I would try new things and embrace life after my divorce from Steve. He didn't let me have friends and made me a prisoner in our own home. Kim fought him every step of the way and gave me the strength to leave him and start over. I owe it to her to make the most of my second life. But I’m not so sure that a BDSM club is the place to start. However, carpe diem I guess, after all, it is Halloween and no one knows me here but Kim, so what have I got to lose? I might as well be someone besides my boring and inexperienced self. For once, I am going to be a bad bunny. I'm going to do what good girls don't!

We wander around for a bit before we sit in a booth. Two guys come over to us. One is wearing very tight leather pants and is dressed as a skeleton and the other is wearing tight black pants and a leather cat mask. Of course, Kim chats them up and they sit with us.

I just get an odd vibe from them so I excuse myself to the restroom. Do I think that those guys will harm either of us? No, but I don't think that they would stop if I said to. I have had guys like my ex-husband not take no for an answer so I'm not going to allow it now that I am single.

I am on my way back as all of the lights go out. I don't know if this is part of their party or not, but it is creeping me out. I can't see anything in this long hallway. I reach my hand out to feel for the wall. I can use it to find my way back to Kim. I really wish that I would have stashed my phone in my boobs. F*ck my luck!

As I am feeling my way out, my hand comes in contact with a warm and very toned abdomen. “Sh*t! Sorry.”

A deep voice falls by my ear, “You’re not little rabbit, but you will be.”

Massive hands grab me and hoist me over his broad shoulders. This guy must be over six and a half feet tall. I can't fight him but maybe I can reason with him.

I hear a door creak open and then shut. I'm still over his shoulder and he's just slowly meandering around as if I weigh nothing. I put on nearly fifty pounds during my marriage so I'm a good two hundred pounds now. Stress and being miserable will drive a person to do a lot of things. It drove me to eat.

“Mister, put me down,” I say.

He clicks his tongue, “Bunny, you have a lot to learn.”

He lights a few candles before he tosses me on the bed. I still can't see him fully and he's wearing a mask, but what I can see is godlike.

“Listen, my friend will be looking for me,” I say.

“She will but not until she's had her fill. Kim came to party,” he says smugly.

“You…you know her?” I stutter as I ask.

He chuckles, “Not intimately but she is a member here.”

“Well I'm not so let me go,” I demand.

“Now, now you know that you don't really mean that,” he said as he trailed his finger along my jaw, “You came here for a reason didn't you?”

“I don't even know you. Why should I tell you anything?” I sass him as I fold my arms over my chest.

He chuckled and it is starting to make me ache, but I can't do this, can I?

“My name is Lucas but that's not what you will be calling me tonight, Lynn,” he said as he ran his fingers through my hair. I leaned into his touch without realizing it at first.

“How do you know my name?” I ask.

He chuckles again but his lips ghost my neck and send goosebumps all over my body, “Relax bunny, your name was on the RSVP that Kim sent. I own this club, so I know most in attendance tonight. And you are safe with me. If you want me to stop at any time just say carrot, and I will stop everything and make sure you find Kim.”

“I…I don't know. I have been told that before,” I tell him.

“Were any of them your Dom?” he asks as he sucks my neck.

“Noooo,” I shakily reply.

He hums, “Good because bunny, you're mine!”

He bites my neck and I cry out in pleasure, “Remember your safeword.”

I'm nearly drunk from the orgasm that I just had, “o….okay.”

“Tsk…tsk…okay what?” he asks as his hands roam my now quivering body.

“Okay, Lucas,” I answer.

Apparently, that wasn't the right answer as I found myself over his knee as his hand smacked my ass.

“It is Master or Sir, my pet, as Lucas isn't here right now,” he said as he kept smacking my ass.

It hurt at first but now I am aproaching another orgasm. What is it about this guy? How can my body respond to him like this?

“Now are you going to be a good girl for your Sir?” he asks as he rubs my ass.

I push into his touch as I answer, “No.”

He pulls my hair but it doesn't hurt not as it did the few times Steve tried to be aggressive during sex.

“What do you mean no?” he asks in a near-murderous tone.

“No, I'm not going to be good. I'm going to do what good girls don't!” I say as I crash my lips to his. He tastes like smoke and whiskey. I quickly lose my dominance in this battle as his lips move with urgency and his tongue claims every inch of my mouth.

I moan as I surrender to him. He growls as he lifts me up, not breaking the kiss. He lays me on the mattress and climbs over me.

“I want you and I will have you unless I hear your safeword,” he says as his lips crash to mine again.

All I have to do is say carrot and this stops, but I don't want it to stop. I want more, so much more, and feeling his hard length dig into my skin causes liquid heat to soak my already damp panties. I am awash with need, need for this perfect well-hung stranger.

His hands make quick work of my clothing and his. I bite my lip because I am not sure that all of him will fit. It has been months since I have been laid and even longer since I had a cock over six inches inside of me.

He chuckles, “Is my pet worried? She should be!”

With lightning speed, he pressed his body to mine as his cock slid effortlessly inside of me. It hurt a bit as I stretched to accommodate his length and girth. He stilled and just stared into my eyes. I want to see all of him so I lift off the mask.

He's gorgeous. Memorizing eyes and a chiseled jaw with plump lips, he's a God.

“Now you're mine at last!” he said as he pumped me to orgasm. With each rock of his hips, my pussy clenched in delight. No man has ever made me cum so many times before. He runs his hands over my quivering body as he places my ankles on his shoulders.

He pushes further inside of me as I cry out. His pace quickens and I cum so hard that stars flood my vision. His desire for me can't be faked because his eyes have never left my face.

Soon I am a sweaty mess and my vision blurs. I have never come so many times. I am exhausted. With a roar, he spilled his hot seed as my pussy milked every drop. Then I felt him bite my neck but it felt different from before. I started to feel weak and dizzy. I passed out before I could utter my safeword not that I would want to after the mountain of pleasure he just gave me. That was my last thought before everything went black.

“Lynn, my darling pet, wake up,” Lucas whispered in my ear as his tongue ran down my neck.

I'm not sure how long I blacked out for as there are no windows in this room and most of the candles have burned out. I am disoriented, to say the least.

“What? How? Ugh, I can't think,” I say.

“Shhh, it will clear in a few minutes and then we can begin our eternity together,” he says as he kisses me.

Eternity? What?!??

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