Story 4: Marked

Over the past few years, you have ran from one bad relationship to another. You think that you have finally found the man you want to marry and start a family with. Last year, you both attended a Halloween party at your favorite private club, and you are going to this year as well. What happens when Ethan, the man you wanted to marry, can’t save you?

Let’s find out in Marked!

I had to get away from that stupid party. I don't know why I thought I could go and leave it all behind. Seeing him with her still hurts.

*Flashback to a few hours ago

I am putting the finishing touches on my Kalesi costume as my boyfriend, Ethan Riggs, enters. “I can't wait to take that off of you later,” he says as his eyes rove over me.

“You have already seen me in this when I wore it for our anniversary role-play,” I tease.

“I think your performance deserves an encore tonight,” he requests as he lightly bites my neck.

“Careful, your fake fangs are a bit sharp,” I say.

He chuckles, “All the better to taste you with, my dear.”

I smack him on the chest, “Go to the club, I will meet you there. I forgot that I have to drop a file off at the office for Mr. Draco.”

“That man needs to give you a raise as much as you do for him after hours,” Ethan whines.

“I'm his primary assistant. It's the least I can do because running a billion-dollar company would be all-consuming if he didn't rely on me and his other assistants. Plus, he pays really well and I can always request paid time off if I ever need it,” I reply in my boss’s defense.

“Whatever, I will see you there shortly. Don't take too long,” he warns.

I answer with a smile, “I won't.”

He leaves and I finish my makeup. I rush to the office and put the file on Mr. Draco’s desk. Usually, his office is rather frigid but I am burning up. I checked the thermostat but it is set to 68 degrees. How odd because it feels like at least 80 degrees in here. I texted the head of maintenance and he told me that he would come take a look later. I don't have time to wait for him because I have a party to attend.

I made my way to the club and walked around saying hello to the many people that I knew. I keep my eye out for Ethan. There are a few guys dressed as vampires but none looks like him.

Ethan and I have been a couple for five years. We got together shortly after I had broken up with my ex, Conner Ale. Conner was a Dom at the club that I'm here at tonight. Conner didn't stop when I used my safeword and Ethan stepped in to save me.

But my nightmare with Conner wasn't over. A few weeks later, he showed up at my apartment. I foolishly let him in thinking he was Ethan at first. Once I realized it was Conner, I ordered him to leave. He didn't. I evaded him and ran. I ran straight to Mr. Draco’s office. The office has always been my safe place since then too.

In my efforts to evade Conner, I had managed to scrape my knee and ankle. Of course, Mr. Draco noticed. So I explained to him everything that happened as he treated my wounds. My boss saved me as much as Ethan did so I won't allow anyone to badmouth him, not even Ethan.

I keep looking for Ethan as my thoughts drift back to all of the memories in this club, both good and bad. Ethan isn’t in any of the public areas so I will search the VIP and private rooms.

I strut into the VIP. Many people are doing scenes. I stop to watch a few, but I don't see Ethan. As I turn to leave, I feel that intense heat again. I look around and no one else seems to be affected. How peculiar!

I dismiss any notion that I am going insane. There must be a logical reason behind this heat thing, but I don't have time to figure out what that is. If I'm not punctual, Ethan will punish me. Sometimes I enjoy his punishment but I have had to safeword a few times. Ethan can just get too intense.

I walk down the hallway of private rooms. I take out my key to open the peepholes to each room. So far, no Ethan and I have gazed into three rooms already. I come to the sixth room out of thirteen. I put my key in and what do I see?

I see a vampire that has tied a nude blonde woman up so that she is prone. I can't be sure who it is because I can't see his face. So I watched a bit longer as he teased his victim. He whipped her with a flogger as she moaned in ecstasy. She's in subspace based on her glazed-over expression. I wished I was her right now.

Once satisfied, the vampire removed his cape and belt. He unbuttoned his shirt and unzipped his pants. I admired his broad shoulders and back as he slid his shirt off until I saw a very familiar tattoo.

“Ethan! You lying, cheating bastard! We are through!” I screamed as I slammed the peephole cover closed then I ran.

End Flashback

With tears of anger, frustration, and betrayal streaming down my face, I rush out of the club and into the street. I am nearly struck by a car when I'm scooped up and carried to safety.

Strong hands wipe away my tears, “Shhh now. It's alright, I have got you,” a deep velvety voice says.

“Mr. Draco!” I exclaim through my sobs.

“Just relax. Let me get you somewhere safe and then you can tell me why I had to save you again,” he says.

I thought that he would take me to my home or the office, but instead, we went to his home. I freeze at the threshold.

“Come or I will carry you,” he commands.

I go inside and he leads me to the sofa. He sits and pulls me beside him. He removes my shoes and places my feet on his lap.

“Now explain,” he demands.

I start to explain what all happened to him but as I do I feel that heat again. So I ask, “Is it hot in here?”

He chuckles, “Not yet, but it will be.”

My eyebrows shoot up in shock because he's never talked to me like that before.

“Relax, I will have it all handled. But I do have something to show you,” he says as his fingers trail over my ankle bone to a small scar that I got years ago when I escaped Conner.

The scar began to glow and heat, “Why is my scar doing that? What is going on?”

As a huge grin dawns on his handsome face as he says, “It isn't a scar. It's a mark. Most importantly my mark because you are mine!”

***The End

———Author’s Note——-

Every mark, line, or scar tells a story and proves that we can find love in the most unlikely of places.

Welcome to my world of darkness where everyday is Halloween! May we all be marked!

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