After dinner, while Laura was doing the dishes, Katie and I slinked out of the house.

It was already quite late when we finally found the chance to escape. We both knew that if we stayed the night, she would

force us to accompany her to church the next morning.

Our Sundays were for relaxation from the previous week's stress.

“That was a narrow escape. I can't imagine the shock on her face when she notices we are no more in the house.” Katie laughed, attracting the attention of the other, few passersby on the road.

“You shouldn't laugh like that. I just hope she figures it out quickly so she can lock her door before any intruder goes in.” I

said, squeezing her shoulders.

“Tell me you do not find it funny. Even the tiniest bit.” She said, looking up at me.

I giggled. “I’ll admit it's a bit funny. We should be expecting her call soon though.” I replied as we fell silent. There were

hardly any cabs passing by at this time and the bus stop was a long walk from here. I

could only hope there were buses available.

“How was your shift today?” Katie asked as we walked on. “Did Isha drop by?''

“She did. So did my mysterious customer.”

“Your shifts aren't as boring as before, then. Is there anything new besides them?” She asked.

“Nothing new. Same old routine of classes and work.” I responded, putting my hands in my hoodie's pocket to warm them up.

“Same here. We lead such boring lives. Why don't you get a boyfriend?” She whined. “That will be fun to watch.”

“Besides, I am focused on my work and studies.You should though, you are older than me afterall.” I smirked. “Yours would be

even more interesting to watch.”

She laughed, understanding what I was hinting at. She got her heart broken when she was a fresher in FIU and since then

she has vowed to torture any guy that asks her out again.

By the time we had quieted down, we were at the bus stop already. Luckily, there was a bus approaching just as we got there.

The bus came to a stop for us to get on. We hadn't gone too far when Kate rested her head on my shoulder and was soon



The weekend went by in a flash and soon I was starting another week, alternating between school and work.

“Over here, Mia.” Isha shouted from the middle row, causing everyone to look in my direction and hers. Before Isha came

along, I tried really hard to maintain a low profile but she was quickly ruining that and somehow, I didn't mind it.

I shook my head as I dumped my bag on the table and had my seat beside her. “Good morning, Isha.” I greeted her, handing

her the chocolate chip cookies she had requested for.

“This is one of the numerous reasons I love you.” She said, inhaling the cookies and smiling sappily. “You've been to the cafe


I nodded. “I had to bake a few pastries for sale before I came to school.” I explained to her.

She nodded in reply as she took a bite of her cookies, letting out a small moan in delight. “This is simply delicious just like every

other thing I have tasted.” She let out, closing her eyes as she threw the whole thing in her mouth.

I beamed, basking in her praise. I simply loved watching the expression on people's faces when they tasted my pastries.

“Why don't you advertise more? Create a social media account and advertise yourself there. I could give you a shout-out on my

page, as you know, I have quite a lot of followers.” She said after she finished chewing.

“That's a good idea but I am waiting till I earn my degree and get enough capital to start up my own bakery.” I told her in response.

“That's great, babe. If you need any help, let me know.” She replied, grinning from ear to ear. The professor chose to come in

at that moment, interrupting our discussion. “This discussion is not over yet.” She whispered.

I sent her a thumbs up as we stood up to greet the professor.


The rest of the day went by agonizingly slow and boring as Isha wasn't in them with me. She had the administration course

as a minor and that's why we were able to see each other once in a while.

As usual, when the class had emptied out after the last class of the day ended, I stood up and slung my backpack over my

shoulder — I know most girls my age carried fashionable handbags but I believed a backpack was more practical.

I started on the short walk back to Sugar Cubes for my late afternoon/evening shift. I let myself enjoy the fresh outdoors, something I never usually did as I was always rushing somewhere but today, the lecturer let us go earlier than usual.

Though I took my precious time walking here, it still ended too early. I opened the glass doors, causing the bell to ding. Three

out of the four people turned to look at me.

Two of them were teenage girls who had been busy reading books, they must have

come here to hangout after school.

The third one was a somewhat middle-aged man who was sitting opposite someone whose physique I would remember anytime,


My mysterious customer.

They had seemed to be in an one-sided, heated argument before I distracted the older man. Who knew Mr Mysterio made

relationships with people?

When the man saw that I was no one of interest, he returned to his conversation with Mr Mysterio who had his mask down

once again as he scooped up ice cream with a spoon and watched it melt.

Despite the fact that only his side view was visible to me, I found my heart palpitating. If he caught me shamelessly ogling him like this, I was done for.

“Mia, why are you standing there and watching our customers when there's so much work to do.” Cindy's annoying voice

reached me, jolting me out of my reverie.

This time, Mr Mysterio actually looked in my direction and I wanted nothing more than for the ground to open up and

swallow me.

Thanks so much, Cindy. You are the best at embarrassing people.

It was the first time I was seeing his face like this. My assumptions were right. He really was as beautiful as his side profile


Perhaps, he was a model.

If I was as good-looking and rich as he was, I'd also behave the way he did, maybe even worse.

“Mia!” Cindy shouted again from wherever she was. I let out a breath and sent a bright smile towards Mr Mysterio before

making my way to the locker room to get changed.

I had barely worn the cafe's customized shirt when I heard someone hit the table followed by the ringing of the bell as the

person went out.

I hurriedly put on the shirt and went back out, running after the person. I came out just in time to see Mr Mysterio drive off

as though he were being chased. The man who had been with him came towards me “I'm sorry for causing a scene here.” The man said. “I'm Hewitt Rivers by the way, and I have to admit, your pastries are

simply delicious. Can I get your business card should I want to hire you for an event?”

“The cafe's?” I asked.

“No, yours. I asked your boss earlier and she told me you were the baker here.” Mr Rivers replied.

I could barely contain my excitement at this point. Though Cindy had a nasty temper, I couldn't help but love her when she

did things like this.

“I don't have a card yet but hold on a minute please.” I said to him as I tore a piece of paper that was on the counter and scribbled my contact information on it. “Here you go.”

He took it from me. “It's a pleasure meeting you, miss Henshaw.”

I beamed, shaking his extended hand. Tina came out of the kitchen at that time.

“Are you leaving already, Mr Rivers?” She asked, a pleasant smile on her face.

“Yes. I'll be coming back soon though, it will be difficult to stay away from a place such as this. Have a good day, young ladies.”

He greeted, waving as he went out the door.

“Cindy should really consider giving me a raise.” I whispered to Tina. “My pastries are bringing in more customers for her.”

“Tell her that and see if she wouldn't bite your head off.” Tina replied, giggling. “ I better get back to work. Could you help me

clear the recently used booth for other customers?”

I nodded. “ Sure.”

I picked up a cloth and dusting pan from the cleaning station and made my way to the vacated booth. Whistling, I dusted the

crumbs off the table and went to pour them out.

As I was about to pack the mugs, I noticed a black, leather wallet by the tray. Was it Mr Rivers or Mysterio that left it


I picked up the wallet and opened it, hoping to find a way to contact its owner. I found the driver's license and on it was

written Xavier Banks with Mr Mysterio's picture staring back at me.

I could finally put a name to the face. Although the name 'Banks' sounded familiar. I racked my brain, trying to remember

which I eventually did. Banks owned one of the leading conglomerates in the country. Was he his son?

I closed the wallet, hoping to give it to Cindy when I was done here. It wasn't up to a minute when the door opened again. I

turned around with my best smile only to come face-to-face with a seething Mr Xavier Banks.

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