Hey princess

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With him

Chapter 3

Michale was in a haze about what to do and what not. He did not want to play with Aarohi just for the sake of a bet, but what he would do now he did not have a single idea.

When he saw Aarohi hiding and looking for him, he did not like the feeling he loved it when people got scared of him, but not with Aarohi.

The scared look on her face was paining his heart and, on top of that, he didn't know why he said that he would take her on a date. Maybe she was getting ready for him or not .... the high possibility

The look on her face when he kissed her ... Oh, correction, when he kissed her cheek the look on her face was priceless, she looked as if she had seen a ghost or worse, her father saw her kissing some random guy.

From all the research Michale did on her, it was clear that Aarohi Malhotra never had a boyfriend nor was she ever involved in anything like that.

fuck if that thought did not make him happy.

He got ready in simple jeans. It did not take him long before he reached the place where he dropped her off that afternoon. He had no idea what she was going to say to her family because, according to him, Aarohi was a goody-two-shoes girl who could never do anything wrong. Aarohi.

no...not what you guys are thinking, he is not planning to make her pregnant but make her the carefree and badass girl, or maybe not ... What can I say? The future is uncertain.

Anything can happen

Aarohi was about to go out of the house when her sister came into the house through the front door. Her face was flushed, I don't know if it was anger or a blush, but still, Ishani, her elder sister, saw her getting out of the house like a thief.

Ishani frowned. Aarohi had never behaved like this before and she always used to tell Mom and dad if she was going out or something she was free to do whatever she wanted. Nobody would question her if they knew where she is

"Aarohi?" her sister called her name as Aarohi stopped in her track.

her face went pale as she saw her sister.

That did not get unnoticed by Ishani. From experience, Ishani knew what was going on but her time was completely different because she was busy building her empire,

"Where are you going, Aarohi, that is also like a thief in your own house, "Ishani asked with a smile, ignoring the reason for her flushed face.

" di wo I was ... I was going to meet a friend," she said, with great difficulty.

Ishani understood what was happening.

her sister was interested in someone. It was a different thing that she did not have a single idea of what was going on in Aarohi's life.

Aarohi saw her sister smiling as she came near her. "Have a good time and keep your phone on "Ishani said to Aarohi as she looked at her with wide eyes.

" Okay ?" she asked as she fixed her hair

Aarohi took a breath of relief as she nodded and smiled. Just then, her mobile pinged indicating that she had a message.

' come out '

it was Michale's message. He was waiting for her outside her house.

"Hi," Ishani called her again as Aarohi turned around.

"Come before 11 because Mom and Dad will be home by 12, " her sister said.

she smiled as she replied "Okay, di thanks. "

Aarohi went out to see very hot Michale, waiting for Aarohi with a blank expression. Aarohi sucked a breath in as her eyes met his

Here was the start of her first date.

Michael's eyes fell on Arohi. To say he was impressed would be an understatement... He somehow felt lucky that he was the one who was gonna spend time with her.

"Hi," Aarohi murmured as she stood in front of Michale.

Michale nodded like her words and dressing didn't affect him a bit, but the reality was far from that...

Aarohi saw the look of admiration in Mike's eyes but what pained her was that he didn't even say a word to her, not even a hi!

Aarohi got on the bike and held Michale around his waist. Somehow, her touch calmed him down to the extent he could not even think oh no of.

Somewhere in his heart, he knew Aarohi was special...

A small smile made its way to his lips but he covered it up with a helmet, but Aarohi saw the small smile on his face before he could cover it.

Hope rose in her heart that he was happy with her.

Embracing the heat coming from his body, she leaned into his touch as he started the bike... After a ride of half an hour, Mike stopped his bike as he looked at Aarohi through the rearview mirror. She was kind of hiding behind his huge body, because a 17-year-old guy, Michale, had a well-built body... So much so that Aarohi's figure was hiding behind his.

"Aarohi", Mike called her in his dark and sexy voice. Aarohi shivered but looked around to find herself in a dark place, and in front of her was a lavish mansion... Like the dream mansion but everything was dark, so dark that it scared the shit out of her.

Unconsciously, Aarohi touched Michael's shoulder a little tightly. Michale very well noticed her action because her nails were digging into his shoulder.

But he didn't winch...he was used to pain much more pain...

" get down," Michale said as he squeezed her hand which was resting on his shoulder. Aarohi came out of her haze and got off the bike carefully.

" why is it so dark here? " Aarohi asked as she looked around. If it wasn't for the light coming from the house she would have thought he had taken her to some isolated place to kill her.


That thought made her feel goosebumps.

"It's dark because this is me... " Michael said unconsciously. He didn't even realize what he said until he saw the pained expression on Aarohi's face.

" amm... Shall we? " he said and forwarded his hand to her,

Aarohi nodded as she placed her small hand in his big one...

For some weird reason, when Michale held Aarohi's hand, she felt safe, she was not scared anymore of the dark because somehow her heart knew Michael here would not let anything happen to her.

First, Aarohi thought Mike was taking her to some restaurant or cafe, but this was anything but a cafe.

"Mi-Michale, are you sure this is not a haunted house? " Aarohi voiced out as she noticed the dark mansion-type building which was super scary.

Michael did not speak a word but left Aarohi's hand as he started walking forward. Aarohi was scared to be alone in that kind of place, so she decided to follow him.

" stay! " Michale said as Aarohi gulped audibly and nodded.

'He won't leave me all alone to be eaten by wild creatures now, will he? ' Aarohi thought.

'Of course he can ' said her.

The thought itself made her shiver, but then her ego was bigger and did not let her show the fear on her face. She was a true Malhotra, and ' a Malhotra never shows fear '. That's what Aarohi has never thought of.

It was too dark to even get a hint of things that were around. ' how did Michale even get to walk here without hurting himself? ' she thought. Well, the place looked no less than a hunted house in the dark.

" God plz I don't wanna die this soon, that too, at the hands of Michale. Help me " she whispered to herself.

Suddenly, the lights of the place were turned on and she looked at her head in surprise and shock.

The place which looked like a hunted house a few moments ago was now as bright as the sun. It was an ant or that's what she thought.

Michale stood in front of Aarohi and asked if he looked at her with an unknown emotion. He didn't know what it was.

This place is wow... Just wow " Aarohi said, as she liked being around. The place was designed as scary, but then it gave off a homey feeling the same which she felt in her mother's restaurant.

Michale's lips twitched slightly as he looked at Aarohi. He got something when she appreciated the place.

"Come," he said as he placed his hand on her small back and started walking forward.

At that moment she felt like someone was looking at her, she felt someone's gaze. She stopped in her tracks and turned around and examined the area.

"What? " Michale asked as he noticed how she stood rooted in her place.

Aarohi took a deep breath to calm herself down before she shook her head and continued to walk with Michale.

"Hey Santos", Someone called Michale as he stopped and looked at the person.

The person noticed the way Michale had placed his arm around her waist as his eyes met Michale's.

"So the usual? "Nick asked.

"No, got a date, private table," Michael said in his infamously rude and cold tone.

His cold tone made Aarohi flinch, but then the way he was holding her close was making her feel secure too.

' Arohi Malhotra, get yourself checked, you are feeling secure in the arms of the person who scared you like hell '....her mind said.

'He doesn't look that bad ' ...she replied.

' don't forget he is the same infamous bad boy of the school whomever one fears' ...her mind trashed out on her.

Before she could say something in Michael's defense, the squeeze on her shoulders made her look in front of her.

"You okay? " Michael asked, as his eyes softened.

Aarohi nodded as both of them followed the person to the private table.

"You come here a lot "Aarohi asked as they settled down.

"Yeah," he replied as he handed the menu to Aarohi.

" I don't know what to order and your choice, " Aarohi said as she looked at him.

"Order whatever you want," he said as he leaned back on his side of the sofa.

"Two, tomato chilly pasta and," she said as she bit her lip unconsciously as she examined the menu.

"One cheese pan pizza, what say? " she said as she looked at Michale for approval.

"Make it two, one cheese and one onion, pan pizza with Coke and a beer for me, " Michale said as Aarohi looked at him with wide eyes.

" is that all? " the waiter asked.

Looking at Aarohi's wide eyes, Michale knew he had to reply to the waiter, so he nodded as the waiter walked away to take the order.

"What? " Michale said as he tried to speak with Clam.

"Do you drink? " she asked.

"Yeah," he replied.

" since when? " she questioned with a raised eyebrow.

" since I was 14 " he replied as she shut her mouth.

The dinner was going to be a hell of a surprise for both of them, but they didn't know.

You know, the feeling when you have every idea what is going wrong with you still ignores that voice in the back of your head and walks into the unknown. That's when you take the biggest risk of your life.

It was something Michale felt the time he was with Aarohi.

For the first time in his life, he did not regret taking a dare and this dare turned his life somehow interesting.

" Michale? " Aarohi's soft voice took him out of his chain of thoughts as he looked at her with his infamous blank look.

After they finished their meal at the scary hotel, Michale took Aarohi to the beach.

Chiche! I know, but it is still a tried and tested idea.

The cold breeze was soothing as he and Aarohi walked in the stand barefooted.

He did not want to, but Aarohi, when she hesitantly said that if they could have a small walk around, Michale could not say no to her.

He was all lost in his thoughts as they walked around until Aarohi called him.

Aarohi was feeling at ease with Michale, something she should not be feeling. She was with the school's bad boy but here she was smiling at herself.

The coldness of the stand made her shiver as Michale noticed she was getting cold.

He pulled her close to him as he opened the zipper of his jacket. Aarohi looked at him confused, but still, no words were exchanged between them.

Their silence was enough.

Michale shrugged his shoulders as he hugged her slightly. Aarohi liked the warmth coming from his body, so she hugged him.

Michale frowned as he parted his body from hers. Aarohi kind of felt dejected, so she kept her head down and continued to walk.

Michale pulled Aarohi back and she lost her balance because of the sudden pull,

Aarohi closed her eyes because of fear of falling like earlier the day but before she could, Michale held her in his arms.

Aarohi slowly opened her eyes, only to be greeted by Michale's intense gaze.

Michale helped Aarohi stand up as he placed his hand on her forehead to check her temperature.

" fuck! Aarohi, you are burning with a fever " Michale said, as he took off his jacket and placed it over Aarohi's shoulders.

Aarohi had the ever-bad habit. Even if she burned with fever she'd never know it and her twin brother was just the opposite. He would make everyone in the house know that he was sick.

When Michale placed his jacket over her shoulders, Aarohi felt a little better.

Aarohi saw Michale as he made a call to someone before he looked at Aarohi.

"You should have told me you had a fever. You could come any other day," Michale said as Aarohi looked away. She was embarrassed to tell Michale.

As they walked back to Michale's bike, a few seconds later a black car stopped near them and a bucky-type man appeared outside of it.

Michale stepped forward as Aarohi thought he was going to fight with that man in front of her.

Michale took the car keys from his friend before he turned around to see Arohi with a very scared face.

"Get in, " Michale said as he opened the door of the car for Aarohi to ask his friend to drive off his bike.

" you aren't going to fight? " Haruhi asked in surprise.

" no " Michale answered shortly as Aarohi quietly sat in the passenger seat.

Michale sat in the driver's seat before he started the car and started driving.

After a few minutes Michale noticed Aarohi was shivering "Aarohi" he called her his voice sounded tense but Aarohi was not in a condition to say something, her head was aching like hell and she was feeling so cold.

Michale pulled Aarohi to his lap before he hugged her with one arm and from the other he continued driving safely.

Aarohi put her head on his shoulder as she hugged him tightly.

Michale stopped the car at the nearby pharmacy as he knew Aarohi's condition was not good.

"Michale please stay with me," Aarohi said half sleepy and not in her senses.

“I'm not going anywhere, Rohi, " Michale said as he opened his side of the door as called someone from the pharmacy to check her temperature.

"She has a high fever, Mike, it will be better if you take her home," the pharmacy guy said to him as he nodded and took medicines from him.

After taking meds Aarohi was fast asleep and he was now concerned about how to take her home.

Because he could not take her to his, " Rohi? " he called Aarohi softly.

Aarohi, being the light sleeper, looked at Michale.

"We reached your mansion. Will I accompany you to your house, " Michale asked.

"But how will you? The guards will tell Mom and Dad, " Aarohi said. She could not risk telling her parents about her dating the bad boy from school.

"Let that on me," Michale said with a smirk.

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