reason of her smiles
Michale placed his hand on Aarohi's shoulders as he stood beside her. Aarohi nodded slowly as she started walking inside her home. On the other hand, Aarohi's elder sister, Ishani, was waiting for her in the hall.
"Arohi!" Ishani smiled as she saw her little sister.
Aarohi gave her a small smile, she was feeling dizzy, and her fever was not any less.
" why are you wearing a jacket? " Ishani asked as she noticed Aarohi was wearing a gents jacket.
Aarohi facepalmed mentally as she looked at herself. Michale gave her his jacket when she was feeling cold and she forgot to give it back to him.
" di actually it is cold outside so he gave it to me," Aarohi said a half-truth.
Ishani nodded as she shivered a little, her fever was not helping at all.
"Why are you awake till now Di? "Aarohi asked.
"Nothing is waiting for Mom and Dad", Ishani lied. She was not waiting for her parents but for her boyfriend.
"Okay," rohi said as she started climbing the stairs.
She was feeling very dizzy but still handled herself. Michale, on the other hand, went to the back side of the mansion and climbed the wall which was nearest to Aarohi's room.
Yes, he knew which one was Aarohi's room because he had searched for everything about her and he had been keeping tabs on her since last week.
Well, the reason, ' I do not want to break up the relationship, if she had any ' This was his super lame excuse to stalk Aarohi.
But he could not get much info about her because she was always busy in herself, she never glanced at anyone nor ever conversed aside from Zubin.
This made him even more curious to know what Aarohi Malhotra is like. Her acts were so confusing. And who the fuck likes to walk on an empty beach at 3 am?
Michale climbed to Aarohi's room as he heard a click of the door opening revealing Aarohi, who looked like she was about to pass out.
Aarohi felt her head spinning as she gripped the door tightly to hold herself, but she felt herself lifted as she looked at Michale who was carrying her in his arms.
"Michale, you did not leave? "Arohi asked as she looked at Michale.
"How can I, when I know my little girlfriend is sick " Michale whispered as he put Aarohi to bed.
Aarohi's cheeks reddened, she blamed it on fever. Well, she did not want to admit she was blushing.
Michale noticed how she was blushing but chose to keep quiet. She looked adorable to him, too adorable to make him kiss her again, but he was not going to do it.
Aarohi started to cough, which gained his attention. He took out the meds he bought for her earlier.
"Arohi " he called her softly, but she was half unconscious.
He made her gulp the tablets and gave her water, " yukkiii " aarohi said as she made a face at the bitter taste of medicines.
Michale shook his head as he made her lay down, he covered her with a blanket and looked at her angelic face.
Michale felt a presence near him but he kept his eyes close, he knew who it was. The sound of giggles filled the room as the little angel made her way toward Michale.
She looked at his peacefully sleeping face before she started jumping on top of him.
Michale smiled inwardly as he opened his eyes, the little angel was his only hope in the dark, but now his heart did not agree on that condition, he had someone else too.
Someone who he thinks he cares for.
Michale started tickling her as he laughed out loud.
" stop... Micky... Stop " she said in between her laughs as Michale smiled at his nickname.
Micky, she also used to call him that.
Fuck it was not the time to let those thoughts come into his mind, not at least when he was with his angel.
"So what happened to my little princess," Michale asked as he sat up straight.
"Yoy left mee alon Mickyyyy, " his little angel said as she made an angry face, but Michale found that so cute.
(You left me alone Micky )
He picked her up in his arms before he made her sit on his shoulders as she giggled.
" I am sorry princess," Michale said as he looked at his princess, who was trying hard not to smile.
"Wheel were you," she asked in her baby voice.
(Where were you?)
Michale smiled and said, "With friends ".
The little angel smiled at him. "You ate something, angel? " Michale asked.
Angel shook her head as Michale gave her to Mrs. Smith, who was Angel's caretaker.
"Go with Mrs. Smith, I will join you okay," Michale said as he pecked her cheek.
" okeei," she said as she went happily with her caretaker.
Aarohi felt like her head was about to burst as her mother gave her tablets. "Vihan have you called the doctor? " samishka aka Aarohi's mother asked.
She handed her a glass of warm water as she gulped the meds down her throat.
"Yeah ishq, Daksh is coming, "Vihan aka Aarohi's father said as he came inside the room of his daughter. Aarohi coughed as she laid down on her bed. Michale did give her meds but her fever was not down yet.
And Arohi is one of the people who do not get sick easily, but when they do, they do not get well easily.
"Rohi, you are not going to school today," his mother said as Aarohi nodded.
But she felt bad too. The way Michale cared for her yesterday was so damn difficult and the first time she felt something like that.
He was not the bad boy Michale Santos of her school, but he was just Michale, the ever-sweet guy who took her on a date, shared food with her, and took her to the beach like a movie.
She could not forget his care, which he showed afterward too, when he got to know she was sick.
She so wanted to call him and say thank you but she did not dare to.
Her mind was on Michale and last night memories were playing like a tape in her mind.
She could not get rid of the stupid smile she had on her face, but her cough and blocked nose were not letting her stay in peace.
"Mom let this chipkali ( lizard) be alone for some time. She will be fine," her brother Aahan said as he came inside her room.
Hey, did I tell you Aarohi and Aahan are twins who fight all the time, not identical but still twins with totally different natures and beliefs?
" Aahan not now, "his mother said in a stern voice as Aahan shut his mouth.
" ishq I can not find my tei " her father yelled from outside.
" Aahan stay with Rohi and no fighting, I will be back," his mother said, as Aahan nodded his head like the ever-good boy of his mother.
"So Chipkali, how do you fall sick, Huh? " Aahan said as he lay beside Aarohi.
" Aahan, please I am sick," Aarohi said when Aahan took the quilt off her.
" okay okay," Aahan said.
"by the way, why were you smiling? " Aahan asked.
Aarohi looked at him with a pale face. He had been trying to keep her smile hidden but, no Aahan caught her.
" I was not, " Aarohi said.
"You were, " Aahan said.
"No," Aarohi said.
" yes," Aahan argued.
"No "
"Yes ".
"Arohi your friend came here to meet you, " her father said as he went inside the room.
Aarohi's face paled more, ' who came to meet me, Michale? Oh God ' aarohi thought.
"Aarohi, are you all right? " her father asked.
"Y-yes Dad" aarohi replied.
" I will send your friend here, okay? " her father said.
Aarohi nodded slowly, thinking of all the possibilities,
Aarohi's P. O. V.
Listening to the fading footsteps of Dad, my heart started beating abnormally; Michael crossed the limits last night to take me into my room, but coming in front of my family is a whole other level.
I know I like him but... But it is all going just too soon.
Knock! Knock!
"Come in! " I said; don't know if my voice even reached out the door; my room door is not soundproof; only the bathroom is...
The click of the door opening made me stare at it anxiously; Michael, if it is you na... I will... I will. What will I even do? He is like Hulk and I? I can hardly reach his shoulder.
"Hey, Santa Claus! " I heard as my eyes shot open, looking at Zubin in front of me.
That accidental kiss is still fresh in my mind.
"Zubin? What are you doing here?" I said, and could not control my mouth.
" Rohi, is this how you should welcome your friend?" I heard my dad say.
I looked at Dad and then shook my head. Why do I forget my manners with him all the time?
"She is shocked to see me here, uncle. We are besties, she can say anything," Zubin said as he smiled at me and then at Father.
"I— aaacchiii!" I was about to say something when I sneezed again.
"aaacchiii!" again.
"This is it. Ishq, call Daksh! " my dad called my mom as ' ishq ' means love. I admire them but it is a little difficult when I am sick.
"Dad, it is fine! " I said; I am shit scared of injections and Daksh's uncle would suggest that only.
" Rohi, it is serious this time, you can not dodge injections or medicine every time... I am calling him. That is final... Enjoy time with your friend " Dad walked out before I could even protest.
"So Santa Claus is scared of injections? " I heard Zubin say.
"Zuby boy, does it look like the time to tease me? I am not just scared of injections, I have a phobia of needles and injections, " I said as I sneezed again.
"You mean Trypanophobia?" he asked.
"Yeah, that only, many people do not know the term, so I do not use it, " I said as I kept the hanky aside.
" leave it all. How was your date? " zuby boy asked.
Date? The best I could ever imagine!
You have only been to one duh! Said my inner voice.
So what?
Naïve Rohi!... My inner self rolled her eyes at me.
I'm not
Yes, you are... Said my inner self
"If you are gonna converse with yourself only, then I should leave," Zubin said as he lay on my bed if he owned it.
"Zuby boy shoes down... It is my bed," I said.
"And you are mine!" he said as I froze.
" WHAT?" I screamed.
Author's P. O. V.
"And you are mine!" Zubin said; it slipped accidentally.
"WHAT?" Aarohi almost screamed.
What the fuck did I just do? Zubin thought as he bit his tongue.
"What, what? Are you, not my friend?" Zubin lied effortlessly.
"Oh," Aarohi made a little sound of relief.
Thank god Santa Clause, it is so easy to distract you otherwise you would have caught my lie the very same day I followed you around.
Zubin thought as he smiled, "what you thought?" he asked, not to look suspicious.
"Nothing," Aarohi replied as she wiped her nose once again; her eyes were a little red because of the cold.
"Come on tell me now, how was your date? with Micahel the Great," Zubin said, his name with a bit of distaste.
"Zuby boy, he is not that bad," Aarohi said when she saw his gloomy face.
"Already taking your boyfriend's side, huh? It means your date went well," Zubin concluded. He was feeling so jealous right now, so damn jealous that he could not control his tongue about what he was about to say.
"I am not taking his side, Zuby," Aarohi said.
"Are you already in love with him or has he fucked you good?" Zubin asked in anger.
"Zubin, how can you even think of something like that? Do you think this of me?" Aarohi said in disbelief. She never thought Zubin would think of her as a characterless girl.
"Shit! Aarohi, I did not mean that," Zubin said.
"No, you just meant what you said just now, I had never thought you would think that low of me, Zubin, you could leave," Aarohi said as she turned her face to the other side. Aarohi was a really sensitive girl; even the most minor things could hurt her badly enough.
"Fucking shit!" Zubin cursed under his breath as he saw a tear roll down her eyes.
"Aarohi, listen to me once, please," Zubin said as he walked over to her side.
"Do you not dare come near me, just walk away from here, Zubin, I do not wanna see your face," Aarohi said angrily.
"Aarohi, I am sorry, you know na... I do not have a filter in my mouth. I said that in anger," Zubin spoke as he wiped her tears.
"Zubin, I know how you speak, this is not acceptable, leave my room," Aarohi said as another traitor tear rolled down her eyes.
"I... I.." Zubin was about to say something when the door of the room opened and her father came inside along with Daksh.
"Rohi? why are you crying?" her father ( Vihan ) asked her when he saw tears rolling down her eyes.
He glared at Zubin who was standing so close to his daughter; "Nothing Dad, we were just talking about my fear of injection, I did not realize that I started crying," Aarohi said when she noticed Zubin was tensed and her father was giving him a death glare.
"Rohi, it is nothing, my child," her father said to her as he came to her side; Zubin stepped back and would be killed if he tried to say something right now, "Hello, Uncle Daksh," Aarohi said to Daksh.
"You ate ice cream again, did not you?" Daksh said as he checked her fever.
"Just a little," Aarohi said sheepily; Daksh smiled as he shook his head.
"It looks nothing more than viral, but a blood test will be good," Daksh said to Vihan.
Vihan nodded; "Aarohi, just close your eyes, nothing will happen, okay?" Vihan said to Aarohi, but she shook her head as soon as he said those words.
"Dad please no... no I don't want any injection, please, Dad", Aarohi cried and kept her head on Vihan's shoulder.
My Santa Clause is scared of injections. I can do it for you Aarohi!
Zubin thought as he tapped on Daksh's shoulder and the syringe from his hand; Daksh looked at him questioningly.
'trust me' he mouthed and slowly placed the needle in Aarohi's hand; Vihan was consoling Aarohi; he carried her head while Zubin completed his work effortlessly and gave it back to Daksh.
"Great job son, Aarohi did not even get to know, you have a good hand," Daksh praised Zubin as he smiled.
"What happened?" Aarohi asked as she looked at the syringe full of red-colored liquid.
"Zubin took a blood sample without you even knowing, is he not great?" Daksh said as Vihan smiled at him.
"Thank you, son," Vihan said with a smile.
Zubin nodded as he looked at Aarohi's mother who was standing near the door.
"You okay?" She asked Aarohi; she nodded as Vihan wiped her tears and pecked her forehead. She smiled at Zubin and he smiled back.
"Vihan, let the kids talk, come," She said as Vihan and Daksh walked out, leaving them alone in the room.
"Aarohi, I am sorry, please forgive me, please," Zubin said as she sat on his knees and held his ears like a kid.
"Okay," Aarohi said as a 100-watt smile appeared on Zubin's face.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much Santa Clause!" he got up and kissed her cheek in excitement.
Aarohi was shocked but smiled later on with Zubin.
They talked and teased each other before Zubin excused himself to use the bathroom.
Aarohi closed her eyes but a loud knock on the window of her room made her eyes open wide.