Chapter 3


What the hell am I doing? I'm sitting at a table having a drink with the two hottest guys I've ever seen. When Jax asked me to join him and his brother, I didn't think much of it. He seemed nice and relaxed, whereas Asher seemed to be more complex and serious. One thing he didn't mention was that they were almost identical, the resemblance being so striking that I wouldn't be surprised if they were twins. They have the same black hair, the same tanned complexion, the same straight nose, and high cheekbones. But where Jax's eyes are hazel, Asher's are brown, and the former has dimples when he smiles.

"Are you twins?" I ask them. It's certainly the third Cosmo that gives me courage.

Jax laughs, shaking his head. "No, I'm two years younger than him, but everyone asks us that question."

Asher remains silent and I notice his eyes riveted on my ring finger. I haven't worn my wedding ring since the day I surprised Dominic and Helen in his office, and my finger still bears the trace of the ring I wore for four years. Suddenly, I feel uneasy and trace my finger over it nervously.

"I feel like I'm imposing. You two had planned to spend an evening together. I'll leave you to it." I say nervously as I rise from my chair.

"You're not disturbing us," Asher says, grabbing my wrist. I stare at the point of contact. "I see him every day, to be honest so..."

"He's right. Stay with us for a while. I'd like to get to know you." Jax cuts him off and I feel his brother's hand tighten on my wrist which makes me frown.

He suddenly lets go of me as if I'd burned him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Your friends must be waiting for you." He tells me, putting distance between us again.

This was a bad idea, going out, accepting Jax's drink and following him. This was all a bad idea, it's too soon for me. Dom's voice resurfaces in my mind.

*You should wear sexier clothes. You should try a different hairstyle. I won't be home for dinner. I'll be late for the restaurant, but I'll meet you there. Shit, don't tell me our anniversary was yesterday? *

I turn around hastily, my insecurities getting the better of me and preventing me from saying a single word. Why do I feel like I've been rejected again? Because you've just been rejected. What did I expect? These guys look like models, they certainly have all the women they want so why waste their time with me? I leave the bar and text Alex to let him know I'm coming home. He calls me right back, but I reject his call and text him back to reassure him.

I whistle for a cab and hop in. For the first time, I give my new address. It's the first night I'll be spending in this new apartment. I couldn't see myself staying where Dominic and I had been, but I couldn't live forever with Alex's parents or crash at his flat. I had to learn to live alone, to learn to be alone again. I stifle a laugh in the back of the cab, pinching the bridge of my nose. I'm really kidding myself. I've been alone for half of this fucking marriage. I've eaten, slept and spent time alone in this fucking apartment for two fucking years while my now ex-husband was screwing God knows who.

When the cab stops in front of my new building, I take a deep breath before paying the driver and getting out. In the lobby, I'm greeted by Tom, the night concierge I met once before. Freddie and Alex helped me find this apartment and they put a lot of emphasis on security. This is ironic when you consider that Alex lives with two roommates who are artists like himself, and he never knows who he'll come home to. When I enter the apartment, I feel like I'm entering someone else's home, even though my things are there. There are still a bunch of boxes to be sorted, which must be full of things I'm going to get rid of. I put my bag on the console at the entrance and decided that this late hour was the perfect time to tidy up.


As soon as Isabella is out of my sight, I turn back to Asher, annoyed. "What's your fucking problem? I find my mate and you throw her away."

"Your mate?" He asks me through gritted teeth. "She's mine."

"You guys will never believe what just happened to me." Knox cuts us off by sitting in Isabella's vacant chair. "I just saw my mate. I just had time to realize it was her before she got into a cab."

"Let me guess... she has long black hair, a slightly tanned complexion, a sexy red dress that shows off her curves and pretty green eyes," Asher told him before draining his glass of whiskey.

"How the fuck do you know that?" He asks him incredulously.

"Because she was sitting in your seat five minutes ago." I shake my head, running a hand through my hair. "It would seem my dear brothers that all three of us have the same mate."

"What do you mean she was sitting there? So you know her?" Knox asks us excitedly.

"Her name is Isabella and that's all we know because the jerk who serves as our big brother kindly told her to leave and join her friends," I explain, rising from my chair. "I'm going to find the guy she was with earlier and try to find out more."

"Why did you tell her to leave?" He asks Ash.

"She had a trace of a wedding ring on her ring finger. I... I don't know. Maybe she was there to have a good time behind her husband's back."

I snort." Let me get this clear." I tell them as I set off in search of her friend.

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