Chapter 7
I already can't stand being here. People have finally been looking at me differently for a few years now, but with the way it ended with Dominic, I'm facing looks of pity. I grab a glass of champagne from one of the trays carried by one of the waiters. I pass by all these elegantly dressed people discussing social events. I walk through the doors onto the terrace and take a deep breath as if I were finally breathing without all these people around me. The lights illuminating the city make it more beautiful than seen from below, and everything seems much quieter. I empty the cup in one gulp and place it on the edge. My phone vibrates and I take it out of my minaudière. It's a message from Alex telling me that he's held up at the gallery and won't be able to support me psychologically at the party. I sniffle as I take it back. Why am I not surprised? He hates this kind of evening. He's only been with me once, and then he let Dom take over. He's been a great support, all my life, I love him like a brother but tonight I wish he'd been there with me. Freddie and Rebecca kept me company when I arrived but were quickly distracted by other guests, not that I blame them. Here I was, alone again.
She looks stunning in her long black dress, slit up her right leg. Her black hair cascades down her back in waves. I watch her salt the people she passes, and she seems unaffected by their looks of pity. She's already acting like a true queen, holding her head high and smiling politely without showing the slightest flaw. She's fucking perfect for us. The three of us agree on this, we also agreed to go easy on her, but I find it very difficult when I see her tonight.
It could be so simple to draw her out of sight and mark her. She'd feel the connection immediately, but our egos prefer her to be attracted to us and choose us of her own free will. I sigh inwardly. I end my conversation with one of the firm's corporate lawyers when I see her going out onto the terrace. She seems as tired of being here as I am. I continue to watch her from afar before approaching her myself. As fate would have it, she turns around just as I'm about to greet her. She collides with me head-on and my shirt is covered in champagne.
"Oh my God, I'm sorry." She says, trying to wipe off the champagne with her hands without looking at my face.
"Don't worry about it." She stops dead in her tracks when she hears my voice. "Isabella?"
"Asher?" She asks and lifts her head slowly. Her big green eyes land on me and a sincere smile takes shape on my lips. She fucking recognized my voice without seeing me. "Sorry about the shirt. I didn't see you."
"No worries." I close the jacket button. "As if nothing had happened."
She smiles, and once again I'd like to be the only one she smiles at. She's beautiful, but even more so when she smiles.
"It's quite a coincidence to see you here," I tell her.
"With the Black brothers, it seems like one coincidence after another."
Does she suspect something? I hope she doesn't. "Yes, they told me you were our downstairs neighbor." She nods. "I wanted to apologize for the way I brushed you off last time. I was in a bad mood, it was too noisy... anyway, bars aren't my thing."
"So what were you doing there?"
"My brothers dragged me there, of course, what a question." She laughs, and it's the sweetest melody I've ever heard. "What brings you here?" I ask her and she explains the story I already know, and I nod with interest. "My condolences for your parents. It can't be easy."
"It gets a little easier with time but after what happened with Dominic...."
"Who's Dominic?" I cut her off.
"My ex-husband." She has a moment's hesitation. "Everyone here already knows so I might as well tell you too." She tells me in a resigned tone and steps back to lean against the embankment. "He used to work here and he cheated on me with one of his colleagues. I caught them together... on his desk. If you know what I mean." She shakes her head. "And the worst part is, I came to do exactly the same thing."
I growl softly. Even though I know she was married and I didn't expect her to still be a virgin. Imagining her in the arms of another man is hard, but even harder naked with another man.
"You're exceptional. You've faced so many hardships and here you are in a sumptuous gown with the attitude of a queen." I tell her and see the red cover her cheeks.
"Thank you, but I didn't tell you that so you'd compliment me."
"I know," I tell her simply, looking her straight in the eye.
Something's happening between us and I know she feels it too.
I take a step towards her, our bodies practically glued together. She can't move back, blocked by the railing, and her lips part. I lower my head to bring my lips close to hers and gauge her reaction. Her breathing deepens...