Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

***Sebastian ***

“Good morning Mr. Young!” My assistant Isla says cheerfully.

She’s on her feet in an instant and following me into my office.

“You have a conference call in an hour…” I barely register everything out of her mouth as she rattles off my schedule for today. “Can I get you anything else?”

“No that will be all Isla.” I give her a tight but grateful smile.

She nods and walks out of my office closing the door behind me. I blow out a breath and slip off my suit jacket before dropping into the chair behind my desk. Last night was rough. Actually, the last few months have been rough if I’m being honest. Lots of sleepless nights and extended hours in my home gym trying to tire myself out then half a dozen coffees during the day to keep me awake. It was a vicious cycle that was taking its toll on me, and starting to affect my work. This can’t go on much longer or I’m going to crack and fuck up something so bad.

A hard knock breaks my clouded thoughts. The door opens and my beta and best friend Miles strolls in before I can say a word.

“Alpha.” He says with a bow of his head.

“Cut that shit out,” I grumble making him laugh. “What are you doing here?”

He sits in a chair across from me and pulls out his phone. “Sadie wanted me to ask if you’ll be joining us for dinner tonight. Apparently, you’ve been avoiding her.” He raises a brow at me and I groan.

“I’m not avoiding her.” He gives me a look like he knows I’m full of shit. “Okay I am avoiding her but I don’t want to keep talking about-“

“About the fact you just turned twenty-three and still have no mate?” He fills in for me.

“Yeah, that.”

He sighs. “Look man I know she can be pushy about it but she’s worried, we all are. You can’t keep putting this off.”

“The whole system is degrading and impersonal. I would rather meet someone naturally.” I tell him once again.

“You’ve been saying that for three years but it hasn’t happened. The pack needs their Alpha to be settled.” He reminds me. “I know you didn’t expect to step into your dad’s place so soon, but it’s happened and you need to figure this out. I know going to an Omega Presentation isn’t ideal but what other choice do you have?”

“I don’t know. It feels wrong bidding on some poor girl like she’s a piece of cattle or something.”

He crinkles up his nose in disgust. “When you put it that way…”

“But I know you guys are right and I can’t keep putting this off.” As much as I had hoped to meet someone the old-fashioned way the truth was that way of doing things was slowly fading with the times.

It used to be that Omegas were prevalent and Alphas could meet and court them normally, but over the last ten years, the number of Omegas has gone down a lot. Because of this most of them are shipped off to special schools until they are of a legal age and sold off to the highest bidder. The idea of buying a woman like that makes me sick, but Miles is right…I need to make a choice. An Alpha without a mate is seen as weak, and me being a young Alpha born into the role means others will try to fight to replace me. An Alpha without an Omega mate is unstable and that does not make for a good leader.

My dad was meant to step down on my thirtieth birthday and by that time I would already be mated with someone of his choosing. Instead, Dad died suddenly a year ago and I was forced into his place with no mate by my side. It was a shit show from day one.

“Look, we can go and just check things out. Maybe you won't find anyone there that you like but the pack will see that you’re trying. That might be enough to placate them for a while.” Miles suggests.

I consider it. If I make a show of trying to find a mate it could settle some of the unease the pack has been feeling since my father’s death. He’s right, I don’t have to actually pick anyone. Miles looks at me expectantly and claps triumphantly when I nod in agreement.

“Thank the goddess, now Sadie will stop riding my ass about this.” He types a quick message on his phone, to Sadie no doubt and pockets it. “Now tell me about the deal with The Alonso Corporation.”

Happy to move on from pack business I go over the contract for our newest acquisition. It doesn’t take long for Sadie to forward the Omega Presentation information to me through email, and I click the RSVP button without hesitating. This isn’t me committing to anything, so no pressure…


When night rolls around Olivia tries to pretend she falls asleep at her normal time and waits until Ellie’s soft snore fills the room before shooting up like a Jack In a Box.

“Let’s go!” She whisper and yells at me from across the room.

I don’t feel nearly as excited as she is, but my curiosity has only increased as the day has gone on. We’re going to find out something the school has clearly been hiding from us. We walk silently out of our room and I almost have to run to keep up with Olivia’s quickening steps. This is the most excited I've ever seen her but I don’t think its a good thing in this situation. Even if we find out what's going on who’s going to believe us? We don’t have a way of documenting the evidence if there is anything worth talking about.

“Would you hurry!” She hisses over her shoulder at me.

I’m still surprised Ms. Kent didn’t notice her key card was missing after we left class today.

I move into a jog to catch up and fall into step beside her. When we reach the stairs we move slower to make sure no one is passing by before we make it to the main floor. We don’t bother with hiding this time and instead head straight for the elevator door. Olivia doesn’t hesitate before waving the key card over the scanner next to the door. We watch quietly for what feels like forever and then a small light on the panel turns green. A second later I can hear the gears of the elevator moving behind the door.

There is a ding and the doors to the elevator open. My eyes widen and my heart stops before kicking into a racing gallop when we come face to face with the president of the school.

Oh no…

“Ladies, what are you doing here? And after curfew.” She doesn’t show any clear signs of being angry.

Her voice is calm with a hint of disapproval but nothing more. Olivia had slipped the key card in her pocket and clears her throat before answering.

“We couldn’t sleep and decided to walk for a while.” She lies.

“I see. I’m afraid this will require disciplinary action. Follow me.” She walks past us in no hurry and we follow in step behind her.

Olivia gives me a look that isn’t as panicked as mine probably looks. We stop in front of a pair of double doors and wait as Mrs. Carter unlocks the door with an old-looking key. She steps inside and glances over her shoulder and waves at us to follow her inside.

“Take a seat ladies.” She rounds a large desk and points to a pair of chairs.

I quickly sit but Olivia takes her time. She is holding her head high and not showing an ounce of fear or remorse.

“I’m sorry to say but breaking curfew is a very serious offense. How can you maintain your health without proper sleep, and a decline in health which we can not allow especially so close to presentation day.” She says still oddly calm.

“We were walking, I don’t see how that could have any serious effect on our health,” Olivia says.

Mrs. Carter gives her an unamused look. “Olivia this sort of rule-breaking is exactly why you were sent to us, and now you have dragged Elena into your rebellion. I’m afraid we can not tolerate this behavior.”

Olivia shifts nervously. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m afraid I will have to report this incident to your father and request for you to be transferred out of this school.”

Olivia jumps to her feet. “But presentation day is next week! I’ll be leaving then anyway, so what’s the point?”

“I’m sorry but it can not be helped.” Mrs. Carter says before picking up the receiver of her phone. “I need an escort. Thank you.”

She ends the call. “Security will arrive soon and escort you to your room to pack your belongings.”

“You can’t do this!” Olivia says nearly toppling her chair over when she stands.

“I can.” Mrs. Carter says just as the door to her office opens and a large man walks inside. “This one.”

He steps forward and takes Olivia’s arm tugging her toward the door.

“No please!” Olivia cries before she’s pulled from the office.

Then there is only silence.

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