Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

Sofia’s POV


The sound was loud but it was a singular event that would change my life forever....

I sit up from the chair, the newspaper on my lap crinkling as the orange lead pencil rolls across the floor, granny is asleep with over a dozen machines hanging over her, she seems so frail right now and my heart breaks just a little bit. I stand, I didn't tell her about Devon, she can't handle that right now but I know and I need to get out of here before I explode into a million tiny pieces, I can't afford that, not when there's no one to pick me up if I do.

I pick up my bag and press a kiss on Granny's head before leaving the room, I speak to the nurse

" I'll have to leave but I'll be back soon" I mutter she nods sympathetic

" Take your time, we'll watch Gabby for you," she says softly.

I leave the hospital and contemplate if I should tell Devon about Granny, but I shake my head no, it's best he doesn't know for now, at least until we can solve his problem. I sigh walking towards the road just as a car speeds past me splashing a puddle of water over me, I shudder at the cold spray seeping through my dress

" Hey" I shout as the car speeds by me, I don't expect it to stop, but the car does reversing to a quick stop, I jump away trying to escape wearing another puddle. I'm tired, and annoyed at this point, the car door opens and a man steps out, he walks over to me his eyes trailing over me before settling on my face, his eyes are a soft gray that have an arrogant glint, his hair slicked back

" Are you blind" I ask irritatedly and he huffs

" I should be asking you the same thing"

" No, you should be apologizing you asshole" I hiss and he laughs getting on my nerves in the worst way imaginable

" Is this your way of getting money out of me"

" Do you try this with others and it works?" he asked, I slapped him hard, the sound of it jarring the people around as, some looked on with morbid fascination and some avoided all eye contact the man grabbed at his jaw and chuckled, he reached into his pocket pulled out a wallet and took some bills from it grabbing my hand he stuffed them in

"Get a new dress" he ordered as he walked away back to his car

" Hey get back here and apologize" I called out harshly but he ignored me shutting the door with a loud bang and driving away with speed. I watched him leave dumbfounded and looked into my palm at the bills, hundred dollars in total what an arrogant twat I hope he smashed that fancy ass car, I thought as he sped past me.

I was desperately in need of a job, granny's bills were piling up and Devon's sentencing was in a few days, I needed to be prepared for the worst scenario. I scanned the newspaper ads for a job anything was welcome at this point, granny was watching the small pocket TV hanging on one side of the room, she was grumpy, had been for most of the afternoon, and the donor for her transplant was slow going l, granny just wanted to go home and rest in peace– she kept going on about how she was resigned with dying. It took everything in me not to shout at her but I managed it. I was ruling out jobs with no openings, as well as those I'd interviewed for with no feedback, when an advert caught my eye HotPlace Fashion house needed a designer, I was the best at sewing clothes and drawing them was something I did in my spare time when I allowed myself to dream of more, they required samples to be submitted after which you'd be called for an interview, I jacked up from the chair

" Where you off to in such a huff," she asked and I grinned pulling my bag with me

" I have to go sew" I muttered and she smiled

" You still have that machine then," she asked and I nodded

Granny had an old machine, I'd learned how to sew from her, and she'd helped me put my design into reality

" Well off with you then, " she murmured tsking

" I'll see you soon, I have to get this done before the deadline" I urged pressing a kiss to her forehead, she nodded

" Bring me some good food when you're coming back" she warned and I snarked

" You don't get anything the doctor didn't order" she scowled

" I'm not dead dammit I demand good food" she mumbled I smiled

" I'll bring a veggie toast" I offered and she winced

" That's not better than the slop they're giving me here" I grinned

" I'll make it myself" I assured her and she sighed

" Fine, go" she replied. I hurried out the door taking a taxi to our apartment. It was Granny's home she and Pop had bought it over twenty years ago and it was a beautiful home, there was a mortgage that I had to pay off–another reason I needed a job.

I went into the sewing room that I had set up before granny got sick and couldn't use it much, I oiled it set it up, and pulled out my design book, soon I was lost in a trail of fabrics and color. I cut, sewed, measured, and did it all over again, I could see the morning dawn as I finished the last stitch, I yawned cracking my neck to the side, my eyes were gritty from exhaustion and I needed to get some sleep but I couldn't do that. I booted up my ancient laptop and drafted an application attaching my design and resume. Then I sent the sample by mail and crossed my fingers while waiting.

It was torture every day, going to the hospital, visiting Devon while keeping a secret from both of them about the other all while waiting for my email to pop up.

The dreaded email came in three days later, squealing, I sprung out of my chair, laptop in hand

" I got it" I screamed

" Quiet down girl" Granny huffed grinning widely, I smiled back at her likely looking as foolish as I did.

I arrived at HotPlace Fashion house with my resume, samples, and everything else I could think of, we were going to be judged by our intelligence and speed in this interview and I needed to stay sharp if spent the entire night studying on the place and it's owner, Alexander Rutherfurd, the biggest name in the fashion world, to work here would be a dream come true.

" Sofia Bridge" the secretary called and I stood taking in a deep breath, I stepped forward

" I'm here"

" Come" she nodded briskly, I followed her into a small office where three people sat, I swallowed, and looked up to find familiar gray eyes filled with it's arrogant glint a name card on the table read Alexander Rutherfurd, I felt all the blood drain from my face.

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