Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3

Alexander’s POV

Bright ginger hair, green eyes, and a soft pity mouth, familiar features.

There were days that made you know your life was about to change irrevocably, and that day was one of them.

I drove my car at top speed swerving along the road water splashing, in my side mirror I saw someone shouting, I drove back intrigued getting out of the car, and coming to stand in front of her, she's petite, with bright red hair, and soft green eyes

" Are you blind?" she asked irritatedly and I huffed

" I should be asking you the same thing" looking her dead in the eye

" No, you should be apologizing you asshole" she hissed and I laughed she grits her teeth as if annoyed

" Is this your way of getting money out of me" I try, it's not impossible, I am Alexander Rutherfurd,.my name and influence precedes me

" Do you try this with others and it works? " I ask,


She slapped me hard, and the sound of the slap was loud, I saw people pause to stare while others walked away rapidly as if to escape the scene. I work my jaw, clenching my teeth in annoyance. I don't like public scenes, and I don't plan to entertain some woman doing this to me, I look at her dress it's a blue dress made of cheap cotton, and it's now stained with brown slushy water, pulling

I reached into my pocket pulled out my wallet and take some bills from it grabbing her hand I stuffed the bills into her open palm, she looked bewildered but I don't care

"Get a new dress" I ordered and turned around walking away from her and back into my car

" Hey get back here and apologize" I can hear her call out harshly but I ignore her shutting the door with a loud bang and driving away. All through the drive, I thought of her and the guts she had, but as soon as I parked at my building created from years of hard work I shut out the daring redhead from my mind.

"We're hiring, we've placed out ads and we're getting applications," Marie says, as she hands me the iPad. She was the head of the dressmaking department, and she took care of designs and how they were brought to reality, in the three years she'd worked for me I had seen her only at her very best despite the situation. I took the pad and scrolled through the applications, I needed someone who paid attention to details, with fresh ideas. Yes, I had designer but most of them like to just draw out their ideas, others got lost in making the dresses with just inspiration. I needed someone who was a dressmaker first, a design caught my eye, a beautiful blue color, with little pearl-like buttons

" Where is the sample for this," I asked and Marie smiled

" Here, it was one of the best" she replies, I nod as she shows me the gown, it's just as pretty as the picture. The fabric is not very high quality but the stitches are perfect, I look back to the pad swiping at the screen to find the dressmaker and paused stunned when I see a familiar face with burning eyes and flaming red hair staring back at me, the woman from two days ago, my lip curls in annoyance I scroll past her looking at the other entries, I'm ready to approve the people for interviews but my eye catches the dress again, I frowned, then turned to Marie and rattled out the dresses I liked and stormed away, tossing the useless pad into my desk my secretary came in handing me a cup of coffee and picking the pad,

" Is there anything you need sir" she asked and I shrugged

" No, just let finance know to bring me the weekly spreadsheet," I said softly and she nodded leaving me to my musing. My thoughts went back to that woman and the strange twist of fate. I didn't need to hire her, although the panel was there I owned a greater percentage in decision-making making but for some reason, she intrigued me I pick up my phone

" Cass, can you check applicant ten for me" I ask and she hums

"Sofia Bridge, she's twenty-five and lives downtown in Bradbury sir" Abe replies and I nod in acknowledgment

" Thank you" I cut the call and then made another one

" Hey Travis, I need you to check on Sofia Bridge for me, I want to know everything about her," I ask

"I'll get back to you in three days" he said

" Make it two, I'll compensate you heavily" I muttered and Travus huffed

" I know you will, it's why I let you cut in line every time asshole" I laughed, it was true, Travis was not so much a close friend but we understood each other, and he knew my eccentricities

" And I thank you with copious amounts of money" I replied,

" Get out of my phone" he scoffed, and I dropped the call, let's see what he could get me before the interview.

It was D-Day, weirdly I was excited, the file for Sofia Bridge had proved quite useful, at twenty-five years old, she had no parents that lived near her or had contact with her, and her brother was facing conviction for an assault that had been ramped up more than it's value, her grandmother needed a transplant surgery all things she needed this job to afford. It was funny going back and forth between giving her the job or not, the applicants came in, and we asked them questions, and by the en,d we had at least two people I wanted hired. Finally, the door opens and in walks Sofia Bridge, today she's in a clean and professional dress, her hair is tied to the back and she's holding a file close to herself. I see when she recognized me her eyes went wide, and she paled whitening almost like the white walls in our offices

" Please sit," Roger says to her and she swallows nodding haltingly, her feet dragging against the floor, she sits and the interview begins.

" You need to get married" I sighed as I pulled off my tie, I was still riding the high of my interview with Sofia Bridge, an intriguing woman that's for sure.

" Alexander" my mother hissed

" Mom, I'm not sure how you expect me to accomplish that tonight," I say taking off my jacket

" Well neither am I but I need grandkids " she mutters sitting next to me

" I'll see what I can do" I mumbled and she sighed

" You need to forget Isabelle, she wasn't good for you" she replies and I huff

" I am not thinking about her" I grit, I didn't like the mention of Isabelle, it's something my mother knows, something she uses against me constantly.

" Good that means getting married shouldn't be a problem" she mutters standing, she kisses my cheek,

" Good night" I whisper and she smiles

" Good night love, remember grand babies" I laugh as she strolls away, my phone pings and I open it, Travis has done his best

You owe me

His text reads and I smile, I open the file looking at the information garnered on Sofia Bridge's life

Young, pretty with a list of money problems.

My mother's words float to me and I smile

Grand babies may not be in the question but marriage, marriage will work just nicely and Ice found just the woman for it.

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