Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

Sofia’s POV

A wedding or a bribe, a match made in hell!

My interview could be likened to a criminal court session, Alexander rambled question after question like he was out to prove me guilty of some crime, and the rest of the panel didn't get a chance to say much of anything, if I weren't under fire myself, I would feel sorry for them. Right now I could only extend my sympathies to myself, I wasn't getting this job, was I?

He sat back his gray eyes hardening as he glared at me, he looked to his screen then back at my face, and nodded

" Do you have any questions?" he asked the other two, they shook their head haltingly and he nodded

" We'll get back to you " he replied and I nodded standing from my chair, I sighed I was so screwed.

I made my way back to the hospital, granny had a relapse the night before, and she was still so weak, the doctors said it shifted her chances for a transplant even lower. I wanted to scream at them, that the waiting was what made her weaker but that would do nothing. The frustration was riding me hard but the only good thing so far was that they'd shifted Devon's sentence hearing, I didn't know how much time that gave us but I was hoping we could do something with it. Both were still oblivious to the chaos, when granny asked for Devon I told her he was looking for work, or that he'd come but she was sleeping. The excuses were growing thin and my ability to stretch myself was even thinner.

It took me two days to get a reply from HotPlace Fashion house, I got it on the rare nights when granny sent me home, I was making myself dinner when my phone chimed, I read out the mail, my fingers clenching around it until it turned white, I think I was shivering, but I couldn't stop myself. It wasn't a mail from the company, but a personal mail from Alexander Rutherfurd himself, he wanted to meet me to discuss the terms of my contract, which sounded fishy in and of itself, he wanted to play with me, ridicule me somehow and I was not going to let him, no way– I wasn't going.

I did in fact go, desperation had won against logic in the early hours of the morning so I d got dressed and crossed my fingers in the hope that Alexander wasn't that much of an asshole.

I arrived at the company and was directed to his office floor.

" Hi I'm Sofia Bridge here for Mr. Rutherfurd" I murmured to the secretary, she sent me a small smile

" Give me a moment" she offered and I nodded, she entered the office and soon came back out

" He'll see you now" she muttered, I smiled and she gestured to the door. I'd seen the door. I just wasn't sure I wanted to try the beast inside.

I opened the door and walked into it wincing when I met his gaze, there was no warmth– I don't know why I expected that. His eyes were almost dead he leaned away from the table and gestured for her to seat

"It's good seeing you again Miss Bridge" I smiled thinly, that was a very big lie

" How do you feel about our meeting" he asked and I shrugged

" It's a surprise Mr. Rutherfurd" I reply and he smiles

" Of course. Did you get a new dress" he asked and I grit my teeth in annoyance

" Not yet" I muttered, he was mocking me the bastard.

" Ok. So your sample was well made" I pause unsure

" Thank you" I whispered

" How long have you been sewing" he asked and I shrugged

" A long time, I learned as a child" I replied

" That's wonderful, I liked the lines, the designs you could be a good designer one day" he offered and I pulled into the desk, his compliments were now alarming at best

" Thank you I guess" I muttered, he grinned

"You welcome," he watched me, silently, I tried not to fidget but unable to take the silence I asked

" Does this mean I get the job"

He leaned into his chair a burst of laughter escaping his lips like he was going crazy

" I'm sorry" he huffed, then leaned forward

" Not really" I scowled

" Then what am I doing here" I asked briskly

" Well you're here to hear my offer."

" Employment comes with conditions" he replied and I leaned into the chair

"And just what are these conditions," I asked and he shrugged

" I need a wife" I paused blinking rapidly, unsure what exactly he was asking

" You want me to marry you" I screeched and he smiled

" Is that impossible?" he asked and I huffed

" Yes it is. I don't plan on getting married" he shrugged

" Then you can walk right out the door," he offered. I was still dumbfounded, he was an asshole, a bigger asshole than I'd realized. It was a bad idea coming here. I'd gained nothing, I rose from the seat

" Thank you for your time," I said softly, I walked away my hand on the doorknob

" I heard your brother might be sentenced tomorrow," he said softly, I froze– how did he know about Devon.

" I don't know what you're talking about" I gritted, he chuckled

" He made a mistake taking on Zion Alexanderson the man's a sonofabitch but he has a temper, a sense of superiority, and his father's money" he muttered, my grip over the doorknob tightened I knew that, it's why my brother didn't want me to try. I hated this, hated the fact that he was I this mess because of his bitch ex-girlfriend

" And what do you care," I asked and he shrugged

" I don't care much, you're nothing to me so I do not need to worry about your soon-to-be convicted brother or your dying grandmother" he whispered

" I wonder if your grandma knows" he mused and then shook his head

" She'd be dead from the shock I'm sure"

" What do you want" I hiss, turning to face him

" I've told you what I want"

" I don't understand why you want that," I ask and he sighs

" My mother wants me married, I need her off my back about the matter" I gape, he can't be serious

" And you don't have a girlfriend" I ask bewildered, his eyes shutter close, warning her not to ask further questions

" You should be happy I want you, you get away with more from this deal than I do" he muttered

" You get to torture me I bet" I muttered, he smirked

" I'll get your brother out, your grandma's transplant easily done " he finished, I stilled this was much more than I could get on my own

" And my job" I asked and he smiled, knowing he had me cornered

" You get to keep it" I paused, I needed this, my whole family did, I looked at him and shrugged

"Let's get married"

I was wearing white, it was sacrilege but my grandma would not hear any of it. She couldn't be here for the wedding, her surgery was in two days but she wanted to see the pictures. I couldn't disappoint her, already I felt bad deceiving Alexander's mother, she's a beautiful woman and her smiles have been wide since they were introduced. She reserved her annoyance at the shotgun wedding for her son only fussing over me instead.

" Alright dear, let's get you out there" she urged straightening my veil one more time

" Thank you " I whispered and she nodded

" We'll take lots of pictures for your granny," she said softly

" Thank you so much" I replied

The wedding march began and as I walked down the aisle, I could see Alexander at the podium, standing tall and regal, my hand tightening on the bouquet as I wondered if I was doing the right thing.

The minister began the ceremony, I focused on everything but the ceremony, the minister with a stuffy beard and a constipated look, the flowers lining the podium, my nerves increased, the butterflies running rampant. Finally, he turned to look at me

"Do you take this man, Alexander Rutherfurd, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" he asked. I stiffened, maybe I should leave this, maybe I was making a mistake. Alexander's hand tightened on my grip and I looked into his eyes gray and bland. I couldn't escape this, not after all he'd already done, Devon might get out, and Granny was getting her surgery in days. I swallow softly, there's no escaping this

" I do"

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