Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5

Sofia's POV

The day, time and hour had begun. I kept wondering how I was going to deal with Alexander. I've always wanted to get married like every normal gurl does but this time it was different.

It's obvious that I'm getting married or moreso, married because I needed the money more than life itself.

The car drove into Alexander's mansion and I couldn't help but admire the gigantic building that stood in front of me. Everything seems perfect but clearly they are not.

" I know you've never seen anything like this in your whole life but can't you look around in a grand manner? Must you crook your neck that way? Telling the whole working world how local you are. " Alexander complained and humphed.

Arguing with him was going to be a wats of time at my own end do ignoring him is probably the best things right now.

" You're welcome sire and congratulations. " The servants who wore all white greeted and stood in a straight line. Arrogant Alexander didn't even respond to their greetings but rather walked inside making everyone gasp.

He's forgetting something I guess.

I stood there like nothing happened and let everyone adore me. It was actually a feeling that I didn't want to ever end in my entire life.

"You're so rude Alex!" A woman in her late forties whim I guess to be Alexander's mother said while giving him a light slap in his cheek.

"What have I done wrong this time?" He asked coldly.

"How dare you come into the house without our newly wedded wife?" His mom asked grumpily like she was going to cry at anytime.

Alexander walked up to me with heavy strides and grabbed my hands forcefully.

"Reporters are here and I'm sure they are recording this scene and watching you act do haughty to your wife." I stated.

No matter how cold a man seems to be, it's best if his ego is tarnished at times.

"I don't think my image should be your problem. " He replied with ruthlessly but I still didn't care.

" Of course it should be, don't forget... You're my husband now and your problem is mine as well. " I replied him almost immediately and watched him go mute for sometime maybe wondering what he was going to do with me.

"I have seen women like you so yours is not a new thing to me." He retorted but kept walking slowly so that i wouldn't trip.

I guess he doesn't want to he addressed on the internet as a man who made his newly wedded wife trio because if how arrogant he is. That would surely bring an uproar in the internet and even causing harm to his business.

An after party was held to celebrate lightly by i was too weak to even attend the Katy and didn't realize when I drifted off to sleep still on my wedding gown.

A knock in the room woke me up.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"Get this God damned door open now!" Alexander said angrily.

I stood up almost immediately and opened the door at the realization that I locked the door and drifted off to sleep. I didn't even take off my gown which I ad itchy already.

"What's wrong with you? We aren't even up to a year old and you're making me talk too much? He asked making me wonder what I did wrong.

"Awwn, are you both having a kind of reunion or something? I guess you're tired and needs rest so I'd just leave you guys line and party with the others." Alexander's mom bursting into the room. "Enjoy yourselves. " She added and shut the door behind her.

All colors drained from my face. I actually know what she meant but I haven't tried it before and I heard it was normal for couples who just weeded to do it.

Well, my case was different because even if Alexander wants it, I wouldn't give it to him.

I was finding it hard to adjust to the light that illuminated the room as I felt like it would blind me if I'm not careful.

"Ohh damn;" I cussed the moment I hit my hand on a rock hard object.

I slowly opened my eyes only to see my hands on Alexander's bare chest and he was awake.

I stood up from the bec immediately.

"I'd that a nice way to greet your husband?" He yelled.

I took my bath hurriedly and changed into something light. My stomach grumbled badly which was enough to tell even the whole world that I'm hungry.

I heard a slight knock on the door and kept quiet because I thought Alexander would be inside but to my surprise the knock kept come in which means he wasn't in there.

I rushed to the door and opened it only to see the butler standing.

"How may I help you sir?" I asked.

"It's time for breakfast and sire had asked me to call you out." The butler answered.

"Okay, I'd be out in few minutes." I responded and shut the door to finish up fast. I know for sure that Alexander's mom was the one who persuaded him to tell me to come have breakfast, if it were him alone he'd never do it.

"You have to get over Isabelle if you really want to keep this young lady. She didn't love you if she had, she'd inform you beforehand she left and maybe call you years ago. " I heard Alexander's mom saying.

" Mom, if I decide to hold unto the past, that's my business to handle and i don't think you should be bothered by that. " He replied coldly. " You wanted me to get married and I'm married. " Alexander added.

" Shut your mouths!. How sure am I that you'd even touch her? " She asked again.

When she said that, I felt goosebumps washed all over me.

"Can you come down already!?"

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