My front yard was so silent, almost more than a graveyard. The distance between us on the steps already held so much meaning. He was lying. Damn! I was a fool. He had been lying to me this entire time when I felt he actually cared. For all I know, he could be an agent from Pat or Fred, in the act to ridicule me.

“I…I can't believe this. You've been lying to me all along. Do I even know who you are?” I stuttered, slapping my right thumb against my index finger in disbelief.

It was in his eyes. The fear of getting caught. He took a step up the small staircase and place his hand on mine but I was irritated.

“Don't! Don't touch me,” I muttered. I had felt he was different. I gave him the benefit of the doubt but he turned out to be just the same like the rest of the lot; a liar and dubious pretender.

“I can explain,” he said, hurriedly, his steps following mine on the staircase even though I made every effort to be at a distance from him.

“What is there to explain? I'm not dumb. You just called yourself Greg Sanders out of the blues and you are not even refuting it. How could you tell such a big lie?!” I exclaimed, holding back the tears fighting to drop from my eyes. I wiped my face with my bare hand even though there was nothing to wipe, “and here I was thinking you would be different. How can I even believe all that you’ve told me when the very bane of your existence is a lie?”

“Trust me, it's not what it seems,” he said then moved his face left and right to be sure no one was looking. What the hell was he looking for? I don't know. I was now suspicious more than ever. Is he a convict or a criminal, trying to hide from the police? Was I ever safe with him when I thought I was? Several thoughts were racing through my head.

“Can we go inside?” he asked, taking the last step to face me. He drew close to me and I felt transfixed to the spot as if he had a hold over me. He held out his hand and touched the strand of my hair that fell out of place. “I'll tell you all about it now. Let's talk inside,” he said then grabbed my hand.

“Let go! Why inside? Why not here? I don't trust you,” I blurted out, jerking my hand from his. My senses were not so cranky. He could try to harass me sexually. I don't know but he might.  After all, he had changed his name to fool me.

“Look at me, Lia,” he said but my eyes were fixed on the railings. “Look at me,” he muttered, turning my face to his. “I swear that I never meant any harm and would never do anything to hurt you,” he promised.

“Sweet promises don't work on me. Start talking,” I ordered.

“Okay, okay. My real name is indeed Greg Sanders. I'm not from New York. In fact, I don't live here at all but after I saw you at the park, I decided to stay around,” he explained.

I looked into his eyes and he stared back with such consistent glare that sent shivers down my spine. Despite my deep hatred for men, how could I still develop feelings for one of them. That's right! I think I'm starting to fall for Miles…I mean Greg. He was strikingly handsome in the face and body with a voice that was always so commanding and soothing. Apart from all of that, I had never seen him flirt with any woman. He was so focused on me as if I was the only woman in the world and he had not made any moves on me yet. I wanted to give it enough time before admitting how I felt about him but now, I don't know what I feel anymore - whether it was love, hatred or betrayal.

“Trust me, Lia. I have some personal issues that I might not be able to disclose to you now but I will, soon enough. I had to keep a low profile so I changed my name,” he said, grabbing both my hands.

“I don't even know what to believe anymore. Why didn't you tell me earlier?” I asked, feeling weak from the stares and explanations.

“Because I already introduced myself as Miles Connor. I was afraid you wouldn't listen to me anymore if I tried to tell you the truth. Believe me, Lia,” he begged.

“Are you a criminal? Be sincere with me now so that I can make a decision. I have too many problems to get entangled in someone else's,” I said.

“Of course not. It's simply a personal matter which I’d tell you soon. I’m sorry for lying to you about myself. I love you so much,  Lia and would give anything to protect you,” he replied with bated breath.

Was he believable? Yes! But did I believe him? No.

“Well, I'll only let this slide because you've always been on my side no matter what happened,” I looked at my phone screen. Holy crap!

“Gosh! I have to go now or I'll be in serious trouble,” I blurted out.

“You can't go anywhere. You're going to enter your apartment, take a shower, a warm meal and sleep,” Greg pulled me by arm and dragged me into the house after snatching the keys from me.

“What are you doing, Miles? I mean, Greg? I have to go!” I screamed.

“You can scream all you want but if we have to stay locked here till midnight so you wouldn't leave, then so be it,” I answered as he locked the door. For some reason, my heart skipped a beat as I watched him.

“The last time you were at wherever that boyfriend of yours was, he maltreated you. Who treats his woman that way? No! You won't meet him today or ever again,” he said, sitting on the sofa.

He thinks Pat is my boyfriend. How hilarious to think i'll stay with a man who treats me like Pat did. I walked towards him and sat by his side on the sofa. “You think I'll be in a relationship with a man who hurts me every time?” I said, playing with my fingers.

“What's that?” he asked, confirming what I had said.

“Never mind,” I replied, imagining the awful experience I would face if I didn't show up at the Richardson house. I could not even think about it. It'll be awful more than what I faced the first time I met him after his son, my adoptive elder brother had raped me the fifth time.

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