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Chapter 2 - A Ruin Dream


The morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room as I woke up next to a man I barely knew. Reality hit me like a tidal wave, and I felt a surge of panic and shame wash over me. How had I ended up here, in a stranger's bed, on the eve of my wedding?

As I tried to collect my thoughts, the memories of the night before flooded back. I remembered feeling dizzy and weak as I stumbled into the wrong room, mistaking it for my sister's. The man had been in the shower when I entered, and he must have thought I was there for a reason I couldn't even fathom. Our encounter was a blur, a haze of confusion and misplaced passion.

I couldn't believe what I had done. I had betrayed Andrew, the man I loved, and ruined everything we had been building together. My heart ached with guilt and regret as I quietly slipped out of the room, desperate to escape the shame that now clung to me.

The man woke up to find me gone, and I knew he would be angry and confused. But I couldn't stay to face the consequences of my actions. I had to leave before anyone found out what had transpired.

Back at home, Elvie questioned me about my sudden disappearance from the wedding. "Where were you, Giselle? Everyone was looking for you, and you just vanished without a word."

I swallowed hard, my throat tight with emotion. "I... I needed some air. I got overwhelmed with everything, and I needed to clear my head."

Jasmine then entered the room, her disapproval evident in her stern expression. "This is unacceptable, Giselle. You've brought shame upon this family with your behavior. We raised you better than this."

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I felt a heavy weight of guilt crushing me. "I'm sorry," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "I never meant for any of this to happen."

But Elvie's eyes glinted with a cruel satisfaction. "Sorry won't fix this mess you've created. You've ruined everything. But… That is what we want! To ruined your fcking life!"

It was then that she revealed the extent of their treachery. They had planned everything, driven by jealousy of my popularity and my father's affection. Their goal was to manipulate the situation and gain control of my father's wealth through my marriage to Andrew.

"W-What? But why?" I asked, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and anger.

Elvie's voice was cold and calculated as she looked at me with disdain. "Why? Bitch, we've always been in your shadow. Everyone adores you, and Father dotes on you like you're some kind of princess. It's always been about you, and I was tired of it!"

Jasmine chimed in, her tone equally bitter. "Your father's wealth and attention were always meant to Elvie's and mine. But you always got in the way!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My own sister and stepmother had been envious of me all this time, and their jealousy had driven them to concoct this twisted plan.

Elvie continued, her eyes narrowing with malice. "When Andrew came into the picture, we saw an opportunity. He was smitten with you, and marrying you would secure our place in the family and give us access to your father's wealth."

Jasmine nodded in agreement. "Yes, it was the perfect chance to get what we deserved. So we hatched a plan to manipulate the situation, to make sure you would marry Andrew, and we could benefit from it."

The weight of their betrayal crushed me, and I felt a mix of anger and sadness consuming me. How could my own family do this to me?

Elvie smirked, savoring my vulnerability. "You just couldn't resist your impulses, and now you've brought shame upon yourself and our family."

Jasmine added with a stern look, "You've made scandal, Giselle, and now you have to lie in it. We hold the power now, and if you ever want to protect your father and keep your reputation intact, you'll do as we say!"

I felt cornered and desperate, knowing that they held the key to my downfall. "What do you want from me?" I asked, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and defiance.

Elvie's smile widened, relishing her control over me. "It's simple, really. You will disappear from our lives forever. You'll leave the city and never come back. You'll cut ties with Andrew and break his heart. And if you don't comply, we'll release the video we have of you and that strange man. Your reputation will be tarnished, and your father will never forgive you."

I felt like I was trapped in a nightmare, with no way out. They had orchestrated this entire situation to manipulate me, to use me as a pawn in their pursuit of power and wealth.

Jasmine's voice was cold and unyielding. "You have until tomorrow to make your decision. If you don't leave, we'll ruin you, Giselle. Your father's name will be destroyed, and it will all be your fault."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized the depth of their cruelty. They were willing to sacrifice everything, including my happiness and Andrew's love, just to achieve their selfish desires.

Elvie's eyes bore into mine, a cruel glint in them. "So, what's it going to be, Giselle? Are you going to do as we say and disappear, or will you face the consequences of your actions?"

I felt like I was standing on the edge of a precipice, with my entire world crumbling beneath me. In that moment, I knew that my only choice was to leave, to protect the ones I loved from the damage my family was willing to inflict.

With a heavy heart and a mind filled with turmoil, I nodded slowly, knowing that my decision would break Andrew's heart and change the course of my life forever.

"I'll go," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "I'll leave, and you'll never see me again."

Elvie's smile was cold and victorious. "Good. You made the right choice. Now, get out of here before we change our minds."

And so, with tears streaming down my face, I turned my back on the life I once knew and walked away, leaving behind everything I held dear, all because of the betrayal of my family.

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