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Chapter 5 – Explain yourself


I had allowed myself to hope, even if only for a moment, that Carla might be the one I was looking for. The disappointment of realizing she wasn't threatened to consume me. The enigmatic woman from that passionate night had left an indelible mark on my soul, and I was determined to find her, no matter the cost.

As I stood in the room, the silence was deafening, and the weight of my frustration bore down on me. The truth remained hidden, and the woman from that unforgettable night continued to elude me.

I would not rest until I found her, until I unraveled the mystery that had become an obsession. The anger I had felt in that moment would fuel my determination to uncover the truth, no matter where it led me.

Days turned into weeks as I continued my relentless pursuit, leaving no stone unturned. My reputation as a dangerous mafia boss did little to deter me, for I knew that the woman from that passionate night held the key to a mystery that had consumed me.

In the quiet moments, when the world outside my penthouse seemed to disappear, I would find myself lost in thoughts of that night. The memory of her touch, her scent, and the intensity of our connection refused to fade. It was a potent reminder of what I was seeking, and I couldn't allow it to slip through my fingers.

My determination led me down a labyrinth of leads, from shady nightclubs to obscure informants. I was prepared to use any means necessary to uncover the truth. My connections in the criminal underworld served as valuable assets, and I wasn't above exploiting them.

But the more I delved into the underbelly of the city, the more elusive the woman became. It was as though she had vanished from the face of the earth, leaving only a haunting memory in her wake. I was growing increasingly frustrated, the weight of my obsession becoming a relentless burden.

One evening, as I met with a particularly uncooperative informant, I was met with another dead end. My patience was wearing thin, and the frustration that had become a constant companion threatened to boil over.

I left the dimly lit bar, the cacophony of the city serving as a harsh backdrop to my thoughts. As I walked the deserted streets, I couldn't help but replay that night in my mind, hoping for a clue, a revelation that would lead me to her.

My steps led me back to my penthouse, the place where my search had begun. I entered the room and found it bathed in the soft glow of city lights. It was a stark contrast to the turmoil within me.

I needed answers, and I needed them soon. My anger was a simmering undercurrent, ready to erupt at any moment. The frustration that had consumed me had only grown with time, and I couldn't bear the thought of this mystery remaining unsolved.

As I paced the room, the memories of that night played like a vivid movie in my mind. The way she had looked at me, the taste of her lips, and the feel of her skin against mine – they were all etched in my memory. It was a cruel reminder of what I was searching for, and the fact that I had yet to find it fueled my impatience.

My thoughts were interrupted by the soft chime of my phone. I grabbed it, hoping for a lead, a clue, anything that would bring me closer to the truth.

The message was short and cryptic, a series of coordinates that meant nothing to me. But the sender's name was all too familiar. It was Carla.

My heart raced as I read the message. Could this be the answer I had been waiting for? I had sent Carla away in anger, convinced that she held no answers. But now, she was reaching out to me, and I couldn't ignore it.

With a sense of urgency, I left the penthouse, determined to follow the coordinates and confront Carla. The frustration and anger that had consumed me were now replaced by a glimmer of hope.

The coordinates led me to a desolate part of the city, far from the bustling streets and city lights. It was a place I had never been before, and the unfamiliarity of it sent a shiver down my spine.

As I arrived at the location, I spotted a figure standing in the dimly lit alley. It was Carla, her silhouette unmistakable. She turned to face me, her expression a mix of trepidation and determination.

I approached her, my steps deliberate. "Carla, what is this? Why did you send me these coordinates? Do not waste my time again."

She took a deep breath, her eyes locking with mine. "I know you're looking for someone, Kevin. Someone from that night."

I nodded, my impatience growing. "Yes, I am. Do you have information about her? Tell me, I’ll pay you."

Carla hesitated for a moment before speaking. "The truth is, I am the woman you're looking for, Kevin. I've been trying to reach out to you, to explain. But you never give me time to explain myself."

My world seemed to come to a standstill. The revelation was a shock to my system. The woman I had spent that unforgettable night with, the woman who had haunted my thoughts, was right in front of me.

"What the hell," I whispered, my voice laced with a mixture of disbelief and relief. "Is it really you? But… I saw different face of a woman. Do not lie to me. You will not like if I get mad."

She nodded, tears glistening in her eyes. "Yes, Kevin. It's me. It is really me. I am the one who is with you, but you just not give me a chance to explain myself last time. Please, have some time to hear my side."

I frowned and said, “Then explain yourself.”

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