2. Making a Friend


The first few days flew by. I mostly stayed in my room when I was not running errands. I had got a few things for my room, books, and other things I needed for school. I spent Most of the time in my room reading from my Kindle. I liked the classics and had read them many times over. There was a knock on my door, and when I opened it, a woman was there.

She was beautiful. Her short hair was a bright red that complimented her red lips. Her makeup was done perfectly, and her clothes looked high fashion. It is so much different than my jeans and T-shirt. "I am Marina. I just moved in. I was thinking about going out for a drink and thought maybe you could join me. I mean, you're 21, right?" I stood there in shock. I knew it was normal for people my age to go to bars and hang out together, but I had never done that.

I had drunk with my mother before, but it was always at home. We had celebrated my 21st with a bang. Lots of drinking and music that was so loud that the cops had been called on us. It was one of the many good memories I had with my mother. "Um, sure, that would be nice." I offered up a smile. "Okay, well, why don't you just get changed, and we can go in a little bit." I looked down at my sweatpants and tank top. "Okay." Then Marina walked away, and I saw her go into her room.

I had not even realized she had moved in. Then again, I stayed in bed almost all day, reading. I changed into some jeans and a cute black lace top. I looked in the new mirror I had picked up. My large hips hugged the jeans tightly. I hated the way my thighs looked. I always felt like I was bigger than other girls. My mother assured me that I was just curvy. It was not that I hated my body or anything. I had a flat stomach, but my hips and behind were large. As well as my breasts. I thought it made me look heavier, but my mother would tell me I looked like an hourglass.

That may be true, but I was a large hourglass. At least, that is what I would tell her. My long, straight, white hair fell to the middle of my back. People always assumed I bleached it, but I had never colored it. It had always been white. My mothers was also just as white. She told me when she was younger, she would dye it but change it back because she missed it being natural. I personally always loved the white. It made me feel unique, and I liked the natural shine.

I grabbed my makeup and mirror and set them on my desk. I worked on keeping it relatively light. I wanted to take only a little bit of time. I was curious to know when Marina would be back. I did one last check in the mirror. I smiled at my reflection. I was happy with it, as happy as I could be with my appearance. Marina knocked on the door again, and I opened it, smiling at her. "You look hot." I gave her an awkward smile. No one ever said stuff like that to me, and I didn't really know how to respond. "Come on, let's get going." I nodded, grabbed my purse, and followed her down the stairs. "So I was thinking we could grab a bite and then hit the bar?"

"Umm, I guess that would be okay." I didn't understand why Marina was being so friendly. I was pretty sure that most people were not so friendly, but I was no expert on people. I followed Marina out to her car. She had it parked on the street like mine. But, unlike mine, hers was new and black. I looked at the hood, seeing it was a Mercedes. She drove a luxury car. I had not expected that. If she had money, which was evident by her clothes, car, hell, even the perfume she wore smelled expensive. Why would she be renting a room in a house? She definitely had the means to rent a place by herself. I got in, and the car was just as luxurious as the outside. The seats were a rich dark leather. Everything was spotless. It was so unlike my car, which had seen its fair share over the years.

We drove, and I sat there in uncomfortable silence. Then Marina started to talk. "So, where are you from?" "Vermont." "Nice. I am from upstate New York. I heard this state was pretty, but I had no idea the mountains would be this pretty. I can see why they call it smoky." I just nodded. "You are not much of a talker, I take it." "Yeah, sorry, I just am not around people that much, and I guess I am just wondering why you are so friendly." Marina started to laugh.

"My mother always says that. Yeah, I like people, and after all, we will be living together, so why would we not get to know one another? It just makes sense. I am not particularly fond of going out alone, and I didn't know anyone here. The way I see it, you are my housemate and would be someone I could become friends with. It would be better than not being friends and living together, and that would suck if we were enemies." "That makes sense, I guess." "So what are you in the mood for burgers or pizza. I personally love a nice bloody steak."

"Anything is fine with me." "Steak it is." She drove, and I just sat there. I really had no clue what to say. I cursed my mother for not teaching me to be personal. It had to be nice to be Marina and just be so open. I figured she had many friends back home, and I was sure she would make a lot more while here. People like her were always able to make friends. I, on the other hand, always stuck to myself. I wanted to be more like her, though, just so able to invite people out to do things. , I had been here for a few days and had not even tried to get to know the other people in the house.

I finally thought of something to say. "So, are you here for university?" "Yeah, I am majoring in history. I have a thing for learning about the past. It can tell you so much about the future. How about you? Did you move here for school, too?" "Well, I did my first two years online but came here to study Botany. I know Blue Ridge University has a good program for it." "So you like plants?" "Yeah, I like them a lot. I have a bunch in my room." "That is awesome. I would love to see them sometime.."

"So, do you know anyone in town yet? Anyone cool?" "Not really. I met the other girls in the house, but no one else. I am more of a homebody, to be honest." "Well, we will just have to change that. I am usually pretty good at reading people, and I can see you are nice to be around. I already know we are going to be good friends." I smiled. I had my first real friend.

I had acquaintances, but it was not like I ever went out with them. My job was as a maid at one of the many small motels in the town I grew up in.

The other maids just stuck to themselves, so our relationship was more of a "Hey, how are you doing okay? Glad you're good." Kind of deal. I wondered if they would do get-togethers. If they did, I was never invited. Besides my mother, no one ever went out with me, and here it had been three days, and I had already made a friend. We went out for food at a local place, and it was delicious.

Marina talked a lot, and I mostly just listened. When she asked me something, I would respond but felt so out of my element. When we left and pulled into a bar, Marina looked at me and said. "Now, let's get some drinks in you. Maybe then you will loosen up a bit." She said it with a smile. I could see how that could make someone feel self-conscious, but Marina, when she said it, it was almost like an invitation. Come on, let's have a good time, and I want to get to know you.

We walked in, and I took in how everything looked. There was a bar and a few people at it. I looked to the right and saw a room with a single pool table. To the left were three other pool tables, tall tables with stools, and two booths. There was a small stage and a small dance floor. A band was setting up but had yet to start playing. Marina walked up to the bar and handed her card over. "What do you want to drink, Cora?" "I, um, don't really know. I really have only had a few things." Marina smiled.

"I think a round of shots is in order first, and then beer. I prefer wine, but beer seems right in a place like this." She then turned and ordered the drinks. I went to hand the man my card, but Marina stopped me. "No no no, tonight drinks are on me." "I can't let you do that." "Trust me, Cora, I have more than enough money. Drinks one night are nothing to me." I stood there for several seconds. Before I could even say anything else, she added. "Cora, really, it is fine." I gave her a smile. "Thank you." She went ahead and ordered for us. Apparently, we would be shooting tequila.

The bartender put the shots and the beer in front of us. Marina handed me the tequila, which I took. "To our new friendship, may it be prosperous and long." She said with a smile. We clinked glasses, and both downed the thing. It burned as it ran down my throat, and I couldn't help but make a face. "Not a big drinker, I take it?" "No, I drink just, you know, alcohol straight is whew." We laughed and went to one of the tall tables to find a place to sit.

All of them were occupied, but that didn't stop Marina from grabbing two seats at a table. "Marina people are sitting here." I leaned in and whispered. "Cora, there are no other seats, and when that band starts to play, more people will file in. At least now we have a place to sit. Come on, it is a bar. It is always like this. At least bars like this one." She then turned to me and plastered a smile on. I watched as she so seamlessly blended into the scene.

It was like she said the people at the table didn't mind that we were there. Just like she did with me, Marina started up a conversation. After about five minutes, Marina ordered the whole table a round of shots, which we all gulped down. The band started to play. I don't know how long we had been there, but after three shots and more than a pint of beer, I was feeling it. I didn't know if it was the alcohol, but I felt like someone was watching me.

I turned my head, trying to find the source of feeling. I looked at the booths, and my eyes landed on a man. He had shoulder-length brown hair. His chiseled jaw had a trimmed beard, and his piercing green eyes were on me. He didn't blink. He just continued to stare at me. I couldn't take my eyes off him. I felt goosebumps form on my arms. My mouth suddenly felt like it was salivating. What the hell was going on with me. Marina turned to me "Cora." I ripped my eyes from the man and turned to her. But I could feel him still looking at me.

"Why don't you go get another round." I looked down at our empty mugs. I nodded. "Also, another round of shots. What do you say?" I looked surprised for a moment. Marina could drink, and that was certain. I didn't know how to manage it, but I was determined to keep up with my new friend. "Yeah, I can get it." "Cool." I got up from the stool and made my way to the bar. I knew I would grab the beers, but the shots would be brought to the table. At least, that is what they did the last time we ordered shots.

I stood there waiting for a chance to ask for more beer and the shots. The place was crowded with people, and I had to wait a few minutes until the bartender noticed me. I squeezed in to lean on the bar to place in order. The bartender nodded at me, acknowledging I was there, but I knew several people were in front of me and that I would have to wait my turn. Then I felt the goosebumps again, and I smelled the forest. Someone had to be wearing a very appealing cologne or perfume because I could smell my favorite thing in the world: woods. A deep voice spoke, and I turned to see the green-eyed man beside me.

"What are you drinking?" " I stood there looking at the man. He had to be a figment of my imagination. No man this attractive would be talking to me. He looked like something out of a Calvin Klein ad. His angular jaw was covered in a well-groomed short beard. His tattooed arms were muscular and on full display. "Can I buy you a drink?" I just stared. Say something, I told myself, but I couldn't get the words out. My stomach was doing flips. He then flashed his smile, and I just about passed out on the floor.

I finally managed to say. "I was just getting beer and shots for my friend and me." He looked at the table and then back at me. Then he turned to the bartender. "Hey, Mel, can you send a round of shots and a beer to the red-haired girl. Just whatever they have been drinking and can I get." he then looked at me. "House tap?" I nodded, confirming that was what I was drinking. "And one beer house here for." He then turned his eyes back to me. "Cora." "One house beer for Cora here." "No problem." His attention returned to me. I could only think to say, "So you know the bartender personally." "Yeah, you could say that."

I just stood there, not saying anything and looking at him. He didn't say anything at first either, but we examined one another. He broke the silence first. "I am Jax, by the way." "Nice to meet you, Jax. I am Cora." I loved the way his name felt in my mouth. I just wanted to keep saying it.

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