3. Meeting at the Bar
I had come into the bar. It was one I often frequented. My brother said he needed to unwind. He said it a few times a week if I had to be honest. This place had been our regular spot since Mel opened it years ago. It was not anything fancy but more like a dive bar, and we liked that it was not filled with college students like other places. It was a place for locals. We had gotten there right as a group was leaving, and we were able to snag one of the two booths. We had a group of five of us.
My brother, Tanner, and his mate, Shelby. Then there was John and Dainelle. They were dating. I was the only one flying solo tonight. I usually had Courtney with me, but we were currently off, and I was glad for the break. Courtney could be too much at times. Upon entering Scorz, a smell hit me. It smelled like Laurel flowers. They had died a few weeks ago, and it would be a year until they returned. I didn't know why I would be smelling them and so intensely.
My wolf felt like it was antsy suddenly. I felt like my skin was crawling with anticipation. I didn't know what was going on. We took our seats at the booth. Mel had already noticed us, and I knew he would bring some whisky for the table. Some of my own personal brand. But I couldn't focus on anything other than this feeling I was experiencing. I looked around the bar, trying to find the source of the smell.
I followed the smell until I saw the origin. There was long white hair. It had to be the lightest color of hair I had ever seen. It almost looked iridescent the way it shinned. My heart started to pound in my chest. Who was this woman? If she had been a local, I would know who she was. But that hair I had never seen. I would have remembered seeing it. I just wanted her to turn around so I could see her. Then suddenly, if she had heard my plea, she turned on the stool to look at me. When my eyes found her, it all made sense. This woman was my mate.
Her face looked like porcelain. Her grey eyes complimented her white hair and skin. She had plump, light pink lips. Her nose was small and rounded. She sat there, her eyes boring into mine. I couldn't help but look at her. I couldn't believe it. I had a mate. It was a rare thing in our world. It used to be commonplace, but as the world grew, it got harder to find them. Most people decided just to pair off and marry someone, and people didn't bother trying to find their other half anymore.
My brother had been lucky enough to find his mate, though. He had to travel the world to do so, but he had found her. I never had the chance to go off and explore; I had obligations here. But Tanner had enlisted, and while he served, he went to many places and eventually found Shelby, his mate. I congratulated him and knew he was one of the few who had the chance to enjoy having a soulmate. I, on the other hand, never thought I would have one. Not because she didn't exist but because I never even tried to find her.
But here she was, sitting across the bar. She continued to look at me, stunned. I knew she had to feel it. She was staring just as much as I was. But I knew she was not a wolf. A human mate is uncommon but not unheard of. Her friend asked her something, and she tore her gaze from me to her red-haired friend. My fists clenched. I wanted her to return her attention, but she didn't. "You okay there, Jax," Tanner asked. After a minute of staring at my mate's back, I turned to face him.
"See something you plan on taking home." He joked. My teeth clenched. She would not be talked about like that. "Well, it looks like your prize for the night is heading to the bar Jax," John said. I looked, and sure enough, she was trying to squeeze in at the bar to place another order. Before anyone said anything else, I jumped out of my seat and rushed there. I could hear my table laughing as I practically ran to meet her.
I stood behind her for a second. Now that she was not sitting, I could see her shape. She had curves for days. Her ass was perfect in her tight jeans. They hugged her every curve, and I had the strong desire to come up and run my hands all over her. I moved in closer, and her smell got even stronger. She smelled just like Laurel's flowers. A scent that reminded me of spring and summer in these mountains. I just wanted to hear her voice. It was like I was enchanted or something. "What are you drinking?" I wanted to be the one to get it for her.
I wanted her to know I could get her anything she wanted. She didn't respond. I was worried she didn't hear what I said, with everyone shouting in the bar. I tried again. "Can I buy you a drink?" She looked shocked. Was I scaring her? I flashed her a smile, trying to show I meant no harm. "I was just getting beer and shots for my friend and me." My god, her voice was soft and gentle. There was nothing rough about this woman. She seemed so soft everywhere, even in the way she spoke. It was such a stark contrast to the she-wolves I usually dated.
I looked at her table to see her red-haired friend waiting for her friend to get back. I ordered drinks for the whole table and knew Mel would send them there. I intended to keep my mate here by me for a bit longer. "And one beer house here for." I turned to look at her, waiting for her to tell me her name. "Cora." I had never met a Cora, but the name suited her. "One house beer for Cora here." "No problem." I returned to look at her. Her front side was facing me, and I about face-planted seeing her chest. She had a large amount of cleavage on display, and I wanted to just shove my face into them. Control I needed to excerpt some self-control here. But everything about her was enticing.
"So you know the bartender personally." "Yeah, you could say that." At this point, I was rendered just as speechless as her. Both of us just examined each other. God, she smelled so good. She looked divine. Control, I told myself again. "I am Jax, by the way." "Nice to meet you, Jax. I am Cora. "She had said my name, and hearing it from her lips made me want to hear other things. She looked up at me, and I could see her pale cheeks starting to pinken. She was blushing.
Her beer was placed on the bar in front of her, and she took the drink and took a small sip. I watched intently. "Um, thank you for the beer." "You are welcome." I couldn't get a good read on her. After minutes of silence, she finally spoke. "I, um, better get back to my friend." What was that all that was going to happen? We had barely spoken. "Wait." Her perfectly arched brows rose. "I have not seen you here before. I am guessing you are new in town. Maybe the college?" She smiled, and I about fell on the floor. It was hypnotizing.
"Yeah, I just moved here. I am finishing my degree at the university. Was it so obvious I am not from here?" "Well, this is a local bar. Most of the college students don't come in here. I knew you were not a regular." She just nodded. I got the feeling she was not a big talker. "So, what are you studying?" "Botany, I take it you are local then." "Yeah, I have lived in Hemmings my whole life." "Well, you are lucky; it is really beautiful here." I gave her a smile. It made me happy she liked my home. If things went my way, she would never leave it again, so it was good she liked it.
"Maybe you want to join me and my friends in our booth?" She looked past me to the table where all my friends were staring at the two of us. They wanted to know if I would get Cora. They always were too interested in what I did. Cora looked intimidated. I mean, why wouldn't she. She was a human, and that was a table of werewolves. Her inner voice had to be telling her to stay away. "I came with my friend, so I think I will return to our table. But thank you for the beer. I hope to see you around, Jax." She smiled at me and then hurried away.
"You will be seeing me." I turned and returned to my table, where Tanner and John laughed. "So our big bad alpha can't even get a human girl." "Shut up and watch how you talk about her." I snapped at them. Grabbing my glass of whisky. "What is up your butt, bro." Tanner chastised. I shot him a look, and then he got all serious. "Holly Shit, she is your mate, isn't she." I didn't respond, but everyone at the table got silent, and we all turned to watch Cora.
She sat beside her friend, and neither turned to look at us. They seemed to be laughing, though. "Well, congratulations, man," John said. "What are you going to do, Jax?" Danielle asked. "What do you mean what will I do?" "I mean, she is human, isn't she. How will you tell her about wolves and magic and, well, you know the real world." "Danielle, he will figure it out," John told her. But she was right; I had no idea how to do this.
I had dated a few humans in the past. Still, it was never anything serious, and I never had to divulge anything about what I was or what was actually out in the world. I had no idea how to even go about this. I didn't even know if it was a good idea. She would take on the role of Luna of the pack, and I didn't know if having a human Luna was best for the pack. My head was filled with questions, many of which did not have answers. All I knew was that the woman across the bar was mine.
Apollo had given her to me. I had been fortunate enough to find her and was not ready to drop it. I didn't think I actually could, even if I wanted to. Everything about her was enticing. Her appearance, her smell, her voice, not to mention how calm she seemed. It affected my wolf, making it feel more tranquil. I could tell she was not combative and more demur. This appealed to me as many of the she-wolfs were the opposite, and I knew I could only take so much of that. It was why Courtney and I never said together long term.
She had been just too much every day. But Cora, I didn't get the feeling she liked to fight. I got the feeling she was a content individual. At peace with most things and laid back. Which is rare among my kind. I knew that I would be making many appearances in her life from now on. She would get to know me, and I her, and then things would progress.