"Hey, hi, my name is Gia. I looked up to find a girl about my age with a very weird combination of clothes. Why is she dressed like that? Her hair also looked unkempt.

"Hi, I am Brianna."

"I really like you, Brianna. Can we be friends?" She asked, grabbing my hand. I was still about to answer her when two students appeared from nowhere and started picking on her. She was just letting them hit her.

"Hey! Have you gone nuts? One of you should hit her again, and I will reap you into two different shades."

"Why don't you mind your own business, brat?"

"What did you just call me?" I lost my cool and grabbed both of them by the hair and used them to mob the floor of the school.

I don't know how, but I ended up in the principal's office with Gia sitting besides me and the two other bitches sitting at the other edge with broken lips and noses each.

"Miss Cromwell, can you explain why you fought with your fellow students?"

"They were beating up my friend, and they called me names when I tried stopping them."

"That's a lie; you are lying, psycho," one of the girls said.

"Shut up; I wasn't asking you. Since she is lying and she is also saying you guys are lying, why don't we call your parents and have them come here tomorrow so I can show them the footage of the video?

Or do you think I don't have a CCTV camera around this school?" The principal asked.

I must confess, she is a very smart woman; she was able to get those girls to apologise to Gia and me. Gia, who was quiet the whole time, looked like the world had rejected her.

I dragged her out for lunch and bought something for her to eat. She kept shovelling the food into her mouth like she was starving.

"Either you eat gently or you will choke."

"Thanks Brianna"

"For what?"

"Standing up for me, those two have been on my neck for a while now. They do normally take my money, my food, and my lunches."

"And you let them get away with it?"

"Not everybody is as cool as you are," she said, continuing to eat. Just when I thought I was relaxing and enjoying my lunch with Gia, Eric decided to show up.

"Brianna, what happened? I heard you fought with some girls."Eric said as he grabbed my hand, checking to see if I got injured.

"It was just a few minutes ago, and news sure went fast around here," I muttered before I went back to my table, but Eric wouldn't let me be.

"Brianna, you are not supposed to be fighting in school."

"Let me guess, you are?"

"It doesn't matter; you could have gotten hurt."

"I'm fine, Eric; those girls were picking on my friend, and I just can't stand there and do nothing."

"You could have called for my help."

"Look, Eric, I know you love me and you are just looking out for me, but very soon you will be going to college. It is time I start taking care of myself."

"I don't want you fighting again."

"I won't as long as no one messes with my friend or calls me names."

"Just call me if they do okay." I know if I don't agree with him, he won't let me be.

"Fine whatever"

"Don't forget to tell me before you start heading home."

"Eric, just go; I will see you at home." He pecked me before he left. I sighed in frustration. I wonder what he is up to. I walked back to Gia and saw her looking at something or someone so fixedly.

"Hello, Gia," I said, weaving my hand to call her back.

"Who is he?"

"Who is who?"

"The guy you were just with, who is he?"

"Oh, he is my brother."

"Your brother?" She asked again, coming closer to me.

"Yeah, my brother."

"Wow, he is so handsome." The look on her face left me laughing within a second.

"You like him?"

"Yes, I think it was love at first sight," Gia said with a dreamy smile on her face.

"I can't believe I can't stand him, whereas you are here dreaming about him."

"Will you introduce me to him, please?" Gia asked me with a pleading look on her face.

"Fine, I will introduce you, but first we need to do something about your outfit."

"What's wrong with them?"

"They don't look too good on you."

"Hmm, I am ready to do anything as long as you will introduce me to your brother. Oh, I know. Let's go shopping. My dad gave me his black card. He wants me to change my wardrobe."

"Okay, let's go do some shopping, and a makeover will also be good."

Gia and I nearly closed a store while shopping. At one point, I got worried that Gia might have stolen the black card from someone, but when I asked her about it, she laughed it out.

"My dad is wealthy enough, so don't worry; I didn't steal the card. He gave me this to take care of myself since he is always busy."

"What about your mum?"

"Oh, she passed away," she said plainly.

"I am sorry about that."

"Is nothing. I don't even know her since she died while giving birth to me. Sometimes I wonder if that makes me bad luck; maybe that's the reason I don't have friends," she said.

"Who said you don't have friends? What am I, your boyfriend?" I asked her as we both laughed it out. I was so glad I finally made a friend that was worth it.

From that day on, it was always Gia and I. While I was trying to make Eric's life miserable, Gia was busy trying to make him notice her. Yeah, my best friend is crushing on my brother, which I find very disgusting.

"Gia, you look good already, so let's go, or we will be late for history class."

"But I want to put on some makeup. Look, Brianna. I don't know if you know, but everyone is planning on asking someone to the prom."

"Who cares about prom?"

"Brianna, I do because this might be my chance to dance with Eric."

"Oh boy, Gia I just can't believe I have known you for close to six months now."

"Girls!!!! Your school bus is here." I heard my mum call for us, and I had to drag Gia all the way down just to get her away from the mirror.

Getting to school Gia made me stay to wait for Eric and his friends, who happen to be the most handsome guys in school. I can't believe Gia is keeping me here. This is what I told myself I would never do, but Gia has to be stubborn at a time like this.

"Brianna, for once, support your brother."

"Why should I? He is having his best time while I am not, so why should I support him?"

"Because of me, Brianna, because of me," she said, drawing the word out like I owe her something.

"Fine, I will stay, but I don't want to come across that Becky girl, or I will pluck out her eyes."

"Don't worry when you see her pretend like you don't know that she exists,''Gia'' said, continuing to look out, waiting to hear that the groups were here. Immediately, I heard the girls cheering. I knew they were here.

Oh, Brianna, what are you doing here? I asked myself, still not believing that I stood among the crowd that was cheering for my annoying brother. I wanted to drag Gia out, but she was too far away from me.

She can always find her way to history class. I turned and pushed away from the crowd. I heard the students talking about my brother's group, but I didn't pay attention because I didn't really care.

Just when I was about to climb the stairs, I bumped into someone and fell. Who the heck is not looking properly this morning before wanting to break my ass bone?

"Why can't you look where you are going?" The words seized from my mouth when I found myself staring at a pair of blue eyes. Oh my God, I think I just saw an angel.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, and his voice was like heaven. It was enchanting; it was deep and gosh-manly. Who is this guy in front of me?.

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