Chapter 4: King Legend App System.

[Welcome, Alexander of the Ryo]

Alexander is stunned to see that the application knows his name, he already knew that the "voice" was the creator of the application, but this was something very imaginative.

[King Legend System is loading the character's data, this may take a few minutes…]

-I see, so this is the help, what will it be? Will it be an application that gives me special powers? -Excited about the power he can get with this application, he starts to get excited. Alexander's mind went through several options. Maybe it was an application that would make him rich, or maybe the application would give him the largest network of concepts of the Golden Count City, the anxiety did nothing but rise until the application loaded the corresponding information.

[Character traits data successfully loaded].

[Alexander Del Ryo Level 1]

The first thing Alexander noticed was that the application had a picture of him next to his name and what appeared to be a level. (Of all things, I didn't think it was a level system).

This was nothing new to Alexander, he was used to RPGs since he was very young and even in his adult life he could enjoy them from time to time. He also remembered all the comics and webnovels on the subject, the simple fact that he now had one was wonderful.

(Wow, he knew he didn't have any qualities, but being level 1…) -Alexander's eyes showed a depressing way to see that even the system couldn't avoid telling him he was a loser. After calming down, he continued to read the screen.

[Stats: Strength Rank F: 2 points, Intelligence Rank E: 5 points, Constitution Rank F-: 0 points, Speed Rank F: 3 points, Social Rank F: 2 points, Defense Rank F-: 1 point]

In front of Alexander, what seemed to be his personal stats were displayed, this one read them one by one, but it wasn't funny at all, his only stat that wasn't F was intelligence, but it wasn't a big deal either.

(Shit, is this a way to make fun of me? It's not funny) -Still angry at what the application was showing him, Alexander continued to read carefully.

[To increase your stats, you need stat points. You can get stat points by completing quests, and leveling up will give you 10 stat points].

-Wow, I see what's going on, it showed me my stats, but I can increase them if I manage to complete missions, but how do I know which missions to do, um? Huh? -As if the application was reading Alexander's mind, the phone vibrates and gives Alexander another message.

[Tutorial Mission: Prepare Dinner]-[A king must be fed and full to rule, go prepare dinner and enjoy it].

Alexander was happy that the app gave him a mission right away, so already happy with the situation he was given on this crappy day, he went down to the kitchen to prepare his instant soup.

It took Alexander only 15 minutes to prepare his dinner, and another 10 minutes to finish eating it.

-Damn, I was really hungry, I feel great after eating and the best part is," he said. -As he continued, Alexander took out his phone and entered the application to claim his reward.

[Tutorial Mission: Prepare Dinner]-[! Completed!!!]-[Loading Reward].

Three chain messages with a rather pleasant sound appeared on Alexander's screen. However, it was the last of the three ("Will my reward be loaded? Will it be points?") that really got him excited.

[Reward received]-[25 experience points, 2 stat points, item].

Alexander's eyes filled with an exuberant fire, not only had he gained some stat points, but he had also gained an item and experience points.

-What am I going to do with these items?" Alexander looked puzzled as he had an item but didn't know how to use it, so to satisfy his curiosity, he decided to look at the item's information.

[Object][The White Candy Scarf is an item that helps the user get out of trouble as long as it is equipped, its use is automatic]-[Object type: Unique, Object class: Class S, Quantity: 1].

After reading what it said, Alexander thought it was a miracle. All day long he had been asking for help, and finally he had something that could help him, -But how is it to be used?

Young Alexander, still somewhat doubtful, decided to strike the object and to his surprise, a white handkerchief immediately appeared in his hand. -Wow, is this real? It's a miracle what's happening.

Alexander decided to touch and check the handkerchief, but no doubt it was real, so he felt very happy about what was happening to him, with this application he could change his life and give it a different direction.

After playing with the handkerchief for a while, Alexander decided to press save in the application, and as magically as the handkerchief appeared, it disappeared. To confirm what was happening, Alexander took the handkerchief out and saved it several times until he got tired and decided to go to his room.

After taking a shower, Alexander reopened the application to see if he had another mission.

[Congratulations, you have completed the tutorial, your daily mission is loading]. - As soon as the application was entered, it rewarded young Alexander for his first merit and began loading. -Daily Mission, huh, doesn't sound so bad.

Just having a daily mission made Alexander quite happy, because if he gets one mission a day, he will be able to earn more rewards in a short time, which means it would be better.

[Daily Mission: King's Routine]-[A king must wake up with conviction to give light to his people, but you let the morning rule you and not you, so you must make adjustments].

After reading the name and description of the mission, this one wondered what to do, as it did not tell him.

[Tasks to be completed 5]

[Wake up one hour early every day]-[Do 20 push-ups when you wake up]-[Meditate for 3 minutes]-[Read for 10 minutes]-[Water the plants].

After seeing the daily mission requirements, Alexander couldn't help but smile. The missions were too easy, he couldn't help but think that the "voice" was being very gentle with him, it was surely his reward after all he had suffered.

-Well, let's go to sleep then.

Happy and excited, Alexander decides to set his alarm clock and goes to bed to sleep.

Alexander slept like a baby until it was time to wake up, the alarm sound had been changed to the one he used in his 45 years, so comfortable with the sound he decided to turn off the alarm and get out of bed.

-Well, it's time for me to start. Alexander didn't waste a minute, as soon as he woke up he started doing the 20 push-ups and when he finished he started meditating, reading a mystery book he had and watering the plants in the kitchen.

In total, it took Alexander 45 minutes to complete all of these tasks, so he decided to grab his phone and check the app to see the message he was waiting for.

[Daily Mission: King's Routine]-[Completed].

[Reward Received]-[25 experience points].

This time, the reward didn't need to be loaded and was delivered instantly, but Alexander expected more from it to be sincere.

[Congratulations, you moved up one level.]

However, his complaints disappeared immediately when he saw that he had leveled up, and as he had read before, each level up would give him 10 stat points.

-What should I spend them on? -Alexander's head was spinning, he had 12 stat points he hadn't used yet, but he decided to save them for later.

-For now, I'll think about the distribution later. I have to get ready for high school.

After 20 minutes, Alexander was ready to go to school. Unlike yesterday, he was excited about what lay ahead.

-Good morning, you seem to be up early, is there anything special today? -As usual, Alexander's mother was waiting for him while she cooked breakfast.

-Hahaha, it's nothing, I just decided to do some exercise. -Alexander replied with a smile and a teasing laugh, and his mother handed him his breakfast.

Alexander was too anxious about the application, so he ate his breakfast as fast as he could without fear of choking. Not wanting to waste any time, he went straight to do the dishes.

-Finished, bye mom, have a nice day. -Alexander left so quickly that he didn't hear his mother's reply. The feeling of being able to change his life was eating him up inside.

-That boy… It looks like today is going to be a great day. Alexander's excitement was so contagious that his own mother was overcome with happiness, now that's what I call a mother-son bond.

A few minutes later, Alexander arrived at the high school, but to his surprise, when he entered the classroom, he could not find Marcus and his group anywhere. This only made Alexander sigh with happiness.

-Hey, where's the king? -Alexander sat down next to Richard as usual and dropped the question.

-Oh, good morning Alex. Marcus is at an important basketball game right now because of pride issues and stuff… I haven't really heard much. -Young Richard answers Alexander politely as usual, as Marcus seems to be out.

-Well, let's start with the class, turn off the phones. -The teacher sitting at his desk ordered them to turn off their phones as the class was about to begin.

Alexander had forgotten how tedious studying was, after all, he couldn't even finish college.

-That son of a bitch Felix swore he would pay for that! -But before they could leave, what little peace they had was gone, because Marcus and his group had entered the classroom and were angry.

Shit, this is pissing me off already, I need to de-stress. -Marcus then kicked a boy who had just bought his lunch, causing him to fall.

-Hahaha, that's the way I like it. -Marcus feels an incredible joy at seeing people weaker than himself at his feet. But what he hasn't considered is…

-How funny… Is this a bad joke? -Marcus' move caused the boy to fall next to Sophia Bromck, who looks very angry.

Sophia was known for not getting involved with anyone, so even though she saw what Marcus was doing all the time, she didn't do anything as long as she respected his condition.

-Didn't I tell you that whatever you do, don't do it around me? Sophia looks at Marcus with a domineering look but a stoic spirit.

-I thought you were a mute, Goldilocks. -Marcus doesn't let Sophia provoke him and stands in front of her, accepting her challenge.

-Come on, you old men, don't you know who she is? -One of Marcus' henchmen tries to talk some sense into him. After all, facing Sophia meant facing the most powerful person in the entire city, the Count of Gold.

-It seems that monkeys don't come to their human senses. -Sophia drops a taunt on the table at Marcus, who, if he was angry before, is angrier now.

-Okay, you've had it up to here, Goldilocks.. -An angry Marcus prepares to attack Sophia without fear of his family.

That's right, Marcus, show that stuck-up girl her place. -Eva was more than happy, the boy she likes was going to teach the girl she hates a lesson.

Alexander watched the scene, but his attention was distracted when his cell phone vibrated in his pocket (he was sure he had turned it off).

[Mission Mandatory]

But holding the phone in his hands, Alexander realized that the system was giving him a mandatory mission. (Wow, I didn't know about this kind of mission, let me see what it's about and I'll do it later).

[Mandatory Mission: Hero of Justice].

When Alexander read the name of the mission, he was confused, the name was quite strange. But his expression changed drastically when he read what the mission required him to do.

[There is a person trying to attack the princess and your mission as the king is to protect her]-[Protect Sophia Bromck from Marcus Watters].

(This is crazy, why are you giving me this mission?) -Alexander's expression changed in an instant as he saw that the system he thought was easy was now trying to lead him to his death.

[Warning]-[Failure to complete this mission will result in the application being deleted from your phone].

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