Chapter 3


“Father, I will not let you marry her!” I proclaimed angrily.

It was the day of my father’s wedding to Erica, and I was angry. I could not let him have her. She was mine by right not his. It should be me dressing up as the groom not my father. I didn’t care if he’d bought her for himself, I didn’t also care if he’d been having sex with her. All I cared about was having my mate with me. I wanted my mate by my side.

“And who will stop me?! You?!” He bellowed, his anger matching my own.

“You already have so many wives.” I pointed out, my hands were fisted by my side. I was controlling myself from planting one on my father’s face.

“So? Who said I can’t have more?” He eyed me like a bad tempered dog ready to unleash its wrath.

“Not Erica!” I argued.

“Why not her?” He stepped forward, narrowing his eyes at me.

“Because she’s mine.” I replied, matching his glare with a deadliest one of mine.

I was ready to fight this to the end with him. I did not care he was my father, I would do worse to him if he tried to take what belonged to me.

His chuckle was not one filled with humor, it was rather dark and menacing. More like there was an underlying threat there. “But I bought her. If you wanted her, why didn’t you go for her first?” Now, I realized he was taunting me.

“I had no idea she existed.” If I had known about Erica, I would have gotten to her before he did.

My father had many Lunas and he was never satisfied, always wanting more. Buying them like mere commodities or forcefully snatching them from their homes and families.

The man was ruthless and inconsiderate. It seemed he loved to inflict pain on others, to watch others wail in agony.

“Well then, your loss. Find another woman because Erica is mine.” The warning was conspicuous.

“You don’t even love her.” Rage deepened my voice.

That chuckle again. “And you do? Don’t delude yourself boy. I get that she’s pretty and you want to have a taste, but unfortunately, you can’t. Why? Because she’s already mine. You have an itch to scratch? There are plenty of pretty ladies in this pack, go find one to help you with that itch.”

Just then, a guard walked in. “Alpha?” He bowed.

“What is it?” My father responded with an impatient frown.

“The wedding is about to commence.” The guard informed him.

“And?” The scowl was still on his face.

“They are waiting for you, Alpha.” The guard was beginning to detect the tension in the room and got wary, also a bit frightened.

Of course, he should be. Father always took out his anger on others. Always made innocent people pay for his foul mood and wicked temper.

“Is the bride there?” He inquired.

The guard nodded. “Yes, Alpha.”

He nodded. “Okay, I’m coming.” He waved a dismissive hand. The guard didn’t need to be ordered twice, he quickly left the room.

“I have a wedding to attend, Dante.” With a sadistic grin, he winked. “My bride is waiting for her groom. I must not keep her waiting.”

He turned to leave but I blocked his path. His first expression was a confused frown then an angry glare. “Get out of my way, Dante.”

“I will not let you marry the woman I want.” I stood my ground, he could go berserk for all I cared, he was not going to marry her.

“Is that so now?” He raised a brow. I knew if I was not his son, he would have ordered me beaten and thrown in cell. But in spite of that, he could still do it if I pushed me too far but I didn’t care. He could call down the world on me, I still would not bulge.

“Let’s settle this once and for all.” He patted my arm and smiled at me.

I frowned, finding his sudden calmness suspicious. “How do you mean?” I asked him warily, still refusing to let down my guard. He was a tricky man, and I would not want to fall a victim.

“Let’s ask Erica who she wants.” He went around me and proceeded out of the room.

What was he trying to do? He paused at the doorway when he saw I was not following. “Don’t want to find out anymore? Still a win for me.” Then he left.

Quickly following, I went out of the room. Erica would choose me because we were mates. Mates are bound to be forever, not even a crazy old Alpha could stop it.

“Erica my bride, come here.” He called her from the altar she was standing.

She looked depressed and unhappy. I even spotted a dark mark just below her eyes, anger brewed, had he been hitting her too? Slowly and obviously confused, she made her way to us. The guests and officiating minister had their confused gazes on us.

“Now, Dante here does not want us to get married, he said he wants you for himself. Who do you prefer?” That question held a subtle warning.

I saw what he was trying to do. He was instilling fear in her. She looked at us both, when her gaze met mine, I saw the uncertainty, nerves but then the admiration. When she turned to my father, raw fear masked her expression.

“Make your choice Erica, we don’t have all day, and make a smart one, one that’ll guarantee your safety.” He gave her a smile that held promise of what he’d do to her If she made the one that contradicted his choice.

Looking at me with regret, she turned away. My heart broke because I already knew what her choice would be. A choice carved from threats.

Plastering a pallid smile, she hooked her arms around my father. “Let’s go get married, Alpha.”

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