Chapter 8


I sat down on my bed as I reminisced on what my father told me earlier. His words resound in my ears. “it's high time you prove to bluemoon packs that you are the true son of your father and that you are capable of ruling them.” But it seems you are not capable and worthy, love has taken over your mind and body.”

I was convinced at first, I badly wanted to prove myself to the bluemoon park that I am capable of being their leader and this is the just the right way to prove myself to them… But what about Erica? I haven't seen her since our last intimate session. I sincerely hope she is well. I don't trust my father, he might have hurt her or something.

She must also be feeling lonely and and . I just don't want to think about what my father may have done to her, has he found out about our secret relationship already? Is that why he had her locked up?

I stared at my father silently as all these thoughts swirled in my head, I eventually shook off these thoughts as I masked up my emotions with an angry expression on my face. “Erica is my mate, Father” “I can't lose her, I just can't.” I boldly said as I looked into my father's eyes scornfully. “We were meant to be but you ruined it all and you still wouldn't let me be?”

Alpha Logan angrily got up from the bed and shouted at me. “You are a useless son and I regret ever accepting your pregnancy!” “Do you think I don't know about the dirty relationship between you and my wife?” “I can have you killed for that you know!”

“I don't care!” I spat out and stood up furiously. “We love each other and that's all that matters to me right now.” “I'm not in for your whims right now!.”

“Infact where is she?” “I heard you placed a restriction order on her, did you hurt her?” “Tell me you didn't!. But my father gently got up and after pacing around the room for a few minutes while I ranted, he laughed hysterically and moving closer to me, he said: “ Oh!, you are a grown man now right?” “You can now talk to your own father without respect just because of my wife?” “Who do you think you are to tell me what to do with my wife?”.

“And yes, I placed a restriction order on my wife so we can create more intimate moments together, do you have a problem with that?” “Or when do you start sneaking up on couples?”.

He said, with a victorious smile on his face. “She is mine!, the earlier you realize it, the better for you and the next time I heard or caught you two together, I'm going to announce to the whole bluemoon park that you are fornicating with your father's wife I promise you that!”

He said as he walked out of the room, I sat down on the bed, frustrated and angry. “What should I do? I love Erica a lot, she is my mate”. I shouted to no one in particular.

I need to figure out how to release my mate from my father's evil grasp. I paced around the room as I plotted several ways of releasing Erica in my head. I've missed her and I just can't wait to have her back in my arms. I said to myself as I eventually sat down and tried to connect the different ideas popping in my head together to make a reasonable plan.

On the other hand, I have been trying hard for a long time to seek acceptance from the bluemoon park and obeying my father is just the best way to go about it. Had it been I hadn't met Erica, I would have probably jumped at and supported my father's wicked idea to overtake the Darkmoon park. But meeting Erica has changed a whole lot about me aside from the fact that she's my fated mate, there's just something special about her which I can't point out, for now at least.

I was able to stand up to my father for the very first time, all thanks to Erica, she gave that courage without her being aware of it. I have been seeking acceptance for a long time but all to no avail and I have been living in my father's shadow since then, embracing this idea would have just been the best thing to do had it been I was the “old me”. I thought as I smiled to myself.

I'm missing Erica and I feel like I might go crazy anytime soon if I don't see her, “is this how love feels? Is this what it turns people into?” I asked myself silently. But no matter what, I am ready to face whatever comes my way just to make sure I and Erica end up together, even if it means turning my back against my wicked father. “It's time to man up and act like the true man that you truly are.”

And right there and then, I vowed to destroy my father, I would not let him ruin Erica just because of whatever happened between him and her mother. Thinking about Erica, my emotions surface again as tears fill my eyes just by imagining what my evil father has done, is doing, or will do to her. I just hope that no matter what, he is not hurting or has hurt her already.

I really and sincerely hope she's fine where she is, and considering how my father left in anger, he's likely going to punish her in every way possible. My thoughts became conflicted as a voice at the back of my head kept taunting me to accept my father's offer. “If you can't beat them,join them” the voice whispered to me as I got up and left my room, angrily.

I went back to my father's chamber but was almost attacked by his guards, again. But I told them calmly that I didn't have plans to go in but just to hang around which I did. But I kept hearing their voices and although I couldn't make out what they were saying, I could say for sure that they were arguing or quarreling. Either way, I just hope Erica is not hurt. With dropped shoulders and murder intent-filled eyes, I walked out of the chambers.

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