Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 7



I didn't expect Tyson's father to look so shocked or should I say surprise at my presence. Was it because of my outfit and shabby looks?

I could feel his nervousness and authority in the room and I chewed on my lips nervously not knowing I'd get him that pissed.

I bowed and apologized.

"I'm sorry, I will get changed at once to clean the room properly."


He was baffled at my reply and stood up, getting pissed.

He held my hand and walked out to the royal hall.

"Call Tyson Immediately!" He ordered the guards and they disappeared immediately.

Tyson strolled in and was surprised to see me standing with him.

"You sent for me father," he said."

"It didn’t train you this way, Tyson! To what reason do you have to reach the extent of making your future Luna a maid huh?"

The King asked and I sagged in relief, I thought I had done something wrong.

"Future Luna?" He scoffed.

"Are you throwing back that question at me? Are you insane? Do you think I have so much time left for you to misbehave? How dare you, Tyson!! Why are you playing with the orders of the moon goddess?"

His father thundered and the whole place shook, silence reigned like a god of silence just passed all I could do was stare at the duo.

"I never said she's a maid." He stammered.

His father ignored him and turned to the guards.

"Seize his crown!! He's not fit to be the Alpha of this Pack! Treating a lady like a demeaning figure, especially his mate, it is the height of what I can tolerate." His father growled, releasing my hands to go back to his seat, Tyson gasped hard, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You can't do that!" He yelled as the guard came over. "Don't you dare touch me!" He warned.

"I will do what I can since you've decided to bring shame to this pack by flaunting the orders of nature."

"I never said I was flaunting the orders. I agreed to marry her, maybe she was mistaken for a maid." He said with pretense and stared at me in disgust.

"Mistaken for a maid? Is that supposed to be a statement or a movie title? You're supposed to make her appear like Luna!!"

"Seriously? When we haven't even gotten married yet?" He asked as if it were the most disgusting words that left his lips.

"You idiot! She's your mate. Your Fated mate!!"

"Great! You keep reminding me that."

"Tyson, you don't know…"

"Father…you need to rest. I'll take my bride away now. We need to prepare for the coronation."

He said sheepishly and came over to grab my hands.

His hold on my wrists was tight and firm, scratching me with his nails.

He walked so fast until we reached a door and he kicked it, throwing me inside.

I fell and groaned from the impact of the fall.

"How dare you?" I've never seen anger in a man in my entire life. His eyes blazed, his veins were on full display at the corner of his head and the room suddenly became hot. My heart thumped at a faster rate and I gasped. Why was his actions affecting me this much? What's making him so mad, when I barely did anything wrong?

"What dared me?" I retorted back, trying to push back the weak feelings and visibly fed up from these back-and-forth accusations of blame.

"Why did you meet my father, did you wish for death or something? Why go there of all places?" He yelled out in frustration.

"Even as an Alpha, you talk so dumb. What business do I have with your father aside from your stupid maids pushing me to meet my doom not knowing how this life works."

He raised his hands to slap me and I shut my eyes, expecting the hot stinging pain but it never came. I opened my eyes to see his hands hanging up in the air, restraining himself and I swallowed, glaring at him hotly.

"Don't you dare talk to me in that manner ever again!!"

I smiled.

"As what?" I asked and he looked surprised.

"As the Alpha and God that you are or the gamma and beta that you are in one person? I'm tolerating this because you're possessing some stupid title in his pack." I told him not caring anymore about the Authority, he was beginning to get on my nerves. His unnecessary hatred for me was beginning to look childish and I hated it.

"You stupid brat!! What type of earth were you breeding on? What audacity do you have to talk to me in that manner!"

"You will soon find out but one thing should serve as a daily reminder to you, If you dare touch me again, I'll make sure I kill myself and get you banished by all means!! My life is already a living hell after."

I threatened and He flinched in horror, he must have been taken aback by my words as his brows were raised in confusion but the door burst open.

"What the heck is going on here?"

Colette came in and looked shocked to see me.

"Why is she here and why is dad threatening to seize my crown?" She asked with anger and threw a stare at Tyson.

"Apparently, Dad is extremely furious because of …." He pointed at me. "her."

I stood up and stared at both of them, feeling so refreshed and thankful to the Alpha for treating me like a human.

"This pig? Why? As what?" She shrieked in disgust.

"I'm not a pig!" I warned and she raised her hands to hit me.

"Don't fucking touch her!!" He yelled and she froze at the Spot.

"T..Tyson? Did you just…?..

"Look Collette, I can't afford to lose the throne now. At least let me have it first, If dad is reacting this way, how about mum?

You won't yield any powers without your crown so let's tone it down a bit no matter how annoying she may seem."

"I can't believe this Tyson! She has barely stepped in here and she's already causing havoc for us all." She seethed and I got fed up with their silly conversation.

I pushed Collette from my way and she gasped in fury, she just stood there and I turned the door knob.

"As of tomorrow, you will be working as my maid. I only get to order you and give you chores. Nothing has changed so don't you dare walk out on me!!"

Tyson ordered with a tinge of pride and aura in his tone but I slammed the door behind me and hissed.

Confused spoiled brats!!

I wonder how their nice parents could cope with their adamant attitude.

My body already felt limp from the little argument despite not scrubbing all the floors. I'm going to take a nap and the chief maid can go hang.

Whether I work or not, I'm definitely going to have a punishment so breaking a rule isn't a big deal for me.

I entered the little room they spared me and sat down heavily on the tiny bed.

Without thinking, I slowly closed my eyes to sleep but jolted up at once.

I whipped to the direction of where I kept my dress and smiled.

Even if he rejects me, I will get to wear something beautiful again after a long while.

I reached for the royal wardrobe to have a good look at it again per adventure, I tested it alone.

I gasped in horror as I slowly removed it from the hanger.

"Is this the wrong hanger ? I had collected this from the queen, what's this?"

I muttered in disbelief as I kept removing pieces and pieces of my beautiful blue dress with silver designs, scattered all over it.

Somebody did this to me.

My clothes were torn to pieces just in a short while I left.

Whoever it is, should get ready to face a terrible crisis!!

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