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Chapter 6

Lorena POV

On the other side of the living room.

Since Seth explained the situation to everyone and apologized to King, I have been patiently waiting. I watched as Seth's expression went from guilty to ignoring me deliberately, and I knew that if I didn't speak up, I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

But after waiting for a long time, all I heard was Ruby saying, "Mom and Dad, sorry for disturbing you today. I'll go upstairs first and put away this necklace. Oh, Mom, Nola brought a beautifully designed watch for you today."

"Really? Let me see." Luna also intentionally brushed off the matter and continued.

"It's upstairs, let me take you there." Ruby linked arms with Luna and walked upstairs.

I looked on coldly and said, "Even a three-year-old knows to apologize when they misunderstand someone for doing something wrong, but I didn't expect that adults wouldn't know."

Ruby's face changed.

Luna lowered her voice and said, "Today has been embarrassing enough. Although Ruby misunderstood you, she was at fault in the first place, but you came on too strong and didn't suffer any losses."

"I have been accused by everyone of being a thief. No matter how much I defend myself, none of you believe me. Even if I present evidence, Ruby continues to slander me. Well, in this situation, I guess I can't expect any fairness." I bite my lip. "If you don't want to apologize, just say it."

At that moment, Seth stepped forward and said, "I apologize on behalf of Ruby. She was out of line today. But please don't take your anger out on my mom."

"Fine, since you're saying that, what else can I do?" I turn around and head upstairs. I return to Seth's bedroom and a few minutes later, I come downstairs carrying a suitcase. This place has truly been suffocating for me.

Seth is consoling Luna, and upon seeing this scene, he blurts out with a grim face, "What are you trying to do again, always running away from home."

King also has a stern expression and says, "Lorena, I know we have made you feel wronged today, but that's because we don't know you well enough. Please stop causing trouble."

I chuckle softly and my clear eyes scan everyone in the room. "You may not know me very well, but I know all of you well enough."

"You've only been here for a few days and you claim to know us?" Luna laughs sarcastically in anger.

"I do understand," I say confidently, "I understand that even the esteemed royal Alpha family has their limitations, and they even mock and look down upon werewolves from ordinary tribes just to favor their own. I wonder if this were to be known, could you still live comfortably and luxuriously?"

"Today, when the necklace went missing, everyone accused me of stealing it. I wonder what will go missing tomorrow and the day after. I'll probably be blamed for stealing again. Luckily, today the maid was able to find evidence for me. I consider myself lucky, but I can't count on luck next time."

After saying this, I confidently walked out with my luggage. As I passed by Seth, I didn't even give him a glance. But as I walked past him, he grabbed my arm.

"You can't leave."

I was about to say something when I saw Seth looking down at me with complex emotions in his eyes. It caught me off guard and I found myself speechless for a moment.

"Dad, just let her go," Ruby shouted, "Ever since she came, our family hasn't had a single peaceful day."

"Shut up."

King glared at her fiercely, "Haven't you caused enough trouble? Look at how many things have happened because of you."

"She's the one who made a big deal out of it," Ruby said defiantly.

"Go apologize to her," King ordered.

I was taken aback by the surprise, I thought King wouldn't stoop so low.

"Apologize to her?" Ruby seemed incredulous, as if she had endured endless grievances. "Does she deserve it?"

"What do you think?" King's eyes were sharp and warning, his low pressure made my hair stand on end. "Go now."

Ruby bit her teeth hard, her eyes filled with humiliation and unwillingness as she looked at me.

"I'm sorry, is that enough?" she said with a stiff scalp, forcefully pushing Seth aside and rushing out of the house with red eyes.

"Alright, let's not say anything anymore," King seemed to be very troubled, "Seth, don't you have a villa outside? Take Lorena and live there."

"What? You want me to move in with him?" I couldn't help but be surprised, still angry. "King, aren't you supposed to make us apart?"

Seth was speechless, he pulled me closer to him again, and I tried to break free but realized that he was unusually strong. What is he up to again?

King didn't respond to me, saying, "Seth, help her bring the luggage upstairs. I won't allow you to separate."

Seth didn't argue, he just took my luggage and pulled me upstairs. Yes, I felt like he was dragging me forward, without any room for hesitation.

"Don't touch mine, I don't want to stay here, I want to leave." I struggled hard.

But it was useless.

Upstairs. I had a completely unfriendly expression towards Seth.

"Why did you bring my luggage up here? Just now, you should have resisted with me and let your father agree to reject, so that your whole family would dislike me now."

Seth looked down at me, "As soon as you leave, my family's reputation will be ruined by you. Can I give you this opportunity?" Seth loosened his tie impatiently.

"Oh," I suddenly realized, "you are afraid that the rumor of me stealing things will spread and become a joke."

Seth's handsome face darkened, a fleeting hint of embarrassment in his deep eyes, "It's nothing like that. Just stay put for now, we'll talk later."

"Oh no, this is not good." I looked troubled and said, "You see, I am so poor and greedy. If anything goes missing from your study, what if they accuse me of stealing?"

Seth's throat tightened, and his handsome face turned cold. "Lorena, is this an obstacle that cannot be overcome?"

"No, it's not." I sat down on his chair and furrowed my brows, looking at him seriously. "I really don't like being here. I don't like your whole family. You all bully the weak and take advantage of others."

Seth finally couldn't contain his anger anymore. "Do you think we like you either? You don't know how to respect your elders, you have a sharp tongue, and you look down on everyone."

I nodded and shrugged indifferently. "I don't care, I'm not interested anyway."

Seth pinched his brow, changed the topic, and asked, "My dad said I should take you out to live somewhere else. What do you think?"

"I can't do that." I shook my head decisively. "You've heard the saying 'out of sight, out of mind', right? I have to stay here and make your parents deeply dislike me, otherwise, how can we separate?"

"It's fine if you make my parents dislike you, but there's one problem. My mother has always had health issues. Don't make her suffer."

I was stunned. That definitely needs to be taken into consideration. If something bad happens, our whole family might be in trouble.

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