
Amaya’s POV

I always love to talk to customers while I’m here, just to know what they think of the food and everything, the foods were all made from mom’s recipe book, my mother was a chef, she loved to cook but Chanel and I failed to learn that from her, I wish we did, it was part of my bucket list.

Learn how to cook.

I remember writing that list, I wrote it a week after diagnosed, Chanel made me do it, she says she can’t do anything to keep me alive but the least she could do it make sure I live the life I want to live before I die, I wrote the list but never showed her, whenever she asks I always say I’m still thinking of things to write, there were a lot of things on that list, I would hate having her leave everything she is doing just to help my dying sister, seeing her have a good life and happy makes me happy and that is all that is needed.

I smiled at every customer.

I noticed a group of men sitting outside the cafe, they looked like they were in a business meeting.

Someone is using my cafe to have a business meeting, that makes me happy, at least someone thinks this place has good service.

“The tech company came back yesterday.”

Fuck, I totally forgot about that. I could have swore I wrote it on my notepad.

“I was a lot busy, I couldn’t come, send their check to my office I will do it.” I said to Clara, she was like my manager, she takes care of everything when I’m not here, I know she thinks I probably don’t care about my work because I keep forgetting almost everything she informs me off, I wish I could tell her of my condition but I don’t want pity, I hate the way people look at me when I explain my condition, the way the lights in their eyes ceases, the way they look at me as if I would die right in front of them, I hated pity, I never did, I don’t want anyone taking care of me like a fragile person, I don’t want anyone asking me how I’m doing everyday as if I would die the next day, I just want to be normal.

“Alright Amaya, I will make sure t remind you of the check later.” She smiled.

“Thank you.” I glanced back at those business men, they seemed to have ordered a lot.

I found myself walking toward them.

“Hello.” I said getting their attention, all their attention was on me. “I hope everything is going well.” I asked.

They were over six of them, I didn’t bother to look at all their faces, just focused on one face, the man I stood beside, he pinched the crook of his nose; I noticed his wedding ring, looked fancy.

“Everything is great, I’m Stephen, you are.” He asked.

“I’m Amaya.”

“Thank you Amaya, the service is great.” He said, I always like making people happy.

“You work here.” He asked.

“No, I own the place.” I replied, I didn’t realize I was been watched by another man, I didn’t want to look up and face him, I pretended as if Stephen was the only one here, I did greet all of them but he was the only one that replied.

“Did a wonderful job with the place.” He stated.

“My sister designed the place.” I replied to him.

When I heard the sound of throat clearing, it was the same guy that has been staring at me.

“I will leave you guys to your work.” I said, I still didn’t look up to see his face, I don’t want to, I hated the way I was been stared at.

I got back into my office, when I saw the check I remembered, I quickly signed it.

The rest of the day went by, Chanel sent me a text she wanted to know if I have eaten, as an Alzheimer’s patient I have certain food I eat and don’t eat, it’s the worst part of this disease, there are so many food I love but can’t eat.

After the day at the cafe, Chanel came to pick me up, my watch beeped twice just to remind me it was time to close the coffee house, I wish I didn’t have to live like this.

I got back to the house, it was arranged, I shouldn’t be surprised, it’s Chanel, a clean freak, she can’t stand seeing a place disarranged, I always made fun of her and I may or may not have used this clean freak this against her when we were little, I’m glad I still have this memory, when ever my room was not arranged.

I manipulated Chanel into cleaning it for me, to her it wasn’t manipulation, but I knew better, I never had to arrange my room when we were little, all I had to go was force her to spend up to an hour in my room and before I know, she cleans it herself.

“I picked out what you have to wear.” She said, she handed me over my medicine which I took immediately.

As expected it was something slutty, i was always the one that picked slutty clothes, I was the party kind, the outgoing type but everything changed, it scared me, I always thought what if I die while partying that is not the way I want to leave this life, so I stopped a lot of things because I didn’t want people around me.

I know the pain of losing a loved one and I won’t let anyone undergo that.

“Don’t you think it’s a bit too much.” I asked Chanel.

“It’s sexy, I love it..Come I want to do your make-up.” She said.

I let out a breath and sat on the chair in front of the mirror, She finished my make up in a bit, I didn’t want too much on my face and she understood the assignment.

“I get to drive.” I said to her.

I know she wanted to but nope I won’t let her, I love having to anger her, what are little sisters for.

“I want you to have fun and not think of anything.” She says once we got to the car.


“No buts Maya, please. You might never meet those people in that party, you don’t have to give out your number just have fun.” She pleaded. “I want you to be happy, I know you pretend to be but you are not, I know you just want to live your life just like you always use to.”

She is right, I want that.. I miss partying, I miss the loud music, I miss the one night stand, I miss every fucking thing.

“Can I give a fake name.” I asked, it sounded stupid but if I’m going to have fun I may as well do it as a different person.

“Fine but just have fun, like you always do.”

I guess I would be having fun.

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