The Twisted Truth
I woke up in a king sized bed. It took me a few minutes to comprehend how my tiny bedroom turned in to a luxurious one. Then slowly the realization hit me. Events from yesterday started flashing through my mind.
I tried to open my eyes while the sunlight coming through the window was blinding me. Heck, what time is it? I glanced at the table clock that was placed on the nightstand 11.17 am. Wow they let me sleep that long? Leaving the bed i stood on the cold floor. I can see what's outside the window since it's daytime now. I guessed it right last night, there is a garden. And it looks really beautiful to be honest. Beyond the boundaries all i can see is green. It feels like we're in the middle of woods. I stared outside for a moment. It's so beautiful and sunny outside unlike the thunder storm that's happening inside my mind.
I took a pair of shirt and denim jeans since it's all ready for me internally rolling eyes i went to the bathroom. I brushed and took a bath since i look like a hobo. The cold water falling on my skin was making my stress wash away. Most times I don't want to go for a bath because I'm lazy but once I'm in there's legit no coming out. Almost twenty minutes later when i was done changing i came out of the bathroom.
Right after stepping out i saw a figure sitting down in the bed. I suddenly jolted and threw my back at the bathroom door behind me which caused enough noise to make that figure turn his head to me
Daniel frowned at my reaction. "Do I look scary?", he slurred out.
I gasped my breath while putting a hand on my chest. "No, i just didn't expected you to be right here", i said while trying to steady my breath.
"Oh sorry. Actually i knocked several times, since no one answered i came inside" he said. Manners. I nodded my head in agreement.
Daniel eyed me up and down. "I see you took a shower. Good girl, because i brought you breakfast. Well you had a little chaotic day yesterday so i thought we should let you take rest but don't make it a habit. You gotta wake up early" he flashed me a grin.
a little chaotic indeed. I gave a nervous smile "yeah thanks".
"If you need anything you can tell either me or Tyler. You shouldn't bother Steph for a better reason, she's not the best help" he chuckled.
Although i can already tell that's true. But right now there are better discussions to be done. I have a million thoughts running through my mind. Since Daniel has been very kind and nice to me i thought I could shoot my questions at him.
"OK i get it but can you now tell me why you guys kidnapped me?", i anxiously asked him. I was desperately praying that he would tell me.
He was at first a little taken aback by my sudden question. But then he regained himself and told me that Toby himself would tell me when the time is right, which made me even more frustrated. Daniel left me alone again in the room. I'm on the verge of either having a breakdown or a fit due to anger.
Man, i have a life outside and i have my family and friends who are probably going nuts over my sudden disappearance.
I spent the whole afternoon in the room doing absolutely nothing but staring outside the window. I figured out at the corner there was a water fountain so i assume that's the front part of the mansion. On the other end there's a swing. Despite the situation I'm in, a childish part of me wants to run there and swing.
In between Mike came to call me for lunch and i had to practically beg him that i wanted to stay in my room. He even tried to convince me saying his girlfriend came over and he wanted me to meet her. But i already am dealing with steph, i didn't want to deal with another chick. On top of that i didn't want to see Toby. I could understand the rage that was building inside me but i was also sensible enough to know i would speak wrong and fuck up if i were to face that devil.
Surprisingly enough i was allowed to walk around the house. So technically I'm not locked in the room which i guess i should have? But nevermind. I personally choose to avoid it because who knows what hell I'm gonna bring upon myself by stepping out of this room! For fuck's sake, criminals do live here.
But that's until now when i realized that if i wanted to escape from this house i couldn't just sit in the room. I needed to get out and search for a way. Although i was just too afraid to pull any stupid stunts now considering the fact that Toby wouldn't even hesitate to tear me into pieces.
Being a curious person i actually wanted to have a look around. And also I'm thirsty so i decided to find the kitchen. I opened my door with trembling hands. There was no one but an empty hallway in front of me. I couldn't decide which way I'm about to head because this house is ridiculously big. There were so many rooms and I couldn't find where the stair was so that I could go downstairs.
In about ten minutes into turning from one hallway to another i knew i fucking lost my way. What an intelligent woman. I finally thought that there was only one more hallway and then I'm gonna go back to my room.
I wish i went back because the view i saw in front of me was unexpected. No hold on, I didn't see anyone getting killed or worse because being in a house full of criminals i could've expected that. What i didn't expect was Mike passionately making out with a girl.
I accidentally let out a gasp and both of their heads snapped at my way and they both separated as if they both got 220 volts of electric shock. The girl who seemed about my age with brunette hair looked almost pale. Mike awkwardly coughed and cleared his throat.
"I- I'm so sorry. I was just trying to find the kitchen. You guys can go back to whatever you were doing, once again I'm sorry", i slurred out awkwardly glancing at both of them.
"Hi, I'm sorry-fuck- I'm Audrey", she said to me while nervously chuckling. Now i know she was Mike's girlfriend because whenever he'd talk to me he never forgot to mention her.
"Nice to meet you", i smiled a little at her. The way they both were embarrassed, oh my god they look so cute. I mentally laughed at their reaction.
Fortunately Audrey is nothing like Steph. Audrey is cute, timid and bubbly. But to my bad she's super talkative. As I'm a quiet person I'm not really a fan of being with a talkative person because then all they do is talk talk talk and you gotta listen no matter what.
But i was relieved she wasn't envious of me like Steph. Although I don't understand why Steph is either. I haven't seen Steph today as i didn't come out of my room until now but in the last 24 hours she has acted as if I'm her biggest enemy. Don't ask why? Cause i have no idea. As for now i can't even trust Audrey, Mike or anyone in this house despite how sugarcoated they acted.
Later Mike and Audrey both led me downstairs and Audrey gave me knowledge about this house. She kept talking until we reached the hall.
The living room alone was bigger than my whole house. I was barely listening to half of the things Audrey was saying. I was more focused on taking in the details of this gorgeous house. When we finally entered the kitchen i saw Daniel was already there cooking something. To be specific 'trying to cook something because his face clearly showed how much trouble he was having. Mike peaked behind Daniel's shoulder to see what he was cooking. Mike let out a very weird laugh which caused Daniel to glare at him. I think there might be some inside joke going on which I didn't understand. On God this side Audrey wouldn't stop talking.
"anyways but you cannot go to fratello's room without permission. He hates it and you don't make him angry", she finished catching my attention.
"Who is 'fratello?", I asked her totally confused. Because i haven't met anyone with this name in the house yet.
All of them looked at each other with wide eyes and started laughing. I frowned at their reaction. Clutching her stomach Audrey finally controlled her laugh.
"Fratello means (brother)"Toby" she said. I somehow felt really stupid for not knowing foreign language. And wait....
"Brother?", i asked her with a surprise. She made a sign with her hands pointed at Daniel. I looked at Daniel with widened eyes. He awkwardly glanced at me.
"Stop giving me that look", Daniel said to me. Somehow i couldn't help but gasp.
How in the earth is it possible for them two to be brothers. Like actual brothers? Toby is the polar opposite of everything Daniel is sweet and nice, on the other hand Toby is a heartless monster. Daniel brings a calmness and light into the room whereas Toby has a dark aura which darkens everything around him.
Although now i can finally see their resemblance. Daniel has the same blue eyes even though Toby's eyes are a very deep shade of blue almost black unlike Daniel's light ones. Same gorgeous brown hair, sharp jawline. Even though Toby is much more physically fit than Daniel and has quite a few tattoos which multiplies the effects of his demeanor.