Chapter 4 : Billionaire's Regret
Annie stood outside the hospital. She has the curious sense someone was looking intently at her. Her eyes kept searching around. At first glance she missed him but now focused she finally spotted him.
“Dad,” she whispered confused. It instantly flashes through her mind as to how it was possible that he knew where she was. About to approach him with flaring questions fueled with immediate fury, she stops when the cell phone finally rings. The instant the nurse speaks she realized it was urgent. Since she was always reactively ready, she immediately makes haste running towards the entrance, the man across the street instantly forgotten.
Aaron still very furious and feeling vengeful as he was leaving the hospital. His attention divided between Grace’s actions and the building trouble in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, he wasn’t focused.
Annie was running into the hospital fast as he was leaving. Her own body was solidly stop by a very hard-bodied man. The collision stole her immediate breath, her emotions was explosive. Her bodily reactions sky-high as she felt the instant boiling rise of arousal flare throughout her body. She was falling but confused whether it was true or her imagination. Her immediate world was spinning out of control. She has schooled her body to never care about her emotions or desires but every tingling feeling was now front and center. This was completely out of character behavior; this reaction scares her completely. It has been years since she felt this way. A quick kind of fear starts to circle around her heart.
“No, I can’t.” she whispered with rising panic. She swallows until the feeling starts to settles again.
Aaron felt the strength and heat coming from the body that somehow managed to flatten him onto the ground. Before he completely realized she made him tumbled, he was holding her as he managed to stop the force of her speeding. His own bodily reaction was fast and furious. He felt his instant arousal coursing throughout his body. The woman in his arms smells enticing, wetting his immediate sexual appetite. He breathes her essence deeply into his conscious mind. Don’t let her escape…his mind silently screamed… The urge was powerful in wanting to keep her close to him. His instant reaction puzzles him.
“Let go!” Annie whispered being faster and definitely agile in her reactions was instantly on her feet. “Sorry,” she said, turning and was again running full speed into the hospital.
Aaron blinked but she was gone. He slowly managed to get back on his feet. He looked in the direction where the girl has disappeared.
“Who the hell was that?” he questions no one. The question just slipped over his lips when he realized that there definitely was a faint sense of familiarity about the brief bodily contact.
“Are you okay, sir?” Zac approached his Boss.
“What are you still doing here?” Aaron questions furious. His eyes fixed on the entrance of the hospital.
Annie quickly steps into the elevator. She looked back towards the entrance. She noticed the man she had run over. She can’t make out his face but instinctively knew it was the man sitting in the corner of the Cafeteria earlier.
The elevator doors slide close. As she studies her own reflection in the elevator mirror, she frowns baffled by the glint in her eyes. What further puzzled her was the tingling in her lips and the sexual feelings coursing through her body.
“How is this possible?” she questions her reflection. “Didn’t I manage to suppress any feelings towards men? I don’t want any of them ever touching me.”
Annie quietly admits this random man manage to electrify her whole body. She was experiencing feelings that were forced into hiding. She shakes the feelings from her. She definitely can’t afford to open the door from the past.
The elevator doors opened in the ER. She found her way towards the Emergency hospital rooms. The smell of disinfection made her instantly pushed her emotions aside making then irrelevant. “My focus, now Mom first,” she reaffirms her own vow.
“Zac, what are you still doing here?” Aaron was confused but also angry. He felt a building of vengeful feelings rising within him. He was also in conflict about his immediate reactions where that strange reckless girl was concerned.
“I called the pilot to make the arrangements. I was just waiting for you sir.” Zac answered his Boss but noticed his attention was divided.
“Why?” Aaron asked distracted.
“What do you mean why, sir?”
Aaron didn’t answer but start to walk back into the hospital. He had noticed the girl running towards the elevators. He stood waiting. This whole building has only two stores. The girl definitely didn’t go to the basement. He steps inside and pushed for level two.
“The speed with which that girl runs, it must be the Emergency floor,” he said to himself. The door slide opened on the appropriate floor. He steps out standing aside just observing the bee-hive. His length gives him more of an opportunity to look over people. He finally noticed her entering a room further down the hall. He frowned wondering about his immediate behavior. “Am I that kind of guy?” he questions his motives.
Aaron stood motionless looking within himself. While he had briefly laid flat on his back, his arms around that girl, he felt something…but he doesn’t know what to name that emotions. He thought about meeting Grace, he was instantly attracted to her simply by watching her inter-actions with her immediate patients.
“What is different about this girl?” he questions himself softly. He kept observing the workings of the bee-hive in the Emergency.
There flat on his back, he briefly felt a fool. The person responsible for his predicament stood fast and then carelessly runs away leaving him looking like a fool again…first Grace with her betrayal then her creating instant sexual awareness.
“I don’t like this.” He clenched his fists. The fury rebuilds within him. A sudden devilish plan starts to form in his mind. He finally moves away from the elevator heading in the direction he had seen her disappeared.
“No woman is going to play me for a fool. Once a fool, but twice means there is something about me that seem to create habit. No …”