
“ANYA!” Jay tried to awake her with a scream as she slowly floated down from the yellow ring. If Anya died, Jay would surely die too after Sullivan found him; he knew it tied his life to her - for now at least.

Jay caught her and sat her down comfortably. Looking around, he made sure they weren’t in any immediate danger.

We need to get out of here, he thought - but he reasoned that if he tried to leave, she may not until she wakes up, and a bayring could stumble upon her - this was a risk he wasn’t willing to take.

Well, she has 4 HP, I think if I give her enough time, she will wake up.

Jay had an idea, But I could try something...

Jay placed his hand over Anya.


Swirling green gas left Jay’s hand - yet as it came into contact with Anya’s body, it disappeared into her bones. He could sense her skeleton, but he really could not do anything useful to her bones, and the necrotic mana dispersed.

It was worth a try... Jay frowned. He still had his necrotic ring in its first form, it had automatically absorbed the bones from the dead feeble creatures. For protection, Jay brought back the level 2 Don.


This time, the swirling, glowing green gas left Jay’s hand and mixed with a larger number of bones. The level two Don formed with the usual popping and snapping sounds of bones.

Fully constructed, it was taller than the other feeble creatures, coming up to Jay’s shoulder now. Its back was no longer hunched over and it stood proudly. Its skull was still a soap rat skull, perhaps because those were the only skulls Jay had; though the bone-horns were smaller now. Its hands still had claws at the end, but they were much thicker and shorter.

The level 2 Don was looking around as it was raising, examining the environment as if it was now more intelligent. Suddenly, it grabbed a bone floating past it from Jay’s ring.

What the…? Curious, Jay allowed it as he raised an eyebrow. What is it doing…?

Green gas emerged from the level 2 Don’s own hand as it engulfed the bone it grabbed. The bone began morphing and turned semi-liquid as Jay’s jaw dropped.

It wasn’t long before the feeble creature was standing there with 2 curved daggers both made of bone.

An ecstatic smile appeared on Jay’s face as he had to stop himself from laughing maniacally. Immediately, he grabbed a dagger from his minion and analyzed it.

[Bone Dagger Level 1]

[4 damage] - Slashing, piercing.

[+50% damage from back-stab attacks]

[Lifespan - Requires essence from its creator to maintain its form]

[Current lifespan: 5 hours]

“Hmm, did the feeble creature give up its own essence to create this?” Jay analyzed the level 2 Don.

[Feeble Creature Level 2]

Type - Undead

Damage - 2

HP - 30/30

MP - 0/3


[Bite] 1-2 pierce damage

[Claw] bleed - 3 flat damage over 3 seconds (Can stack 2 times)

[Scrimshaw Level 1 - Can use bone to create basic objects]

[Undeath] - Immune to cold, poison, hunger, stress, fear, pain.


[An abomination, its existence spits in the face of life and death. Execute with extreme prejudice.]

“It has its own mana pool?” Jay laughed, his voice echoing through the dungeon.

“Well, I can’t let you have all the fun.” Jay grabbed a bone floating by him, attempting to copy his creature’s ability.

“Ok, a dagger. Simple enough. I’ll try to copy the ones Don made.”

He channeled his mana and caused green gas to form around the bone; it began morphing and twisting - though it didn’t seem to turn semi-liquid like the Don’s did.

I’m missing something... hmm, when blacksmiths make their weapons, they almost melt it, making it soft before hammering it into shape…

Jay imagined his green gas mixing with the bone, seeping into it and turning it into micro-fine particles. This seemed to work as the bone turned semi-liquid.

Ok, now I can form you… Jay imagined the shape of a dagger, as he squeezed the bone. Some of the gas left it, while some remained and became part of it.

Before he knew it, he finished crafting his first bone dagger.

[Skill Acquired: Scrimshaw level 1 - Can use bone to create basic objects]

“Not bad” he said to himself as he looked at it.

“What are you doing?” Anya was crouching down behind him.

“Gah - what?” Jay dropped the bone dagger, startled as he turned to her, “I’m just practicing some stuff...” he said, picking up the new bone dagger. “... weren’t you nearly dead a moment ago?”

Anya smiled as it satisfied her, scaring the deadly necromancer.

“Perks of being the guild master’s daughter.” She shrugged.

“What?” Jay still hadn’t caught on “I thought you were just there because you had a unique class?” he raised a brow.

Suddenly, it all made sense to Jay - the subtle death threat to him protecting her with his life, Anya’s casual attitude around the guild master, Anya getting a new crossbow overnight, as well as Anya being an acquaintance of the town’s soldiers.

“Yep, Sullivan’s my father. Anyway, I won’t tell him I nearly died - I want to keep adventuring, and I won’t let them lock me up in the adventurer guild for the rest of my life.” She folded her arms.

“Oh. Good. Thanks. I’ll try to protect you better next time...” Jay looked around “anyway, we made it into floor level 2 of Carter’s Demise. I just need to do a few things before we get moving or if you decide you want to leave. Just give me a minute ok?”

“Sure, go ahead” Anya said as she reloaded the crossbow, then began wiping traces of blood off her skin and armor.

Ok, where was I... oh yes, my pretty.... Jay looked at his new creation - the bone dagger.

[Bone Dagger Level 1]

[5 damage] - Slashing, piercing.

[+50% damage from back-stab attacks]

[Lifespan - Requires essence from its creator to maintain its form]

[Current lifespan: 24 hours]

“Ha! Eat shit Don, mine’s better than yours!” Jay scoffed to his feeble creature. It didn’t seem to mind that its master was more skilled than it as it held up its two daggers in celebration, as if cheering for its master.

Anya pitied Jay.

It seems like he’s a real loner. She thought, pretending not to look at Jay’s antics. Well, I better spend my attribute points and skill point.

Anya silently upgraded herself. Huh, new ability... a class ability? she smirked.

“Hey Jay, can I test my new ability on one of your minions?”

“What? Oh yeah, you leveled up. Sure, but let me just summon one of the weaker ones. I don’t want to use more bones on the level 2 Don.”

Jay summoned Muffin and the other Don while Anya waited patiently; he made the Don stand in front of Anya and willed all his creatures not to attack.

The Don strangely looked at Jay - ... it is proud of it’s duty or disappointed in me? Jay wondered. He couldn’t tell, but neither did he care.

Anya simply stared at the creature and squinted.

“Are you doing it or what?” Jay asked, thinking her ability was super lame at this point. There was no effect at all.

“Well cool…” Jay shrugged.

Suddenly, an ancient, deep and wicked voice sounded out from Anya as it seemed to shake the ground.


A shiver went up Jay’s spine as the voice echoed out. Jay felt like he was in the presence of divine royalty. The skeleton was on its knees.

Regaining control of his bowels, he tried to command the Don that Anya’s spell targeted, but to no effect. It was still bowing down to Anya as if it was ready to give up its life.

“Shit Anya, that’s powerful. I can’t even make my feeble creature stand up.” Jay checked his creature's status “That voice was so terrifying, Don even lost 5 health. That’s way too overpowered,” he laughed in disbelief “I didn’t think the Don’s even had the intelligence to understand such a word.”

Smiling, Anya said “It will be like that for another 6 seconds,” she then turned away and looked out into the dungeon “... I’m the Ash-wind’s accuser after all.”

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