
The flames danced as Jay gazed at the fire; the wood crackling every now and then, which was the only noise in the entire makeshift camp; every soldier vigilante for danger.

Jay did not start a conversation with Anya sitting next to the campfire on his right - Jay didn’t despise her, but he didn’t let himself like her at all since she could be taking part in her father’s potentially manipulative tactics.

Jay asked himself, If she knows that I’m being used as a tool by her father to help her level up, then she will be nothing but another overlord in my eyes… Besides, If she cared at all she would’ve apologized at the very least, but no.. She is either ignorant or evil. Jay furrowed his brows a little as he squinted at the fire while thinking to himself.

Though I suppose the treatment has been beneficial for both of us, Jay reasoned.

It was getting dark; the sun had almost disappeared completely over the horizon as the dungeon rings glowed, and two more adventurers finally floated down.

Looking away from the campfire, Jay recognized one of them.

Mark? Looks like he found a partner after all. Jay thought, looking at the short girl by his side.

Mark was looking around as they floated down, while mostly only angry stares greeted them from the soldiers.

Mark pursed his lips, realizing what he had done.

Oops… I should’ve been keeping track of the time... he thought to himself, scratching his head awkwardly.

Michael walked up to them with a sly grin “Recruits, since you have no problem running in dungeons till dark, you will be in charge of lighting ALL the braziers at the guild tonight.” A sly smile appeared on Michaels’ face.

At this, the annoyed soldiers collectively smirked and went back to guard duty.

“Yes, sir.” Mark and the other adventurer said, reluctant but not angry - they recognized they deserved it for keeping everyone waiting till dark.

With that, Michael went to the fire Jay and Anya were sitting at, pouring some water on it before announcing in a loud voice “Ok everyone, back to the village. I’ll take the lead, while I want adventurers walking in the middle.”

The class trainers and soldiers all formed 2 marching lines as they walked back side by side with Michael on the front. Other than a brief moment where Michael analyzed the blood stain still coloring the path, the marching troops maintained a constant speed.

Along the way, Mark made conversation with Jay. Jay thought he was a friendly guy who seemed to care about others - though he had his occasional lapses in consideration for others.

To Jay, Mark seemed like a guy who cared about others but was just a little forgetful.

Perhaps he has his own demons, Jay thought.

“So what do you do? Or did?” Mark asked.

“I used to run a butchery but… well, my father left and I wanted to become an adventurer so I was considering finding someone to run it for me. It’s been hard alone but I am now used to it.”

“Oh cool. My father was a mason, he used to design bridges for the kingdom but he eventually settled down here in the quiet countryside.”

“Bridge design, huh? So you must be kinda rich?”

“You would think so, but he invested in some… unfortunate businesses… After everything that happened we were almost homeless.” Mark looked at the ground with sad eyes “But my mother held on and worked hard as a maid, and we could stay off the streets… ah, but Dad’s health couldn’t keep up.” Mark’s eyes seemed like they could produce a tear if he blinked hard enough.

While sounding sad, Mark had instantly encouraged Jay.

How does he have such a positive attitude after what has happened to him? he wondered... Perhaps if he’s not up, then he’s down. Maybe he has no choice but to put on a brave face?

Before Jay could finish his thought, Mark continued.

“It was hard...“ It seemed like Mark could’ve gone on, but he decided not to over-share. For a few moments there was only silence between them.

“That’s rough.” Jay didn’t know what else to say, so he helped him with an offer. Not that Mark was a charity case.

“Mark, if you’re interested, I’m planning to do some more grinding in this dungeon. Wanna come?”

“Yeah! Thanks man!” Mark smiled broadly “Is it cool if Kel comes too?”

Mark pointed at Kel - the other adventurer that Mark had left the dungeon with.

“Yeah sure, I don’t see why not.” Jay shrugged. “Oh, and when we go in, I fight better alone. But I’m happy to share my exp.”

Kel looked back at Jay, and Jay didn’t miss the glance. She was a bit of an introvert, quiet - so Jay was the one to introduce himself.

“Hi, I’m Jay.” he smiled.

“Hi. I hope it’s okay if I tag along with you sometime” Kel smiled. She had a warm smile as she looked at Jay, with a small stature and curly brown hair, she carried a cheap-looking wand as she walked.

She noticed Jay looking at her wand. Holding up it, she explained, “I just want to be prepared, in case there’s more bandits,” she smiled.

Jay chuckled as he turned to Mark “So how did you end up with a mana-crafter instead of a ranger?”

“Well, I just had trouble finding a ranger” Mark innocently laughed as he scratched his head, and Jay laughed along with him.

“Fair enough. So Kel chose you?” Jay glanced at Kel before looking back at Mark.

“Yeah basically…” Mark said as he looked at Kel. Kel blushed.

Kel replied, “I wanted more experience… They wanted us to choose a group of 2 other adventurers, but I chose Mark since he was alone - less exp to share.” Kel looked at the path as she talked.

“I think I’m gonna like her” Jay said as he laughed, slapping Mark’s shoulder - Mark smiling back.

“Oh, it looks marvelous! So beautiful! All my glowing weapons are so beautiful!” Bertram looked at the weapon display he planned to unleash on the new adventurers tomorrow. “I’m going to make a pretty penny off these fools, HA!” he put an arm around Hess as he looked “We’re going to leave with a chest full of gold, Hessy.”

Hess said nothing as he slowly nodded back.

Arriving back at town, the soldiers went back to their homes or their duties as the 4 adventurers departed each to their own home - Anya going to the adventurer guild.

The next day, each of them made their way back to the adventurer guild - Jay smiled seeing Mark and Kel waiting at the start of the curving road heading up to the adventurer guild.

“Morning!” Jay called out from afar.

“Good morning!” Mark called out - Kel doing a small wave as her tiny hand creeped out of her dark-blue cloak - though she yawned as her and Mark had to stay up last night lighting torches.

The three began walking up the mountain as they talked together, wondering what the guild had in store for them today. The noble brats carriage whizzed by as they all simultaneously said “Bratty shit” before laughing together heartily.

“Did you two get much loot at the dungeon yesterday?” Jay asked.

“We got a bit. Hopefully, enough to buy a better weapon,” Mark said as he brought out his sword “This was about 120 gold.”

Fuck, Jay thought, looking at the sword. It’s an authentic piece of crap, he definitely got ripped off.

Jay looked at his crappy sword, almost about to tell him he got ripped off - but he decided against it. It was the start of a new day and he didn’t want to ruin Mark’s positive attitude.

“Good thinking. Maybe we can get a discount..” Jay smiled mischievously “It really depends how much the crystals will sell for,” he said as he pulled out a glowing crystal.

“What the?” Mark pulled out a crystal of his own “Why is yours glowing??”

“Because it’s charged. We got it from a level 4 bayring.”

“Level 4? Wow, you guys must’ve gotten far.”

Jay smiled as he stashed his crystal “We got pretty far, but I’m sure we can go further” Jay said as he gestured at Kel, Mark and himself.

Mark only smiled back “Hopefully. Those bayrings are little assholes.” Mark shook his head, looking at a friction burn on his leather vambrace.

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