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The Unexpected

After William left with the other three wolves, the wolves brought him to a large cave. Then the silver wolf howled fiercely. Then at least two hundred wolves swarmed into the cave. He felt that these wolves were as smart as humans, and could certainly form a tribe if their bodies allowed.

William told them to line up and come to him one by one. Some of them were still young and playing games where you didn't know what William was doing. William was quite pleased that there were so many wolves. He can definitely take enough for himself. He could draw enough blood on it to combine for the little wolf as well. But it was close to impossible for the big one. He would have to come back after the wolves he had bled had healed. He forgot to say that.

He did not think that this action would harm the original bloodline of the wolves. He guessed that it works just like taking something produced in the same amount over and over again, and then replacing it with the same amount. There was no problem with him of any kind.

By the time he got to the tenth wolf, all his barrels were full. It quickly combined. His eyes saw that pleasing inscription again.

[Silver Moon Wolf Blood (Mixed) x 100 lt. Combine? Y/N]

He pressed [Yes]. He had the same blood on him again, but this time he saw a slightly different notification.

[Silver Moon Wolf Blood (Silver Moon Wolf Lineage Purity 30%, Moon Swallow Wolf Lineage Purity 10%) x0.1 lt]

This time the numbers were different. The bloodline strength of the silver moon wolf was less in this blood. He thought it was because he had taken blood from three bronze wolves so far. So he called out to the little wolf and asked the wolves to come to the bronze levels first. The wolves immediately changed their ranks and bronze rank wolves came first. There were about fifty bronze rank wolves in total. He could easily get the blood he needed from them.

After a while, it did the merge operation again. His theory has been proven correct.

[Silver Moon Wolf Blood (Silver Moon Wolf Lineage Purity 20%, Moon Swallow Wolf Lineage Purity 25%) x0.1 lt]

'Probably these wolves are evolving into their ancestral lineage. What triggered this? He should definitely be stronger.' he thought.

Once he had enough blood from the twentieth bronze rank wolf, he felt that no more was needed.

After combining it, he saw that it reached 100% purity. Then he pulled out the other vials of potion containing the combined blood. He combined them all in a small barrel.

When he extended his hand, this time he was faced with more than one option. This surprised William because he saw for the first time that the system gave him multiple choices.

[Silver Moon Wolf Blood (Please Select Which One You Want to Combine) Silver Moon Wolf Blood/Moon Swallow Wolf Blood]

William pointed his finger at the [Moon Devouring Wolf Lineage]. The next step surprised him even more. The merging process he had done so far had already taken away half of his total qi power. He still thought that the remaining qi would be enough.

[Not Enough Spiritual Strength!] This was a warning message. William remained an idiot. It was the first time he was faced with such a situation. This meant that there was a limit to what he could combine according to his own strength.

William's face darkened. He was afraid that even if it was full right now, it wouldn't be enough. Unable to do anything else, he lifted the small vat into his dimensional bag, under the greedy gaze of more than two hundred wolves.

He then continued the process of drawing blood from the wolves until all his qi was exhausted.

When all his qi was exhausted, he had gathered enough for the little wolf and himself. Now all he had to do was fill his qi power with meditation. He sent all the wolves. He told them to rest. He looked tired enough as they had all lost a fairly large amount of blood and bloodline strength.

Only the three wolves that had come with him remained in the cave. William ignored them and began to meditate.

When the sun had set and the moon had risen high in the sky, William opened his eyes. It was completely renovated.

He took out the little barrel again. The other three wolves felt it. Especially the silver rank wolf's mouth was full of drool, but they all stuck to the agreement. None of them attacked William.

After William had his body optimized, he tapped the [Moon Devouring Wolf] Option.

What he felt next was real pain. All the qi in his body was completely exploited. Not a drop of qi remained. William felt his body dry up. The amount of power required for this process could only be described as enormous.

He could not stand the extreme loss and passed out. Seeing this, the three wolves immediately approached him. They looked at what William was holding tightly in his hand. It was a red crystal. Their innate instincts begged them to swallow it, but they persevered. Since they were intelligent creatures, loyalty was their best skill.

The silver wolf muttered something to the other two and hurried off. A few minutes later he came back with some water in his mouth. He dripped it into William's mouth. From afar, it looked like the wolf was feeding it with saliva. It was a hideous sight, but William's spirit power was filling up. After a while, William opened his eyes. In front of him, he saw the silver level wolf drooling towards him.

"Damn!" he shouted and immediately fled a few meters to the side. He could still feel a sweet liquid in his mouth.

“Did you spit in my mouth?” he asked. He had an angry and disgusted face.

The silver-level wolf muttered something, but couldn't speak because of the drool-like thing in its mouth. Then he swallowed it and tried again. William was finally able to understand her. Most likely, this saliva-like thing contained a high spirit power. Moreover, William did not feel any pollution.

He looked at his own body and saw that it was almost half full. Lifting his head, he said, "Is there more?" he asked.

The wolf immediately nodded and left to fetch it, but William stopped him midway. "Stop!" Then he took out a small barrel from his dimensional bag. “Please fill in this!” said.

The idea of drinking from the mouth of a wolf, however beautiful it was, was sickening. The wolf immediately took the keg in his mouth, and after a while it came back with a spit-like substance. The spiritual power within him was immense. Thanks to this, he could quickly replenish his missing qi power.

He drank immediately and sat down. Sitting down, he noticed the crystal he was holding in his hand. As soon as he woke up, his mind was very confused, so he did not pay attention to what was written in front of him.

[Moon Devouring Wolf Lineage Crystal (100% pure) x1] William felt relief. It was as if he had just been cured of cancer. He immediately started meditating. An hour or so later, it quickly returned to its peak state.

This drool-like thing was really perfect. He felt he should have wanted more than that.

'So how do I use it?' He knew Baldur drank the blood, but eating a crystal? It seemed extremely strange to him. Still, he took the crystal with shaky hands and put it in his mouth.

When it landed on his tongue, it melted like crystal sugar. When the molten liquid reached his stomach, an unexpected torture began.

The three wolves were watching him intently. They were afraid that he would kill himself a little later. They wanted to warn him, but it was too late.

It was as if every inch of his body was being torn off and put back together again and again. Not only the outside, but even the internal organs of the penis! William felt the meridians in his body disintegrate. Then the qi pool. After that, the muscles in his body melted like crystals from before. He finally felt all the pain in his head. There seemed to be something gnawing at his brain, even crushing it! The only thing he remembered before he lost consciousness was that he tried to drink the spiritual liquid with his hand.

The three wolves came to him again. They looked at her pathetic condition. The silver-level one was constantly pouring spiritual fluid into his mouth. William's body was constantly breaking apart and coming together before them. He had lost almost all of the blood in his body, and then regenerated. After a while, his muscles began to regenerate as well. It was reconstructed in a healthy bronze tone. His bones, his meridians, even his qi pool, were all renewed.

After a while, William woke up and saw that the pain was gone, replaced by incredible relief and renewal.

Still, he couldn't move. His body was still regenerating. His meridians had enlarged and hardened! The qi pool had almost doubled! Finally, he experienced something painful again. Something resembling a tattoo was forming on his left shoulder!

It was just like the covenant made in their barony. It was a little faint at first, but slowly it started to become clear. William couldn't help but be surprised when he saw his latest form. It was the perfect wolf tattoo. Right in the middle of his left shoulder, he looked like a wolf with its mouth open and ready to swallow.

'Wow!' he thought. He didn't expect true bloodline power to do something like this. He felt that he could move after the tattoo was fully formed.

He moved from a lying position to a sitting position. After examining his body one more time, he stood up.

He clenched his fist and looked at himself. His body had become more perfect! It definitely looked like a sculptor's work of art! He could feel the power in his fist! He felt like he could break that test column right now.

He walked a few meters and punched the wall.

“BOOOMM!” His fist made a deep dent in the wall!

He could now feel that he was at least five times stronger than before. Not much had changed in his appearance. He was just a little more handsome and his hair had grown longer. Her hair was up to her chest. He pulled out a new set of clothes and a headband from his dimensional bag. He changed his blood-soaked clothes and put on his headband. Her look has just been upgraded!

He thought he was every girl's dream prince charming right now.

He looked at the three wolves, who were staring at him in surprise. The wolves' knees were shaking! They could feel the pressure of his bloodline power! It was as if they had met their ancestors!

William immediately stopped circulating his qi. The wolves breathed a sigh of relief. The three of them came up to him and sniffed the new William. After they had smelt his identity into their minds, the little wolf excitedly stuck out his tongue at William.

'The little fox is acting like a dog now too!' thought William.

"Okay, I'll put it together for you in a moment." Said.

The other two wolves could not hide their disappointment, but there was nothing he could do. The number of wolves was clear. Priority was the old wolf who was the gold rank opposite him.

William then tried his speed. He did not use the movement technique, but still crashed into the cave wall fifty meters away. A dent in the shape of William appeared on the cave wall! He then felt that he should try in the open field because if he continued any further, he would hurt himself. Right now, he thought he could beat the bronze level wolf in a running race! In fact, he had no idea that he underestimated himself so much.

William sat down and began to replenish his qi power. This time it took much longer. When the liquid completely regenerated his Qi strength, he was almost finished.

He extracted the blood for the little wolf and combined it. This time, he barely spent forty percent of his qi. This was good news. It meant an excellent and absolute increase in his overall strength!

The little wolf stared greedily at the crystal. William told him to bring a vat of spiritual fluid to the silver rank wolf before summoning him. He was afraid that the little wolf would die. Even he himself felt dead.

With the power of the little wolf at the beginning of the iron level, it would definitely be shattered. 'Wait a minute... this bastard has advanced to intermediate?' He was shocked when he found out later. 'How many more days has it been?' he thought.

The little wolf's pace was as fast as he was!

When the silver rank wolf brought the spiritual fluid, William placed the crystal in his mouth. The crystal melted in his mouth, just as it did himself. But this time something different happened. The wolf began to bleed again, but this blood turned into mist in the air and took the form of a cocoon. Then he wrapped the wolf.

At first the pitiful cries of the wolf sounded from inside, but after a while it stopped. Meanwhile, William felt a breath on the back of his neck. When he turned and looked carefully behind him, he saw the huge old wolf glaring at her angrily. He took a few steps back and spoke in a shaky voice.

“What…what happened?” he could only say.

“What have you done human!?” said the wolf, speaking from his soul again, but this time William felt no pain.

“I just made our deal! I purified bloodline power for him!” said.

“Why the Moon Swallow Wolf!” yell.

“I thought it was stronger!” shouted William back.

“Damn you human!” he said but did nothing. He turned his eyes to the cocoon and studied it carefully. Then he turned his head to William again and spoke.

"Why didn't you ask first?"

"How should I know. And I chose the moon-swallowing wolf as my bloodline!” said. He then sent a thin stream of qi towards the tattoo. Then the bloodline power took action. The tattoo glowed with a green light.

William felt his strength increase in speed and all sense of perception, but he had not activated it for that. He wanted to show the might of a higher bloodline power to the wolf before him.

“Do you think you are my ancestor!??” The old wolf was obviously angry.

“No, I just wanted to show that you are stronger!” ' he said, immediately reversing.

“The wolf race that swallowed the moon is dangerous, human. You changed the fate of my grandson!” said.

“Why is it dangerous?” He asked. He was a little calmer now. He was not as afraid as before.

"Because it's forbidden! The moon-swallowing wolf was chased to the ends of the earth and killed! His power is a threat to all wolves! He can swallow the power of all wolves! You may not inherit his feelings, but this boy will inherit everything from his blood! Even your hate!” said.

"Sorry! I really didn't know! Promise I will extract the bloodline power of the Silver Moon wolf for you!” said.

“Apologizing is not enough, human! It is certain that he will not be able to control his emotions and will attack his own blood at some point! You have to make a contract with him!”

"How so? Like a pet contract?” He asked. He was surprised. He wasn't expecting such a response, but after thinking about it, it made sense. If they made a contract, their souls would be bound, and they could not do anything except at his command. The only way out was if William deliberately broke the contract.

"Yeah! Go now! Come back with a contract before a month! Bring as many strong contracts as you can find. He will stay in the cocoon for a month! Do not be late! I don't want to kill my own grandson!” said. Then he pulled something out of nothing and shoved it in front of William. It was like a trumpet, made from the horn of an animal that William did not know.

“Use this to summon our flock.” Said. Then he suddenly disappeared. It was as if he had vanished into nothingness.

This was not bad for William, when you think about it. He was going to take a wolf that could become powerful in the future as his pet. He quickly took the horn and immediately told the silver-level wolf to drop it into the worm mountains.

The silver rank wolf bloodline activated his strength and started running at full speed.

William urgently needed to kill a worm and return to the academy.

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